FHE Monthly Ideas

based on CSMP 2007

“I’ll Follow Him in Faith”

“And lo, he cometh unto his own, that salvation might come

unto the children of men even through faith on his name”

(Mosiah 3:9).

Here is my labor of love. I’m sure you’ll find little mistakes or inconsistencies. Feel free to e-mail me at so that I can fix them. I tried to use activities that are public domain for anyone to download and use. When I didn’t I tried to provide an alternative. There are just a couple of things that don’t have references because I came up with them on my own or from my own past teaching experiences.

In this document, I have provided the outlines and the references you should need to compile these lessons as you desire. What I am doing for my Primary families is to put the lesson outline, song copies (from lds.org), and black and white originals for activities as needed into a file folder. I put packing tape along the sides to help contain everything and label the filing tab with a label I print from MS word, then at the bottom front of the folder, I put a label with my name and date on it, so that if anyone has questions later on, they can call me.

Feel free to use and adapt as works best for your situation, but make sure to give the proper credit. I never claim to be wonderfully original, just that I know how to find good information.

Thanks for your patience and interest in the project!

~Heather Karr

1264 Lorne Loop

Springfield, OR 97477

Monthly Checklist

Lesson Outline

1 Copy of each song

Originals in B&W (as needed)


I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Supplies: Scriptures, chair, crayon & paper

Advanced Preparation: Color in and assemble the “Strong and Wilting Plant Match Game” according to the directions given. Cut out all the leaves and put into a paper lunch bag. This can be mounted on poster board/cardstock and laminated if desired.

Opening Song: “I’ll Follow Him in Faith” (Friend, Jan 2003, 24) (This is the first song we will be learning for the Sacrament Meeting Program this year—we also learned it in 2005, so your child(ren) may vaguely remember it.)

Opening Prayer:

Scripture:“If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true” (Alma 32:21).

Objective or theme: To help each family member realize that they have faith to follow Jesus Christ.

Lesson/Story: (adapted from Gospel Fun Activities by Mary H. Ross and Jennette Guymon-King, Lesson 4—Faith: My Faith Can Grow AND from Deseret Book FHE lesson on Faith 8/2/04)

Ask the following three questions of your family:

What would happen if you sat in one of the chairs in the room? (It would hold you up.)

What would happen if you turned the light switch off? (The lights would go out.)

What would happen if you pressed a crayon around on a piece of paper? (It would write.)

Now try all three of the “experiments” as a family. Afterwards ask the children how they could know the results of the experiments before they happened. They were able to know because they have experienced these things over and over again. They have begun to trust the results. Share an example: the first time a baby turns a light switch off and on, it surprises him. But as he does it again and again it doesn’t surprise him anymore. He has developed faith in that light switch. (Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, Sharing Time, Family Time, Anytime, [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,1992], p. 16.)

Ask the following questions and talk about Faith as you discuss the answers as a family.

  1. What does it mean to have faith? (Alma 32:21—To believe and trust that something is real and true, even though we have not seen it.)
  2. What does it mean to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? (To trust that he lives and loves us, that he is Heavenly Father’s son.)
  3. How can our faith in Jesus Christ grow? (By praying, reading the scriptures, hearing the word of God from his servants, and keeping the commandments.)

Activity/Game: My Faith is Growing (Choices: Strong and Wilting Plant Match game.) Have family members take turns drawing leaves form the bag. The leaves are either choices that will help their faith grow OR stop it from growing. Have them put the leaf with the appropriate plant and talk about the choices as needed.

This activity will help everyone to understand that they not only have faith in Jesus Christ but that they can make conscious choices in their own lives to help their faith grow.

Closing Song: “Faith” (CS, 96) OR other song of choice

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments:Faith Grapes—as everyone eats their own bunch of grapes, have them take turns sharing one way that they can choose to build their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ over the next few days or weeks.

Further Resources:

* 2007 CSMP Outline (available online for free at –search for item # 27002000)


* The following is a link to another plant/seed activity to print out and use as an alternative. It is from the February 1999 Friend:


My faith in Jesus Christ grows when I know who He is.

Supplies: Picture of Christ

Advanced Preparation: Prepare four wordstrips: Obeyed Parents, Served Others, Prayed, Forgave Others. [DO THIS FOR THE PACKET]

Opening Song:“This is My Beloved Son” (CS, 76) (This is another song we are learning for the Sacrament Meeting Program this year.)

Opening Prayer:

Scripture:“And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God” (John 6:69).

Objective or theme: To review some things that we already know about Christ so that we can increase our faith in Him and His role in Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness for us.

Lesson/Story: (adapted from Deseret Book FHE Lesson “Becoming Like Christ” 12/4/05) Play a guessing game of “Who am I?” Give clues that describe an individual in your group. Use physical characteristics such as hair length, eye color, age, and so on. This can be repeatedtwo or three times. Following the game, point out that people are usually recognized by their physical characteristics.

People can also be recognized by their spiritual characteristics. Play the game of “Who am I?” again. Explain that this time group members will try to guesswho the individual is by spiritual characteristics. Pass out the word strips and have the childrendisplay them. Invite your family to guess what individual is described by all four word strips. Show the picture of Christ.

Even though none of us has seen Christ, we can recognize Him through these and other spiritualcharacteristics. As we come to recognize and emulate Christ’s spiritual characteristics, we come to know him better and increase our faith and trust in Him. (Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, Sharing Time, Family Time, Anytime: Book Two, [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,1994], p. 18-19.)

Activity/Game: Using the puzzle pieces provided, test your family’s knowledge of Christ’s life by answering and discussing the questions on the back of each puzzle piece. When each question has been answered correctly, put them in place.

  1. What was the first miracle Christ performed? (John 2:1-11—Turningwater to wine at a wedding in Cana.)
  2. Who were Christ’s earthly parents? (Matthew 1:18—Mary and Joseph)
  3. Before the Crucifixion, where did the Atonement take place? (Luke 22:40-46—Garden of Gethsemane)
  4. What was one or two (or more) of the parables that Christ taught to his disciples? (Answers will vary: Good Samaritan, Parable of the Talents, Parable of the Sower, Ten Virgins, etc.)
  5. What is the only story of Christ’s childhood recorded in the Bible? (Luke 2:41-52—Christ teaching the priests in the temple.)
  6. What famous statement did Christ make as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane? (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42—“…not my will, but thine, be done.”)
  7. What are two or three other names that refer to Jesus Christ in the scriptures? (answers will vary: Savior, Redeemer, Lord, Alpha and Omega, etc. See “Jesus Christ” in the topical guide for quite a list.)
  8. Why do we refer to Christ as our Elder Brother? (See “Elder Brother” in Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie—Because he is the oldest of Heavenly Father’s spirit children.)
  9. Where did Christ appear to the Nephites after he was resurrected? (3 Nephi 11:1, 6-10—At the temple in the land of Bountiful.)
  10. Based on the story of when Jesus Christ was baptized, how do we know there are 3 separate members of the Godhead? (Matthew 3:15-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:22-23; Christ was there in body, Heavenly Father’s voice was heard from heaven, and the Holy Ghost descended in the sign of the dove.)
  11. How did Christ honor his mother while he was on the cross? (John 19:25-27—He asked John the Beloved to take care of her like he would his own mother after Jesus died.)
  12. How did baby Jesus escape King Herod’s order to kill all baby boys? (Matthew 2:13-15—An angel came to Joseph and told him to flee to Egypt.)

Once the puzzle is complete, bear your testimony that we can work together as a family to build faith in Jesus Christ, just as we worked together to build His picture.

Closing Song: “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” (CS, 57) OR other song of choice

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments:Unleavened bread is one of the staples at the Jewish Passover table and turns out sort of like saltine crackers. Eat with cheese, fresh fruit, honey and milk.


4 c. unbleached flour
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. water (room temp.)

Combine the flour and salt. Add enough water to make a dough that will clean the sides of the bowl and can be gathered into a ball. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and knead 10 minutes. Shape into a ball and cut in half. Cut each half in 8 pieces and form into 16 balls. Roll out each ball to form about a 7" circle. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake in a preheated 500 degree oven for 5 minutes or until discs are lightly colored, blistered and crisp. Serve with cheese chips and soups. Makes 16 discs.

Further Resources: 2007 CSMP Outline (available online for free at for item # 27002000). Also you can go to for the unleavened bread recipe. There are several to choose from. This one looked like the kids could help and even work on their own.


My faith in Jesus Christ grows when I follow His example

and keep His commandments.

Supplies: Collect the following pictures from the Gospel Art Kit for the Lesson/Story portion: 208, 322, 213, 217, 228, 230, 227, 212, 224; one 30” piece of yarn, string, or ribbon for each sandal template you make

Advanced Preparation: Make enough copies of the sandal template so each member of your family can make one. You may want to cut out and assemble for younger children ahead of time.

Opening Song:“I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (CS 78-79) (This is another song we are learning for the Sacrament Meeting Program this year.)

Opening Prayer:

Scripture:“Follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do” (2 Nephi 31:12).

Objective or theme: To help family members learn how to follow the example of Jesus Christ for their own everyday decisions.

Lesson/Story: (adapted from the FHE Resource Guide, see below)

Jesus Gave Us His Example: What are some of the thing Jesus has given us as an example that we can apply to our own lives?

Direct your discussion according to the needs of your family. Use pictures (some are approximate likenesses) as needed to help focus their attention and draw out details that can apply to your own family situation:

1. He showed us the way to be baptized (GAK 208; Matthew 3:13–17).

2. He loved little children (GAK 322; Mark 10:13–16).

3. He helped the sick and the handicapped (GAK 213; Mark 6:53–56, Mark 7:31–35).

4. He was kind (GAK 217; John 4:6–10).

5. He did not get angry with those who offended him (GAK 228; Matthew 27:29–31).

6. He forgave those who were cruel to him (GAK 230; Luke 23:34).

7. He showed us how to pray (GAK 227; Matthew 6:5–13).

8. He taught the importance of truth (GAK 212; John 8:32).

9. He resisted all temptation (GAK 224; Matthew 4:2–10).

In your discussion, show how Jesus always chose to do the will of the Father. He exemplified the principle of love toward others.

Activity/Game: (from Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: Sharing Time Ideas by Susan Luke, ©1998, pages 24-25) Instructions are included on the master copy of the sandal included in this packet. With younger children, you may wish to assemble the sandal before turning it over to them to color and complete. I copied the sample onto colored cardstock. One sample has been included in this packet; make enough copies for each member of your family.

Closing Song: “Jesus Said Love Everyone” (CS, 61) OR other song of choice

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments: Trail Mix—to munch on as we follow Jesus along the path of life. Use your family’s favorite mix or assemble from items you have on hand like pretzels, chocolate chips, cereal, nuts, raisins, etc.

Further Resources:

2007 CSMP Outline (available online for free at –search for item # 27002000)

Family Home Evening Resource Book, “Jesus is My Example”, pages 48-51 (published by the Church, © 1983)


My faith in Jesus Christ grows when I know

He is my Savior and Redeemer.

Supplies: GAK 227 (Garden of Gethsemane) and GAK 230 (Crucifixion of Christ)

Advanced Preparation: Read through the attached story and activity and gather needed materials (basket, plastic eggs, paper, etc.)

Opening Song:“I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136) (This is another song we are learning for the Sacrament Meeting Program this year.)

Opening Prayer:

Scripture:“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Objective or theme: To help the family understand that we can live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again thanks to the Atonement.


1. Discuss the meaning of the words “Savior” (one who saves from danger or destruction) and “Redeemer” (one who buys back or pays a ransom).

2. Brainstorm words that describe Christ and his life that begin with each of the letters in “Savior” OR “Redeemer”. OR if your family is really ambitious, do it for both of these words. For Example:

S=Son of God


V=Virtuous, etc.

3. Explain that even though Jesus Christ spent his entire life creating the perfect example for us to follow, it wasn’t until his last days that he fulfilled his titles of Savior and Redeemer of Mankind.

a. Hold up GAK 227 (Garden of Gethsemane). See if anyone can tell the story of what is happening in the picture. Use the summary and scriptures on the back to refresh your memory. Emphasize that this is where the Atonement took place. Christ suffered here for our sins and paid the ransom for us to be able to repent and return to live with Heavenly Father again when we die. Because of the Atonement, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.

b. Hold up GAK 230 (The Crucifixion). Again, use the summary and scriptures on the back to re-tell the story with your family. The sacrifice of the crucifixion sealed the work of the Atonement.

Activity/Game: See the attached story (“No Candy for Easter”) and activity (“Testimony Easter Eggs”) from the Friend, April 2004. Read or summarize the story with your family, emphasizing the part where the blessings of Christ and his atonement are applied to our lives. Make the Testimony Easter Eggs with your family and share with family and/or friends.

Closing Song: “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” (CS,64) OR other song of choice

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments:Either make the Spring Basket Cookies on the “Testimony Easter Eggs” page Or the Resurrection Rolls (below—I got the recipe from an e-mail group, no credit was given there):

Resurrection Rolls

Crescent rolls

Melted butter

Large marshmallows



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Give each family membera triangle of crescent rolls.
Give each person a marshmallow. Have them dip the marshmallow in melted butter then dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar.
Then wrap the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll (not like a typical crescent roll up, but bring the sides up and seal the marshmallow inside.)
Place in a 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes.
When the rolls have cooled slightly, the children can open their rolls and discover that it is empty, just as Jesus’ is no longer there, He is risen. (The marshmallow and the crescent roll is puffed up, but empty.)
(NOTE About Resurrection Rolls [from the e-mailer]: I had problems the first time I made them. I re-did them last night and they worked. What I did was I cut the large marshmallow in half. Then instead of baking them on a cookie sheet I put them into cupcake papers and baked them in the muffin tin. They worked MUCH better and they were hollow inside. When I did it the first way with the whole marshmallow and on a cookie sheet, they oozed marshmallow everywhere and were not hollow.)