E-Safety Policy


E-Safety Policy 2016

To be updated every three years

Taken to Staff meeting:……………………………….

Taken to Standards & Curriculum Committee Meeting:………………………………..

Approval at full Governing Body meeting:………………………………………………….

Signed (Chair of Governors) Karen Ellson


  1. Development,
  2. Monitoring and review of thePolicySchedule for development.
  3. Scope of thePolicy
4. Roles andResponsibilities


b)Headteacher and SeniorLeaders

c)E-Safety Coordinator /Officer

d)Network Manager / TechnicalStaff

e)Teaching and SupportStaff

f)Child Protection / Safeguarding Designated Person /Officer


h)Parents /Carers



a)Education –Pupils

b)Education – Parents /Carers

c)Education – The WiderCommunity

d)Education and training – Staff /Volunteers

e)Training –Governors

f)Technical – infrastructure / equipment, filtering andmonitoring

g)Use of digital and videoimages



j)Social Media - Protecting ProfessionalIdentity

k)User Actions - unsuitable / inappropriateactivities

l)Responding to incidents ofmisuse

6. Appendices:
  1. Pupil Acceptable Use Policy Agreement Template – olderchildren
  2. Parents / Carers Acceptable Use Policy AgreementTemplate
  3. Use of Digital Images andVideos
  4. Use of CloudPermissions
  5. Staff and Volunteers Acceptable Use Policy AgreementTemplate
  6. Community Users Acceptable UseAgreement
  7. KS2 E-Safety Rules
  8. Safe BloggingRules
  9. Responding to incidents of misuse –flowchart
  10. Record of Devices
  11. School Reporting Logtemplate
  12. School Training Needs Audittemplate
  13. School Technical Security Policy template (includes password security andfiltering)
  14. School Policy Template – Electronic Devices – Search andDeletion
  15. Legislation
  16. Links to other organisations anddocuments
  17. Glossary ofTerms


E-Safety Policy

1.Development / Monitoring / Review of thisPolicy

This E-Safety policy has been developed by consultationwith

•Headteacher / SeniorLeaders

•E-Safety Lead / Subject Leader / MiddleLeaders

•Staff – including Teachers, Support Staff, TechnicalStaff


•Parents andCarers

Consultation with the whole school community has taken place through a range of formal and informal meetings. This isanongoing process due to the ever-changing nature ofE-Safety.

2.Schedule for Development / Monitoring /Review

This E-Safety policy was approved by the Governing Body /GovernorsSub Committeeon: / June2016
The implementation of this E-Safety policy will be monitored bythe: / E-Safety Governor, SeniorLeadershipTeam and MiddleLeaders
Monitoring will take place at regularintervals:
The Governing Body / Governors Sub Committee will receive a reportonthe implementation of the E-Safety policy generated by themonitoringgroup (which will include anonymous details of E-Safety incidents)atregularintervals: / Annually
The E-Safety Policy will be reviewed every three years, or more regularly inthelight of any significant new developments in the use of thetechnologies,new threats to E-Safety or incidents that have taken place. Thenextanticipated review date willbe:
Should serious E-Safety incidents take place, the followingexternalpersons / agencies should beinformed: / LA Safeguarding Officer – ICTSupport(if needed) SocialServices

The school will monitor the impact of the policyusing:

•Logs of reported incidents(SLT)

•Monitoring logs of internet activity (including sites visited) (On-site Technical SupportPerson)

•Internal monitoring data for network activity (On-site Technical SupportPerson)Surveys / questionnairesof


•parents /carers


3.Scope of thePolicy

Thispolicyappliestoallmembersoftheschool(includingstaff,pupils,volunteers,parents/carers,visitors,communityusers)who have access to and are users of school ICT systems, both in and out of theschool.

TheEducationandInspectionsAct2006empowersHeadteacherstosuchextentasisreasonable,toregulatethebehaviourofpupils when they are off the school site and empowers members of staff to impose disciplinary penalties forinappropriatebehaviour. This is pertinent to incidents of cyber-bullying, or other E-Safety incidents covered by this policy, which maytakeplace outside of the school, but is linked to membership of the school. The 2011 Education Act increased these powerswithregardtothesearching forandofelectronicdevicesandthedeletionofdata(seeappendix).Inthecaseofbothacts,actionmay only be taken over issues covered by the published BehaviourPolicy.

The school will deal with such incidents within this policy and associated behaviour and anti-bullying policies and will,whereknown, inform parents / carers of incidents of inappropriate E-Safety behaviour that take place out ofschool.

  1. Roles andResponsibilities

Thefollowingsectionoutlinesthe E-Safetyrolesandresponsibilitiesofindividualsandgroupswithintheschool:


Governorsareresponsiblefor theapprovaloftheE-SafetyPolicyandforreviewingtheeffectivenessofthepolicy. ThiswillbecarriedoutbytheGovernorsTeachingandLearningSubCommitteereceivingregularinformationaboutE-Safetyincidentsandmonitoring reports. A member of the Governing Body has taken on the role of E-Safety. The role of the E-Safety Governorwillinclude:

•regular meetings with the member(s) of SLT responsible forE-Safety

•regular monitoring of E-Safety incidentlogs

•regular monitoring of filtering / change controllogs

•reporting to relevant Governorsmeetings

b)Headteacher and SeniorLeaders:

•TheHeadteacherhasadutyofcareforensuringthesafety(includingE-Safety)ofmembersoftheschoolcommunity; the day to day responsibility for E-Safety will be delegated to allSLT.

•TheHeadteacherandtheothermembersoftheSeniorLeadershipTeamshouldbeawareoftheprocedurestobefollowed in the event of a serious E-Safety allegation being made against a member of staff. (see flowchartondealingwith E-Safety incidents–includedinalatersection–“Respondingtoincidentsofmisuse”andrelevantLocalAuthority HR).

•TheHeadteacher/SeniorLeadersareresponsibleforensuringthatYearLeadersandotherrelevantstaffreceivesuitable training to enable them to carry out their E-Safety roles and to train other colleagues, asrelevant.

•TheHeadteacher/SeniorLeaderswillensurethatthereisasysteminplacetoallowformonitoringandsupportofthoseinschoolwhocarryouttheinternalE-Safetymonitoringrole.Thisistoprovideasafetynetandalsosupportto those colleagues who take on important monitoringroles.

•The Senior Leadership Team will receive regular monitoring reports from YearLeaders.

c)E-Safety / Computing Lead:

•takesdaytodayresponsibilityforE-SafetyissuesandhasaleadingroleinestablishingandreviewingtheschoolE-Safety policies /documents.


•provides training and advice forstaff

•liaises with the Local Authority ifnecessary

•liaises with technical supportstaff

•receives reports of E-Safety incidents and creates a log of incidents to inform future E-Safetydevelopments,

•meets regularly with E-Safety Governor to discuss current issues, review incident logs and filtering controllogs.

•attends relevant training and committee of Governorsmeetings

•reports regularly to other members of the Senior LeadershipTeam

d)Network Manager / SimplicIT Technicalstaff:

The Network Manager / Technical Staff for Computing are responsible forensuring:

•that the school’s technical infrastructure is secure and is not open to misuse or maliciousattack

•that the school meets required E-Safety technical requirements and any statutory guidance that mayapply.

•thatusersmayonlyaccessthenetworksanddevicesthroughaproperlyenforcedpasswordprotectionpolicy,inwhich passwords are changed where and whenappropriate

•thefilteringpolicy,isapplied andupdatedonaregularbasisandthatitsimplementationisnotthesoleresponsibilityof any single person (currently the responsibility of theLA)

•thattheykeepuptodatewithE-SafetytechnicalinformationinordertoeffectivelycarryouttheirE-Safetyroleandtoinform and update others asrelevant.

•that the use of the network / internet / Virtual Learning Environment / remote access / email is regularly monitoredin order that any misuse / attempted misuse can be reported to the Headteacher / Senior Leader; E-Safety Leadforinvestigation / action / sanction. The approach needs to be evaluated regularly in light of new developments andmethods.

•that monitoring software / systems are implemented and updated as agreed in schoolpolicies

e)Teaching and SupportStaff

are responsible for ensuringthat:

•they have an up to date awareness of E-Safety matters and of the current school E-Safety policy andpractices

•they have read, understood and signed the Staff Acceptable Use Policy / Agreement(AUP)

•theyreportanysuspectedmisuseorproblemtotheHeadteacher/SeniorLeader;E-SafetyLeadforinvestigation/ action /sanction

•all digital communications with pupils / parents / carers should be on a professional level and only carriedoutusing official schoolsystems

•E-Safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and otheractivities

•pupils understand and follow the E-Safety and acceptable usepolicies


•they monitor the use of digital technologies, mobile devices, cameras etc in lessons and other schoolactivities(where allowed) and implement current policies with regard to thesedevices.

•inlessonswhereinternetuseispre-plannedpupilsshouldbeguidedtositescheckedassuitablefortheiruseandthat processes are in place for dealing with any unsuitable material that is found in internetsearches.

f)Child ProtectionOfficer

should be trained in E-Safety issues and be aware of the potential for serious child protection / safeguarding issues toarisefrom:

•sharing of personaldata

•access to illegal / inappropriatematerials

•inappropriate on-line contact with adults /strangers

•potential or actual incidents ofgrooming



•are responsible for using the school digital technology systems in accordance with the Pupil Acceptable UsePolicy.

•have a good understanding of research skills and the need to avoid plagiarism and uphold copyrightregulations.

•needtounderstandtheimportanceofreportingabuse,misuseoraccesstoinappropriatematerialsandknowhowto doso.

•willbeexpectedtoknowandunderstandpoliciesontheuseofmobiledevicesanddigitalcameras.Theyshouldalsoknow and understand policies on the taking / use of images and oncyber-bullying.

•shouldunderstandtheimportanceofadoptinggoodE-Safetypracticewhenusingdigitaltechnologiesoutof schoolandrealisethattheschool’sE-SafetyPolicycoverstheiractionsoutofschool,ifrelatedtotheirmembershipoftheschool.

•will experience E-Safety training as part of their curriculum eachyear.

h)Parents /Carers

Parents / Carers play a crucial role in ensuring that their children understand the need to use the internet / mobile devicesinanappropriateway.Theschoolwilltakeeveryopportunitytohelpparentsunderstandtheseissuesthroughparents’evenings,newsletters, letters, website / VLE and information about national / local E-Safety campaigns / literature. Parents andcarerswillbeencouragedtosupporttheschoolinpromotinggoodE-Safety practiceandtofollowguidelinesontheappropriateuseof:

•digital and video images taken at schoolevents

•access to parents’ sections of the website / VLE and on-line / pupilrecords

•their children’s personal devices in the school(where this isallowed)

i)Students/Work Experience/Volunteers/CommunityUsers

Students/WorkExperience/Volunteers/CommunityUserswhoaccessschoolsystems/website/VLEaspartofthewiderschoolprovisionwillbeexpectedtosignaCommunityUserAUA(AcceptableUseAgreement)beforebeingprovided withaccess to schoolsystems.


E-Safety Policy


a)Education –pupils

Whilst regulation and technical solutions are very important, their use must be balanced by educating pupils to takearesponsible approach. The education of pupils in E-Safety is therefore an essential part of the school’s E-Safetyprovision.ChildrenandyoungpeopleneedthehelpandsupportoftheschooltorecogniseandavoidE-Safetyrisksandbuildtheirresilience.

E-SafetyshouldbeafocusinallareasofthecurriculumandstaffshouldreinforceE-Safetymessagesacrossthecurriculum.TheE-Safetycurriculumshouldbebroad,relevantandprovideprogression,withopportunitiesforcreativeactivitiesandwill be provided in the followingways:


•KeyE-Safety messagesshouldbereinforcedaspartofaplannedprogrammeofassembliesandclasscouncilandpastoralactivities

•Pupils should be taught in all lessons to be critically aware of the materials / content they access on-line and beguidedto validate the accuracy ofinformation.

•Pupilsshouldbetaughttoacknowledgethesourceofinformationusedandtorespectcopyrightwhenusingmaterialaccessed on theinternet

•PupilsshouldbehelpedtounderstandtheneedforthepupilAcceptableUseAgreementandencouragedtoadoptsafeand responsible use both within and outsideschool

•Staff should act as good role models in their use of digital technologies the internet and mobiledevices


•Wherepupilsareallowedtofreelysearchtheinternet,staffshouldbevigilantinmonitoringthecontentofthewebsites the young people visit and insist in the use of safe searchengines.

•Itisacceptedthatfromtimetotime,forgoodeducationalreasons,smayneedtoresearchtopicsthatwouldnormallyresultininternetsearchesbeingblocked.Insuchasituation,staffcanrequestthattheTechnicalStaff(orotherrelevantdesignatedperson)cantemporarilyremovethosesitesfromthefilteredlistfortheperiodofstudy.Any request to do so, should be auditable, with clear reasons for theneed.

b)Education – parents /carers

ManyparentsandcarershaveonlyalimitedunderstandingofE-Safety risksandissues,yettheyplayanessentialroleintheeducation of their children and in the monitoring / regulation of the children’s on-line behaviours. Parents mayunderestimatehowoftenchildrenandyoungpeoplecomeacrosspotentiallyharmfulandinappropriatematerialontheinternetandmaybeunsure about how torespond.



•Letters, newsletters, website,VLE

•Parents / Carers evenings /sessions

•High profile events / campaigns eg Safer InternetDay

•Reference to the relevant web sites / publications eg and-carers (see school website and appendix for further links /resources)

c)Education – The WiderCommunity


●Providing family learning courses in use of new digital technologies, digital literacy andE-Safety

●E-Safety messages targeted towards grandparents and other relatives as well asparents.

●The school website will provide E-Safety information for the widercommunity

●WhereandwhenappropriatesupportingcommunitygroupsegEarlyYearsSettings,Child-minders,youth/sports/voluntary groups to enhance their E-Safety provision.()


E-Safety Policy

d)Education & Training – Staff /Volunteers

Itisessentialthatallstaffreceive E-Safetytrainingandunderstandtheirresponsibilities, asoutlinedinthispolicy.Trainingwillbe offered asfollows:

•Aplannedprogrammeofformal E-Safetytrainingwillbemadeavailabletostaff.Thiswillberegularlyupdatedandreinforced.AnauditoftheE-Safetytrainingneedsofallstaffwillbecarriedoutregularly.Itisexpectedthatsomestaff will identify E-Safety as a training need within the performance managementprocess.

•Allnewstaffshouldreceive E-Safetytrainingaspartoftheirinductionprogramme,ensuringthattheyfullyunderstand the school E-Safety policy and Acceptable Use Agreements.

•TheE-SafetyLeadwillreceiveregularupdatesthroughattendanceatexternaltrainingevents(egfromLA/otherrelevant organisations) and by reviewing guidance documents released by relevantorganisations.

•This E-Safety policy and its updates will be presented to and discussed by staff in staff meetings / INSETdays.

•The E-Safety Lead will provide advice / guidance / training to individuals asrequired.

e)Training – Governors /Directors

Governors / Directors should take part in E-Safety training / awareness sessions, with particular importance for thosewhoaremembersofanysubcommittee/ groupinvolvedintechnology/E-Safety/healthandsafety/childprotection.Thismaybeoffered in a number ofways:

•Attendance at training provided by the Local Authority / National Governors Association / or otherrelevantorganisation.


f)Technical – infrastructure / equipment, filtering andmonitoring

Theschoolwillberesponsibleforensuringthattheschoolinfrastructure/networkisassafeandsecureasisreasonablypossible and that policies and procedures approved within this policy are implemented. It will also need to ensure thattherelevantpeoplenamedintheprevioussectionswillbeeffectiveincarryingouttheir E-Safetyresponsibilities:


•There will be regular reviews and audits of the safety and security of school technicalsystems.

•Servers, wireless systems and cabling must be securely located and physical access restricted (ServerRoom).

•All users will have clearly defined access rights to school technical systems anddevices.

•Alluserswillbeprovidedwithausernameandsecurepasswordbyinhousetechnicalsupportwhowillkeepanuptodaterecordofusersandtheirusernames.Staffusersareresponsibleforthesecurityoftheirusernameandpasswordand will be required to change their password where and whenappropriate.

•The“master/administrator”passwordsfortheschoolICTsystem,usedbytheNetworkManagermustalsobeavailabletotheHeadteacherorothernominatedseniorleaderandkeptinasealedenvelopeina secureplace.(Schoolsafe)

•TheSchoolBusinessManagerinliaisonwiththetechnicianisresponsibleforensuringthatsoftwarelicencelogsareaccurateanduptodate andthatregularchecksaremadetoreconcilethenumberoflicencespurchasedagainstthenumber of softwareinstallations.

•Internet access is filtered for all users. Illegal content is filtered by the broadband/filtering provider byactivelyemploying the Internet Watch Foundation CAIC list. Content lists are regularly updated and internet use is loggedandregularly monitored by WirralLA

•Schooltechnicalstaffregularlymonitorandrecordtheactivityofusersontheschooltechnicalsystemsandusersaremade aware of this in the Acceptable Use Agreement.

•Anappropriatesystemisinplaceforuserstoreportanyactual/potentialtechnicalincident/securitybreachtotherelevant person, asagreed.

•Appropriate security measures are in place to protect the servers, firewalls, routers, wireless systems, workstations,mobiledevicesetc.fromaccidentalormaliciousattempts whichmightthreatenthesecurityoftheschoolsystemsanddata.Thesearetestedregularly.Theschoolinfrastructureandindividualworkstationsareprotectedbyuptodatevirussoftware.

•Anagreedpolicyisin place fortheprovisionoftemporaryaccessof“guests”(egtraineeteachers,supplyteachers,visitors) onto the schoolsystems.

•Anagreedpolicyisinplaceregardingtheextentofpersonalusethatusers(staff/pupils/communityusers)andtheirfamily members are allowed on school devices that may be used out ofschool.

•Anagreedpolicyisinplacethatallowsstaffto/forbidsstafffromdownloadingexecutablefilesandinstallingprogrammes on schooldevices.

•Anagreedpolicyisinplaceregardingtheuseofremovablemedia(egmemorysticks/CDs/DVDs)byusersonschooldevices.Personaldatacannotbesentovertheinternetortakenofftheschoolsiteunlesssafelyencryptedorotherwisesecured. (see School Personal Data Policy Template in the appendix for furtherdetail)

g)Use of digital and videoimages

Thedevelopmentofdigitalimagingtechnologieshascreatedsignificantbenefitstolearning,allowingstaffandpupilsinstantuseofimagesthattheyhaverecordedthemselvesordownloadedfromtheinternet.However,staff,parents/carersandpupils need to be aware of the risks associated with publishing digital images on the internet. Such images mayprovideavenuesforCyberBullyingto takeplace.Digitalimagesmay remainavailableontheinternetforeverandmaycauseharmorembarrassment to individuals in the short or longer term. It is common for employers to carry out internet searchesforinformationaboutpotentialandexistingemployees.Theschoolwillinformandeducateusersabouttheserisksandwillimplement policies to reduce the likelihood of the potential forharm:

•Whenusingdigitalimages,staffshouldinformandeducate pupilsabouttherisksassociatedwiththetaking,use,sharing,publicationanddistributionofimages.Inparticulartheyshouldrecognisetherisksattachedtopublishingtheir own images on the internet e.g. on social networkingsites.

•InaccordancewithguidancefromtheInformationCommissioner’sOffice,parents/carersarewelcometotakevideosanddigitalimagesoftheirchildrenatschooleventsfortheirownpersonaluse(assuchuseinnotcoveredbytheDataProtection Act). To respect everyone’s privacy and in some cases protection, these images should not be published/made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activitiesinvolvingother pupils in the digital / videoimages.

Staffandvolunteersareallowedtotakedigital/videoimagestosupporteducationalaims,butmustfollowschoolpoliciesconcerningthesharing,distributionandpublicationofthoseimages.Thoseimages shouldonlybetakenonschool equipment, the personal equipment of staff should not be used for suchpurposes.

Careshouldbetakenwhentakingdigital/videoimagesthatpupilsareappropriatelydressedandarenotparticipatingin activities that might bring the individuals or the school intodisrepute.

Pupils must not take, use, share, publish or distribute images of others without theirpermission.

Photographspublishedonthewebsite,orelsewherethatincludepupilswillbeselectedcarefullyandwillcomplywithgood practice guidance on the use of suchimages.

Pupils’ full names will not be used anywhere on a website or blog, particularly in association withphotographs.

Writtenpermissionfromparentsorcarerswillbeobtainedbeforephotographsofpupilsarepublishedontheschoolwebsite(coveredaspartoftheAUA signedbyparentsorcarersatthestartofFoundationStageorwhenthechildjoinsthe school - see Parents / Carers Acceptable Use Agreement in theappendix)

’s / Pupil’s work can only be published with the permission of the / pupil and parents orcarers.


Personaldatawillberecorded,processed,transferredandmadeavailableaccordingtotheDataProtectionAct1998 whichstates that personal data mustbe:

•Fairly and lawfully processed

•Processed for limitedpurposes

•Adequate, relevant and notexcessive


•Kept no longer than is necessary

•Processed in accordance with the data subject’srights


•Only transferred to others with adequateprotection.

The school must ensurethat:

●Itwillholdtheminimumpersonaldatanecessarytoenableittoperformitsfunctionanditwillnotholditforlongerthan necessary for the purposes it was collectedfor.


●Allpersonaldatawillbefairlyobtainedinaccordancewiththe“PrivacyNotice”andlawfullyprocessedinaccordancewith the “Conditions for Processing”. (see Privacy Notice section in theappendix)

●It has a Data Protection Policy (see appendix for templatepolicy)

●It is registered as a Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act(DPA)

●Risk assessments are carriedout

●It has clear and understood arrangements for the security, storage and transfer of personaldata

●Data subjects have rights of access and there are clear procedures for this to beobtained

●There are clear and understood policies and routines for the deletion and disposal ofdata

●There is a policy for reporting, logging, managing and recovering from information riskincidents

●There are clear Data Protection clauses in all contracts where personal data may be passed to thirdparties

●Thereareclearpoliciesabouttheuseofcloudstorage/cloudcomputingwhichensurethatsuchdatastoragemeetsthe requirements laid down by the Information Commissioner’sOffice.

Staff must ensure thatthey:

•At all times take care to ensure the safe keeping of personal data, minimising the risk of its loss ormisuse.

•Usepersonaldataonlyonsecurepasswordprotectedcomputersandotherdevices,ensuringthattheyareproperly“logged-off” at the end of any session in which they are using personaldata.

•Transfer data using encryption and secure password protecteddevices.

Whenpersonaldataisstored onanyportablecomputersystem,memorystickoranyotherremovablemedia:

•the data must be encrypted and passwordprotected


•the device must offer approved virus and malware checkingsoftware

•thedatamustbesecurelydeletedfromthedevice,inlinewithschoolpolicy(below)onceithasbeentransferredoritsuse iscomplete

•ThePersonalDataHandlingPolicyTemplate providesmoredetailedguidanceontheschool’sresponsibilitiesandongoodpractice.


Awiderangeofrapidlydevelopingcommunicationstechnologieshasthepotentialtoenhancelearning.Thefollowingtableshows how the school currently considers the benefit of using these technologies for education outweighstheirrisks/disadvantages:

SchoolStaff / Pupils
CommunicationTechnologies / Allowed / Allowedatcertaintimes / Allowedforselectedstaff / Notallowed / Allowed / Allowedatcertaintimes / Allowedwithstaffpermission / Notallowed
Mobile phones may be broughttoschool, but kept in a secure locker. /  / 
Use of mobile phones inlessons /  / 
Use of mobile phones insocialtime i.e. lunchbreak / 
within staffroom only, or within the offices / 
Taking photos on mobile phones/cameras /  / 
Use of other mobile devicese.g.tablets, gamingdevices /  / 
Use of personal emailaddressesin school, or on schoolnetwork / 
Use of school email forpersonalemails / 
Use of messagingapps /  / 
Use of socialmedia /  / 
Use ofblogs /  / 
Staff use personal devices for personaluse.


•Theofficialschoolemailservicemayberegardedassafeandsecureandismonitored.Usersshouldbeawarethatemail communications are monitored. Staff and pupils should therefore use only the school email servicetocommunicate with others when in school, or on school systems (eg by remoteaccess).

•Usersmustimmediatelyreport,tothenominatedperson–inaccordancewiththeschool policy,thereceiptofanycommunicationthatmakesthemfeeluncomfortable,isoffensive,discriminatory,threateningorbullyinginnature and must not respond to any suchcommunication.

•Any digital communication between staff and pupils or parents / carers (email, chat, VLE etc) mustbeprofessionalintoneandcontent. Thesecommunicationsmayonlytakeplaceonofficial(monitored)schoolsystems.Personal email addresses, text messaging or social media must not be used for thesecommunications.

•Wholeclass/groupemailaddressesmaybeusedatKS1,whilepupilsatKS2maybeprovidedwithindividualschoolemail addresses for educationaluse.

PupilsshouldbetaughtaboutE-Safetyissues,suchastherisksattachedtothesharingofpersonaldetails.Theyshouldalsobetaughtstrategiestodealwithinappropriatecommunicationsandberemindedoftheneedtocommunicate appropriately when using digitaltechnologies.

Personalinformationshouldnotbepostedontheschoolwebsiteandonlyofficialemailaddressesshouldbeusedtoidentify members ofstaff.

j)Social Media - Protecting ProfessionalIdentity

All schools and local authorities have a duty of care to provide a safe learning environment for pupils and staff. Schools/andlocal authorities could be held responsible, indirectly for acts of their employees in the course of their employment.Staffmembers who harass, cyber bully, discriminate on the grounds of sex, race or disability or who defame a third partymayrender the school or local authority liable to the injured party. Reasonable steps to prevent predictable harm must beinplace.Theschoolprovidesthefollowingmeasurestoensurereasonablestepsareinplacetominimiseriskofharmto pupils,staff and the school through limiting access to personalinformation: