The first circular

the International scientifically-practical conference on problems of decrease in natural hazards and risks (Georisk-2009)

Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS)together with the Civil Defense and Disaster Management All-Russian Science Research Institute within the limits of the International salon of means of safety «Complex safety 2009» hold the International scientifically-practical conference on problems of mitigationof natural hazards and risks (Georisk-2009) on May, 21, 2009.

Conference topics

1. Research methods, forecast and mapping cartography natural and techno naturalhazards.

2. Estimation of vulnerability and losses caused by of natural hazards.

3. The theory and practice a quantitative estimation of natural risks.

4. Management of natural risks.

5. Estimation of ecological risk and risk for human health.

Important deadlines

February, 1st, 2009 –acceptance of applications for participation in Conference and texts of reports

April, 2009 – dispatch of the second circular with the invitation and the Conference program

May, 21st, 2009 – opening of Conference

Volume of Proceedings and Abstracts will be issued before the beginning of Conference.Authors contributions are accepted in Russian or English.

All information on Conference will be exposed on a site of Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences:


Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS)Ulansky pereulok 13, building 2, P.O.Box 145,101000 Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 608-96-05, Fax: +7 (495) 623-18-86


(Contact persons –Valentina NikolaevnaBurova, Anna VladimirovnaVasileva)

Requirements to registration of materials for the publication (see example)

Texts of reports are accepted in an electronic variant, in text editor MS Word. A font – Times New Roman 11pt, a one-line spacing. A format of paper А4, the size of a text field 17,5х11,2 cm.Margins: top and bottom – 6,1 cm., left and right – 4,9cm. Distance from the top headline should make 5,7 cm., from bottom – 6,0 cm. Volume of texts of reports – no more than 5 pages with 1-2 figures (tables), inserted in the text see. Figures also are applied as separate files in any raster or vector formats.

The report title – capital letters a bold-face type, size 11 pt on the centre of page without a space.

In a line of a surname and the initials of authors –bold italics, a font size 11 pt., on the page centre, after surnames of authors are put indices-asterisks (if authors have different affiliations).

On the next line (it is designated by a corresponding asterisk) the full name of the organization, city, country, phone, fax and e-mail of each author, italics, a font size 11 pt.with alignment on width of page.

On the next line the summary in English in the italics, a font size 11pt.with alignment on width. Volume of the summary no more than 15 lines.

In a line the body of the text, a font size 11, with hyphenation alignment on width, Paragraph spacing – 0,5.

Tables and figures are divided from the body of text with one interval, captions – bold font 10 pt. Over tables on the left side and under figures on width in 1 interval from them without a space accordingly.

References to the literature in the text are given by number concluded in square brackets. The reference list is given in a line after the text.

Application form

1. First name, last name

2. Affiliation

3. Position

4. Scientific degree

5. Postal address

6. Contact phone number

7. Fax

9. Desirable form of participation (oral report;attendance without report)

We cordially invite you to attend our Conference.


Иванов И.П.,* Петров С.М.**

*Институт геоэкологии РАН, Москва, тел. (495)2089605, факс (495)9231886, e-mail:; **Институт геологии РАН …….

Природные источники ионизирующего изучения создают около 60% суммарной дозы, получаемой человеком от всех источников радиации [1]. Эти данные возможно получить по следующей формуле.

lgj= lgA - Mj (1)

где: ......

Радон вместе с дочерними продуктами распада вносит примерно 3/4 годовой индивидуальной. . . .

Таблица 1

Гамма-спектрометрический анализ почв

Ископа-емое / Название месторождения / Показатели
мБк/(м² с) / Катего-рия
средние / вариации
Нефть / Памятно-Сасовское (Жирновский район) / 28,57 / 6,98-38,41 / 2
Нефть / Арчединское (Фроловский район) / 28,12 / 11,03-39,61 / 2

Деградация почв в районах разработки месторождений связана с загрязнением стоков по поверхности и их инфильтрацией ......

Рис. 1. Результаты повторных профильных наблюдений атмосферного электрического поля

Перенос почвенных слоев за пределы зон обвалования не «спасает» их от загрязняющих веществ. Выполнены химико-аналитические......


  1. Макеев З.А. Принципы инженерно-геологического районирования карстовых областей // Молотовская конференция по карсту. Вып.4. Молотов: Изд-во Молотовского Госуниверситета, 1948. 4с.
  2. Рагозин А.Л. Современное состояние и перспективы оценки и управления природными рисками в строительстве // Анализ и оценка природного и техногенного риска в строительстве. М.: ПНИИИС Госстроя России, 1995. С. 9-25.