Of Mice and Men part 5
Summary and key words
Subject: / English
Age groups: / 11-14, 15-16
Topic: / Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men: Part 5

Lennie is in the barn. He has killed his puppy by mistake and he is worried that George will be angry with him.

Curley’s wife comes in. She tells Lennie how unhappy she is and she wishes she had not married Curley. She wishes she was a film actress with a lot of money and nice clothes.

Lennie tells her about how he likes soft things, and she tells him to stroke her hair. Then she wants him to stop and his fingers get stuck in her hair. She struggles and he shakes her to make her quiet. He kills her by mistake by breaking her neck. Lennie knows he will get into trouble so he runs away to hide in the brush until George comes.

Candy finds Curley’s wife’s dead body and goes to tell George. Candy is very upset because he knows that now their dream of getting a house together will not come true. George asks Candy to pretend to find the body again while he goes back to the bunk house.

Candy pretends to find the body again and Curley wants to kill Lennie. Carlson says his gun has gone and Lennie must have stolen it. The men all go to find Lennie to kill him. George tells them that Lennie will have gone south.

Key words with pictures:

Key words or phrases to translate:

Word or phrase / Meaning / Translation
to break her neck
to come true
finds her dead body
to get stuck
to kill
to pretend
to shake
to stroke
to struggle
to want
to wish

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