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Copyright 2012 - 2015 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Air Distribution Concepts, Inc.; fabric air tubes and diffusers.
This section is based on the products of Air Distribution Concepts, Inc., which is located at:
204 Hallberg St.
P. O. Box 507
Delavan, WI 53115
Phone: 262/728-6860
Fax: 262/728-6840
Web Site:
FlowCon Fabric Air Diffusers for a wide variety of air systems. All of the fabric diffusers are custom made. They are fabricated for heating, air conditioning, evaporative cooling, ventilation, dehumidification, and makeup air. Our fabric diffusers along with being tailor made for your application are cost effective, good for the environment, and aesthetically pleasing.
To save energy, unheated air can be directed upward to mix with warm ceiling air in winter and then redirected downward to ventilate work areas in summer. Application recommendations include; industrial, warehousing, and manufacturing areas, gyms, pools, retail, Grocery stores, and temporary structures.
A. Fabric air dispersion systems. (FlowCon fabric air diffusers)
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required.
A. Section 15700 - HVAC Equipment.
A. ASTM International (ASTM):
1. ASTM D 737 - Standard Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics.
2. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
B. International Code Council: ICC Evaluation Service - ESR 2646.
C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): NFPA 90 - Standard For The Installation Of Air-Conditioning And Ventilating Systems.
D. Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets for each system type specified, including but not limited to:
1. Performance characteristics.
2. Preparation instructions and recommendations.
3. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
4. Installation methods.
5. Cleaning methods.
C. Shop Drawings: Submit fabricator's shop drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, and details, indicating dimensions, types and tolerances, anchorage, attachment and relationship with adjacent construction.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete selection samples if colors have already been selected.
D. Selection Samples: For each system specified, two complete sets of samples representing manufacturer's full range of available products types.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete if not required.
E. Verification Samples: For each system specified, two sets of samples representing actual product types specified.
A. Design Support Information: Manufacturer must have documented design support information including duct sizing, vent and orifice location, vent and orifice sizing, length, and suspension. Parameters for design, including maximum air temperature, velocity, pressure and fabric permeability, shall be considered and documented.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Include a mock-up if the project size and/or quality warrant taking such a precaution. The following is one example of how a mock-up on a large project might be specified. When deciding on the extent of the mock-up, consider all the major different types of work on the project.
B. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship.
1. Finish areas designated by Architect.
2. Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship is approved by Architect.
3. Rework mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work.
A. Deliver, store and handle materials and products in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and industry standards. Protect from damage
B. Store products indoors in manufacturer's or fabricator's original containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer. Prevent dirt and moisture from entering packaging.
A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's recommended limits.
A. Conference: Convene a pre-installation conference to establish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions and to coordinate this work with related and adjacent work.
A. Manufacturer's Standard Warranty:
1. For Fabric: 5 year product warranty.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Not available with all models. Delete if not required.
2. For Assembly Components: 5 year product warranty.
A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Air Distribution Concepts, Inc., which is located at: 204 Hallberg St. P. O. Box 507; Delavan, WI 53115; Tel: 262/728-6860 ; Fax: 262/728-6840; Email:request info (); Web:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs; coordinate with requirements of Division 1 section on product options and substitutions.
B. Substitutions: Not permitted.
C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete if not required.
A. Fabric Dispersion Systems: FlowCon fabric air diffusers as manufactured by Air Distribution Concepts, Inc.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete options for fabric type and associated subparagraphs not required.
1. Fabric Type: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
2. Fabric Type: Anti-static, anti-microbial woven polyester fabric.
a. Compliance:
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
3) UL classified (R20672).
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 98 percent polyester and 2 percent carbon.
e. Fabric Treatment:
1) Air permeable treatment.
2) EPA registered antimicrobial agent, 99 percent effective after 10 laundry cycles.
f. Air Permeability: .98 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 350 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 176 degrees C).
h. Design Temperatures for Operation: Between 0 degrees F and 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C and 121 degrees C).
i. Weight: 3.2 oz/yd2.
j. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
k. Flow Rate: ______.
l. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
m. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
n. Color: ______.
o. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
p. Color: Gray 512.
q. Color: White 513.
r. Color: Medium Blue 515.
3. Fabric Type: Anti-microbial woven polyester fabric.
a. Compliance: In accordance with ICC Evaluation Service report ESR 2646.
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
3) UL classified (R20672).
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 100 percent polyester.
e. Fabric Treatment:
1) Air permeable treatment.
2) EPA registered antimicrobial agent, 99 percent effective after 10 laundry cycles.
f. Air Permeability: 2 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 350 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 176 degrees C).
h. Design Temperatures for Operation: Between 0 degrees F and 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C and 121 degrees C).
i. Weight: 5.3 oz/yd2.
j. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
k. Flow Rate: ______.
l. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
m. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
n. Color: ______.
o. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
p. Color: Black 711.
q. Color: Gray 712.
r. Color: White 713.
s. Color: Dark Green 714.
t. Color: Medium Blue 715.
u. Color: Tan 716.
v. Color: Red 717.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Polyethylene is resilient to most chemicals and will stand up to most air borne particles and can be cleaned by a spray hose nozzle and brush. Delete if not required.
4. Fabric Type: Woven polyethylene fabric.
a. Compliance: In accordance with ICC Evaluation Service report ESR 2646.
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a coated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 100 percent polyethylene.
e. Fabric Treatment: Non-air permeable coating.
f. Air Permeability: 0 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 180 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 82 degrees C).
h. Design Temperatures for Operation: Between 0 degrees F and 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C and 121 degrees C).
i. Weight: 6.75 oz/yd2.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
j. Color: ______.
k. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
l. Color: Natural 211.
m. Color: Gray 212.
n. Color: White 213.
o. Color: Dark Green 214.
p. Color: Blue 215.
q. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
r. Flow Rate: ______.
s. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
t. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
5. Fabric Type: Woven coated polyester fabric.
a. Compliance: In accordance with ICC ESR 2646.
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 100 percent polyester.
e. Fabric Treatment: Non-air permeable treatment.
f. Air Permeability: 0 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 176 degrees C).
h. Weight: 6.75 oz/yd2.
i. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
j. Flow Rate: ______.
k. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
l. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
m. Color: ______.
n. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
o. Color: Black 311.
p. Color: Gray 312.
q. Color: White 313.
r. Color: Dark Green 314.
s. Color: Blue 315.
t. Color: Tan 316.
u. Color: Red 317.
6. Fabric Type: Woven uncoated polyester fabric.
a. Compliance: In accordance with NFPA 701 small scale.
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 100 percent polyester.
e. Fabric Treatment: Air permeable, no coating.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete options air permeability not required.
f. Air Permeability: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
g. Air Permeability: 26 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
h. Air Permeability: 50 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
i. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 176 degrees C).
j. Weight: 5.5 oz/yd2.
k. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
l. Flow Rate: ______.
m. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
n. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
o. Color: ______.
p. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
q. Color: Black 611.
r. Color: Gray 612.
s. Color: White 613.
t. Color: Dark Green 614.
u. Color: Blue 615.
v. Color: Tan 616.
w. Color: Red 617.
x. Color: Yellow 618.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Vinyl is a premium grade coated fabric that will stand up to most air borne particles. Delete if not required.
7. Fabric Type: Woven vinyl coated fabric.
a. Compliance: Fire Retardant, tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements ASTM E 84, Class A building material.
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: Vinyl laminated polyester.
e. Fabric Treatment: Non-air permeable treatment.
f. Air Permeability: 0 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 180 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 82 degrees C).
h. Weight: 10 oz/yd2.
i. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
j. Flow Rate: ______.
k. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
l. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
m. Color: ______.
n. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
o. Color: Black 411.
p. Color: Gray 412.
q. Color: White 413.
r. Color: Green 414.
s. Color: Blue 415.
t. Color: Tan 416.
u. Color: Red 417.
v. Color: Yellow 418.
8. Fabric Type: High Temperature, silicone coated fiberglass.
a. Compliance:
1) Fire Retardant: Meets ASTM E 84 Class 1.
2) Tested in accordance with the 25/50 flame spread/smoke developed requirements of NFPA 90-A.
3) UL classified (R20672).
b. Description: Air diffusers constructed of a treated woven fire retardant fabric.
c. Application: Use fabric diffusers only for positive pressure air distribution components of mechanical ventilation systems; do not use fabric diffusers in concealed locations.
d. Fabric Construction: 100 percent polyester.
e. Fabric Coating:
1) Silicone, non-air permeable treatment.
2) EPA registered antimicrobial agent, 99 percent effective after 10 laundry cycles.
f. Air Permeability: 0 cfm/ft2 as per ASTM D 737, Frazier.
g. Temperature Range For Fabric: 0 degrees F to 350 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C to 176 degrees C).
h. Design Temperatures for Operation: Between 0 degrees F and 250 degrees F (-17.8 degrees C and 121 degrees C).
i. Weight: 16.5 oz/yd2.
j. Design Parameters: Design CFM, static pressure and diffuser length shall be designed or approved by the manufacturer.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Flow rate available from 1/4 inches (6 mm) water gauge minimum to 3 inches (76 mm) maximum. Delete option for flow rate not required.
k. Flow Rate: ______.
l. Flow Rate: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
m. Flow Rate: Standard, 1/2 inch water gauge.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Fill in blank below with custom color designation or delete line as applicable. Delete options for color not required.
n. Color: ______.
o. Color: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
p. Color: Gray 112.
q. Color: White 113.
r. Color: Blue 115.
s. Color: Yellow 118.
B. System Fabrication Requirements:
1. Dispersion Orifice Sizing: Maximum of 6 inch (152 mm) diameter.
2. Orifices: Size, quantity, and location of orifices in accordance with designs and Drawings approved by manufacturer.
3. Inlet Connections: Metal duct via wormgear band as supplied by manufacturer.
4. Zippers: Lengths to include zippers in accordance with designs and Drawings approved by manufacturer.
5. Fabric Systems: Include connectors to accommodate specified suspension system.
6. Deviations from Straight Runs: Made using gored elbows or take-off ports in accordance with designs and Drawings approved by manufacturer.
7. Standard 90 Degree Elbows: 6 gores and a radius of 2 to 2.5 times the diameter of diffuser in accordance with designs and Drawings approved by manufacturer.
C. Suspension Hardware:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete option for system type not required.
1. System Type: As scheduled and indicated on Drawings.
2. System Type: Cable diffuser suspension systems as manufactured by Air Distribution Concepts, Inc.
a. Description: System consisting of cable turnbuckle, eyebolts and cable clamps.
b. Cable Diameter: 3/16 inch (4.8 mm).
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Tension cable is the most economical option. Single cable up to 30 inch diameter and double up to 48 inch diameter and triple above that. Delete option for cable not required.
c. Cable Configuration: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
d. Cable Configuration: Single strands; 1 row of cable.
1) Location: 2-1/2 inches (63.5 mm) above top-dead-center of diffuser systems.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete option for suspension hardware not required.
e. Cable: Double strands; 2 rows of cable.
1) Location: 2-1/2 inches (63.5 mm) above 10 and 2 o'clock or 3 and 9 o'clock locations of diffuser systems.
f. Cable: Triple strands; 3 row of cable.
1) Location: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
g. Hardware: Including cable, eye bolts, cable clamps and turnbuckles.
h. System Attachment: Snap hook spaced at 36 inches (914 mm).
i. Snap Hook Materials: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
j. Snap Hook Materials: Standard, galvanized or plastic.
k. Snap Hook Materials: Premium, stainless steel.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete cable type not required.
l. Cable Type: As scheduled or indicated on Drawings.
m. Cable Type: Galvanized steel cable.
n. Cable Type: Stainless steel cable.
o. Cable Type: Plastic coated stainless steel cable.
3. System Type: Suspended HD-Rail diffuser suspension systems as manufactured by Air Distribution Concepts, Inc.
a. Description: HD rails, rail supports, couplers, and vertical supports (speed links).