Short Scientific Data Management Plan TemplateA-ghxg

Scientific Data Management Plan (Short)

Research Effort Title Permeable Pavement Study (Edison)
Date: 09/01/2016
Research Effort Lead: M. Borst
Supervisor: M. Simon
SDM Manager: S. Jones
QA Manager: J. Olszewski

Metadata (refer to Short SDM Guidance Handbook p. 4)

1.  Explain the type of metadata you have used to describe and organize your datasets. Include information on how the datasets you will upload to ScienceHub connect with the metadata. Examples: You have uploaded a data dictionary separately from the datasets. You have provided metadata in the dataset files.

Analytical results are listed in spreadsheets for infiltrate analytes in a common workbook. Curbcut and rainfall data are in separate sheets. The first sheet of the workbook lists the column and explanation for subsequent sheets. Each sheet has individual column headings explaining data. Analytical data include data in mm/dd/yy format. Source code (PP = Permeable interlocking concrete pavers, PC = porous concrete, PA = porous asphalt, CC = curbcut, and RAIN = rainfall). Tanks (1-4) indicates the section sampled within the surface with a tank dedicated to each section. Dup (1 or 2) represents the sample or duplicated. Sample 1 was not necessarily collected before sample 2, they are simply duplicate samples. Half the samples were filtered and half were unfiltered to assess any particle associated effects.

2.  Did you use formal metadata standard(s) for the datasets associated with your publication? If yes, list the metadata standard(s) you used. Include information on any modifications you or your team members made to the standard(s), if applicable. Examples: FGDC metadata for geospatial data, WaterML for hydrologic data.

Nor formal metadata standards were used.

Records Management/Study File (refer to p. 6)

3.  Where do you maintain the records related to your research effort (i.e., the study file as required in agency records schedules)? This can include electronic or paper files.

Data files are stored on the EDI LAN as Excell spreadsheet. A second copy is maintained on the CIN LAN as a database file (.dbf)

4.  If different from your study file location, where do you plan to maintain the final datasets that underlie your publication? Please list locations you use or will use in addition to ScienceHub. You do not need to list ScienceHub. Examples: ORD network drives, digital storage media, websites, any locations potentially accessible to EPA staff.


Data Reuse (refer to p. 7)

5.  Current/Future Value of Data: Some types of data, such as trend data, historical data, and national survey data, can be reused by other researchers to conduct different analyses. Are your data unique? What is the potential for reuse? Who is likely to use your data in the future? Include information on known users and potential users beyond your team.

The data were collected under an approved QA plan. The data were reviewed against the data quality objectives and for reasonableness. These data are the only known long-term monitoring of permeable pavement infiltrate concentrations.

The data listed are the results of the initial monitoring period. During the initial monitoring period the underdrain tanks were sampled in duplicate to establish the long-term monitoring strategy. Sampling continued to determine the long-term (multi-year) trends using a modified sample collection approach. EPA ORD will combine these results with subsequent results.

6.  Public Accessibility: To make your datasets accessible to the public, have you used or do you plan to use venues other than or in addition to ScienceHub? If yes, list and describe the location(s). Examples: website, open-access journal, discipline-specific repository.

There are no plans to have data posted elsewhere.