This section is an integral part of the award documentation for services of fair and exhibit organisation consisting of setting, equipping, operating, maintaining and dissembling Romania's pavilion at the International Exhibit 2017 in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, and includes all requirements based on which every Tenderer shall draft their technical proposal.
Topic of the international exhibit: ”Future Energy - Solutions for Tackling Humankind’s Greatest Challenge”
Place and time of the exhibit: Astana, Kazakhstan, 10 June - 10 September 2017.
In order to provide the services, the Provider shall carry its activity out in full agreement with the Kazakh law in force, as well as with the rules, participation guide and other general or special documents issued by the organisers for the international exhibit of 2017:
- provide all services on interior/exterior furnishings;
- equip the pavilion with the goods and equipment listed in the Tender Specifications;
- maintain Romania's pavilion throughout the exhibit by carrying out any repairs required as a result of the pavilion's normal use;
- provide the operation services throughout the exhibit;
- provide disassembling services, at the end of the exhibit, so that the premises are returned to the organisers under the same conditions in which they were taken over.
In order to provide the above-mentioned services, the Provider shall also procure and deliver all materials, tools, equipment, machinery, installations and any type of equipment and goods, according to those provided in these Tender Specifications.
For the purpose of providing the services, the following key phases will be complied with:
- the set-up and equipment phase, according to the technical provisions under Annex 2 to the Tender Specifications;
- the maintenance and operation phase;
- the disassembly phase.
The requirements in the Tender Specifications will be deemed as minimum. If the Tenderer fails to meet one or more requirements, his or her tender shall be rejected as non-compliant.
The technical specifications that indicate a certain origin, source, production, a special procedure, a manufacturing or trade brand, an invention patent, a manufacturing licence, etc., are listed only to allow the readily identification of the type of product and their effect shall not be to favour or remove certain economic operators or certain products. These specifications shall be deemed as being similar or equivalent.
The Tenderers shall draft their technical proposal for Romania's pavilion at Expo 2017, taking into account the architecture conceptual solution made available by the Contracting Authority (drawings and information attached to this documentation), the provisions in force in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rules specific to Expo 2017.
In view of this requirement, all Tenderers shall analyse, in light of the Kazakh law and other rules applicable to Expo 2017, the plans and all materials that are listed in the technical solution that will form the basis of the set-up and equipment of Romania's pavilion and will state, in the Tender they will submit, whether there are legal obstacles against obtaining the required visas and authorisations, and, in the event of such obstacles, will suggest solutions to overcome them, in accordance with the estimated value of the procurement.
To this end, the Tenderer shall provide with the functions, gauges and all information generally included in this documentation.
The Tenderer shall submit:
o Drawings:
o The Tenderer shall draft and submit all the drawings requested under Annex 1 and shall take into account that this step involves submitting detailed plans, required for the subsequent setup services, in relation to: general architecture plan, sections and setups; sanitary and electrical facilities.
o Written part:
o technical documentation describing how to provide the services, namely work methods, solutions, functions (in accordance with the determining phases described below);
o materials and equipment used to arrange the pavilion by filling out the list with "Specifications for setting up and equipping Romania's pavilion" under Annex 2, taking into account the technical specifications of the Contracting Authority. The Tenderers shall deem Annex 2 as a mandatory basic document and shall include additions/details any time they deem necessary.
o The schedule for providing the services, including: deadlines for obtaining the permits/licenses/authorisations and actual schedule for providing setup, equipment, operation and maintenance services, disassembly.
o The list containing human resources (number, title, responsibilities within the project) allocated for achieving the activities provided.
Based on the detailed prices included in the document "Specifications for setting up and equipping Romania's pavilion" (Annex 2), the Tenderer will fill in the quotation for the financial proposal (Form no. 9). The Tenderer shall take into account that the Contracting Authority does not want to purchase the equipment within Romania's pavilion, but that they want to benefit from it, under rental, for the periods included in this documentation.
Note: payments are made only based on key phases, based on the acceptance reports made by the representatives of the Contracting Authority, included in the Acceptance Minutes.
Where applicable, the key phases will be accepted only after the authorisations/approvals/licenses/permits have been obtained from relevant authorities.
I . Technical specifications for design (adapt the exhibit concept to local regulations)
The Winning Tenderer (hereinafter "Provider") shall follow all procedures to obtain all authorisations, notifications, permits and approvals, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to other regulations applicable to Expo 2017, in order to set up Romania's pavilion.
In order to complete the design, the Provider shall have the duty and responsibility to provide the services in full agreement with the Kazakh law in force, as well as with the rules, participation guide and other general or special documents issued by the organisers for the international exhibit of 2017. The project for equipping the pavilion will be drafted by an authorised designer, having the power to sign according to the provisions of local legislation.
In the design phase, there will be drafted the General Project (GP) and the Detailed Project (DP) for the architecture part and all facilities (electrical, sanitary, etc.), which will contain:
_written documentation: descriptions, measurements, detailed indications of materials, equipment and installations, works' schedule;
_drawings: plans, specific sections, facades, technical solutions in the drawings.
The Provider shall draft at least:
_1 original copy and 1 electronic copy in English or Romanian, which will contain: written documentation (doc. and xls. format) and drawn documentation (dwg. and pdf. format) for the Contracting Authority;
_required number of original copies, as requested by the Kazakh law and the regulations of the international exhibit of 2017.
The Provider shall submit the GP and DP with the organisers and the relevant authorities. The Contractor's activity shall be deemed compliant with the rules of the exhibit and the relevant legislation applicable when the authorisation/approval for the pavilion's setup are received.
Throughout the activities for setting up the pavilion, the Provider shall ensure their supervision by a person (architect/designer) authorised according to Kazakh legislation, throughout their entire duration and for their key phase, including the acceptance procedures.
At the end of the design phase, the Provider is entitled to submit a new Schedule for service provision and payments (containing quantities and technical specifications for facilities and equipment), only if changes have been made to the project, in accordance with the requirements of the Kazakh relevant authorities (written documentation), within the total accepted value of the Contract.
II . Technical specifications for set-up and equipment services
In accordance with the Rules of Expo 2017, Astana, mainly with the Special Regulation no. 4 - "The rules concerning construction or improvements, and fire protection" and Special Regulation no. 5 - "The rules concerning the installation and operation of machines and equipment of all types", within Expo 2017, Astana, there can only be installed equipment that is safe for operation and that does not affect the public safety or the environment.
According to the exhibit concept, the pavilion is based on a dynamic, visual approach, supported by means of video/multimedia presentation in various areas of the pavilion, as follows:
1. Outer area stand entry
On the outside wall of the pavilion, towards the common access area for the visitors, there will be created a graphical image (made of led band) which will contain our country's name, Romania, written in English and Russian. If required by the exhibit's organisers, the text can be added in other languages as well (Kazakh, Romanian, etc.).
2. Main exhibit area
A. Access and information area. The visitors will enter and exit using the same place, from the common space area for the visitors. Next to the entry, on the left side, there will be an info desk where printed materials will be presented, exhibit passports will be stamped and various information will be provided. On the decorative wall next to the desk a screen of 2 video-display of 45" will be installed, with the welcome message "Welcome to the Romanian Pavilion".
The pavilion's logo will be placed so as to ensure maximum visibility from the entry, on a wall separating area D from area H.
B. L2 Laser Area. Also at the entry, on the right side, there will be installed, according to architecture and execution plans, the 1:1 model of the first Romanian L2 laser from which a lighted path will depart, simulating a laser path, up to the main ELI-NP model, whose hypothetical role is to present the evolution of Romanian research on lasers since 1962 (the manufacturing year of the L2 laser) until present days (the ELI-NP project). On the wall, right after the entry, a screen of 2 video-display of 45" will be installed, in order to present information related to the first Romanian laser.
Note: The model of the L2 laser and the path (light arch) is not subject to this public procurement.
C. The information area for the areas that are subject to the framework concept of Romania's Pavilion other than ELI-NP. On the right wall next to the entry, in the first half, an information area will be set up, consisting of video screens of 2 video-displays of 45" (in total 8 video-displays of 45") positioned as follows:
- 1 video screen of 2 video-displays of 45" for the energy area;
- 1 video screen of 2 video-displays of 45" for the education and research area;
- 1 video screen of 2 video-displays of 45" for the culture and tourism area;
- 1 video screen of 2 video-displays of 45" for the health, food and environment area;
D. ELI-NP project area. In the central area of the pavilion, within the coordinates of the architecture and execution plans, the functional model of the ELI-NP project building will be installed, as well as the model of the nuclear reactor at Măgurele (both 1:43 scale). The two models will be installed on an inclined decorative stand, limited, according to the execution plans, by a decorative wall on which a video-display of 80" related to the ELI-NP project will be installed, a wall with stepped row of seats directed towards the event area (stage) continued with an illuminated retro panel.
For the ELI-NP model, on the right lateral wall, in relation to the entry, in continuation of the information area, according to the execution plans, a beaming system will be installed.
Note: The ELI-NP models and the nuclear reactor at Măgurele are not subject to this public procurement.
E. The event area. According to the architecture and execution plans, on the wall to the left of the entry, in front of the stepped row of seats related to the ELI-NP model, the event area is organised, consisting of a specific area on the floor, which ensures a symbolic stage area, and a led screen of 40 sqm installed on the wall, at the level in the execution plan. A transparent sheet for image will be installed in front of the screen, depending on the type of video materials projected.
On the lateral right side of the event area (seen from upfront), according to the architecture and execution plans, by means of separating walls, a back stage area will be set up.
F. The tasting area. On the left side of the entry, according to the architecture and execution plans, behind the info desk area, by means of separating walls, a tasting area will be set up, which will include a wine exhibit and presentation, a wine tasting bar, shared spaces, including for temporary waste storage. Indoors, 3-4 bar tables will be installed.
At the entry in the tasting area, on the wall opposite to the video display associated to the info desk, another 65" screen will be installed, in order to present Romanian gastronomic traditions.
G. The storage area. Behind the info desk, by means of separating walls, a small storage area will be set up for the products used for the tastings.
H. The walking and secretariat area. The area set up by means of separating walls is on the other side of the entry, which enables access to the office of Romania's Commissary, to the small meeting room, to the office and technical area and personal toilets. This area also grants fast access to the emergency exit for all pavilion's users.
I. The waste storage area. This area is set up, by means of separating walls, on the right side of the walking and secretariat area.
J. The toilet area. According to the architecture and execution plans, on the right side of the wall there will be 2 toilets for personal use.
K. The office and technical room area. According to the architecture and execution plans, in the central area of the wall across the entry there will be a small area for offices and technical room, which will be exposed to natural light.
In this area there will be the console with the controls of the technical room for the entire pavilion, and minimum furniture will be provided, namely of 2-3 work tables and 5 chairs.
L. The office of the Pavilion's Commissioner. On the left side of the wall across the entry there will the office of the Commissioner of Romania's Pavilion, which will be exposed to natural light.
There will be a desk and 3 chairs in this area. Also in this area there will be set up a video-display screen of 45" connected to the technical room.