MorganCountySchool District Re-3 Science Grade 5

*Content may be taught in any order as long as it is taught within the designated quarter.

*Scott-Foresman text is the 5th grade text unless it specifically states otherwise.

Science Grade 5 –(updated 4/29/08)

Month / Content / Skills / Assessment / Resources
(1st Quarter) / S 1.2 What measurement tools do we use and how do we use them? Why is safety important?
S 4.4 In what ways does the weather affect our daily lives?
S 4.4 How can you interpret given weather data to describe weather conditions throughout the year in Colorado? / Show how tools are used with accuracy i.e. temperature, length, width, and volume (M)
Label measurement tools (vocabulary) (M)
Know units of measure (M)
List important safety rules (M)
Brainstorm how weather affects our daily activities. (clothing, traveling choices, etc.) (R)
Collect & Record weather data. (R)
Graph weather information. (R)
Interpret patterns seen on weather graphs.(R)
Gather weather data for seasonal comparisons. (Data to be gathered as needed to show differences of seasonal weather in Colorado. This would be an ongoing activity throughout year.)(R) / Quiz
Teacher generated tests
Visual quiz of measurement tools
Written explanation of how weather affects our daily activities.
Weather data chart
Bar or line graph of weather data
Seasonal student-designed graphs of collected weather data from the weather station. / Teacher Editions
Teacher generated quiz
Foss measurement kit
Measurement kit
Foss Kit
Variable Kit
- swinger unit
- lifeboat unit
Weather station in Library.
District home page (student tab, current weather)
Weather information from newspapers.
(1st Quarter) / S1.1 What is the scientific method? (This should be integrated into every unit throughout the year.) / Make observations(R)
Summarizing, collaborating and communicating.(R)
Conducting steps of investigation.(R)
Creating a written plan for an investigation. (I)
Construction reasonable conclusion based on evidence provided (R)
Interpret and evaluate given data (R) / Sticky note experiments
Vocabulary activities
Other experiments
Lab Write-ups / Teacher Editions
Teacher generated quiz
Foss Measurement Kit
Scott Foresman has inquiry integrated into every unit.
Foss Variable Kit
- swinger unit
- lifeboat unit
(1st Quarter) / S 3.3 What are the major body systems? (excluding reproductive and growth and development)
S 3.3 What are the basic nutritional food requirements for humans? / Identify organs in the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, muscular and skeleton systems.(I)
Define the parts of the systems and know their functions.(I)
Locate body systems from a diagram or mode.(I)
Identify and describe each sense. (M)
Define vocabulary: carbohydrate, protein, fiber, fats, nutrients, calorie(I)
Categorize foods into different nutritional categories (carbohydrates, fats/oils, proteins/meats, grains/fibers, fruits & vegetables). (I)
Describe the basic food requirements for humans.(R) / Worksheets
Human body project
Games to demonstrate body systems
Health practice masters
Lesson Wrap-up Questions (end of each lesson in text)
Plan a healthy menu for a day.
1st Quarter Assessment / Human Body Book
Health Book
Scott Foresman textChapter 3 Lessons 1-3, pgs. 58 - 82
McGraw Hill Health Text (Purple book--check out from library)
Practice Masters 20-22
McGraw Hill Health Text
Chapter 5, Lessons 1-4, pages 112-129.
(2nd Quarter) /
S. 2.4 What are the three main states of matter?
Solid, Liquid and Gas
S 2.4 How can mixtures be separated based on properties?
/ Classify a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.(M)
Identify each state of matter.(R)
Describe and classify objects using different properties such as solid, liquid, or gas.(M)
Know how to separate various mixtures.(R) / Lab- separate a variety of 2 mixtures such as read/white beans, oil/water, and iron filings/soil.
Teacher generated worksheet
Teacher generated object identification lab (classification chart) / Foss Kit – mixtures and solutions
Scott Foresman Text
Chapter 11, Lesson 4 Pgs. 358-365
Scott Foresman – chapter 11, lesson 3 pgs. 354-357
(2nd Quarter) / S1.1 How do you design an experiment?
Science Fair Preparation (optional)
S. 4.3 What is the water cycle?
S. 2.4, 4.6 What are common properties, forms, and changes in matter and energy? / Create a written plan for an investigation.
(whole group...small group...pairs...individual).(R)
Develop hypothesis(R)
Develop problems(R)
List sequential procedure(R)
Develop materials(R)
Graph/chart results(R)
Draw conclusions(R)
Discuss independent & dependent variables(I)
Explain the water cycle.(R)
Define vocabulary: dew, glacier, atmosphere, precipitation, evaporation, condensation, and water vapor(R)
Identify fresh water sources and salt water sources (R)
Identify parts of a simple system. (R)
Predict how things will change or not change when external force is applied.(I)
Identify different types of energy forms and match it to a common event, such as a flashlight, light, fire/heat, ball bouncing/motion, musical instrument/sound, and deposition/erosion.(R)
Interpret charts/graphs showing energy transfer (distance traveled with different number of winds of a toy, difference in temperature on light/dark surfaces, etc.)(I) / 4 labs (at least)
Worksheets (See Dixie)
Science Fair optional
Draw diagram of water cycle
Lesson check point questions pg 211
Science journal
Checklist of different sources – labeling as fresh or salt water.
1. Conduct simple experiments to emphasize scientific method:
a. Melting ice. Describe the phases of matter, etc.
b. Evaporation. Compare evaporation rates of liquids in different containers, salt vs fresh water, heated vs cold water, etc.
c. Sugar crystal experiment
d. Water in closed jar and water in an
open jar.
2a. Chart evaporation over time.
2b. Apply heat to water, division or flattening of clay
3. Group discussion on energy types and their uses.
4. Lab on measuring energy transfer
2nd Quarter Assessment / Foss kits
Variable kits
Model & design kit
Science Fair video (See Dixie or media center)
Media specialist help with scientific process
Scott Foresman text
Chapter 7, Lesson3, Pages 208-211
Scott Foresman Text
Chapter 14, Lessons 1-3, Pages 447-461
Energy transfer
Foss Variables Kit
(3rd Quarter) / S 4.2 What are the natural processes that change the Earth?
/ Differentiate between weathering and erosion. (I) / Weathering/erosion/reposition / Foss kits - landforms
Erosion experiments (see Dixie)
Earth is Changing Videos
Scott Foresman chapter 9, L3, pges. 272-281
Social Studies text
(3rd Quarter) / S3.2-3.4 How do organisms interact with each other and non-living parts in their habitat?
/ 1. Describe how plants and animals depend upon living and non-living parts of their habitat. (carry pollen, disperse seeds) (R)
2. Describe predator/prey relationships(R)
3. Group animals into herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores (R)
4. Organize sun, plant and two animals into a food chain (R)
5. Know that animals use food for growth as well as for energy(R) / 1. Workbook page 47
2 & 4. Draw a diagram of the food
3. Graphic organizer
5. Scott-Foresman text, lesson
checkpoint questions, page 146 / Scott-Foresman Text-Chapter 5, Lesson 4, pages 140-143
Scott-Foresman Text-Chapter 5, Lesson 5, pages 144-147
(3rd Quarter) / S4.3 How are resources used, managed and conserved?
S3.5What does the life cycle of a living organism look like? / Identify Earth’s natural resources and know how to use and manage them responsibly (fuels to heat, plants for construction, rocks for roads, land for crops, water to drink). (R)
Explain & Sequence the stages of various life cycles (plant, insect and human). (R) / Recycling paper lab
(Scott Foresman text, chapter 10,
pages 322-323)
Check point questions at end of each lesson
Draw and label a life cycle
3rd Quarter Assessment / Scott Foresman text-Chapter 10, Lessons 2-4, pages 302-323
Scott Foresman text-pg. 11 (Mammals), pg. 12 (Birds), pg. 14 (Amphibians), pg. 20 (Insects), pg. 107 (seeds)
(4th Quarter) / S 3.7-3.8What are the similarities and differences of all individuals in a species?
S 3.1What are the parts of a plant?
S 3.1What are the characteristics of plants and animals that allow them to live in their specific environments and what may cause them to become extinct? / Interpret plant growth graph (R)
List characteristics that are common and different to plants and animals in a specific species. (how offspring resemble parents)(R)
Know all parts of a plant. (I)
Identify plant and animal modifications to help them survive. (R)
Define environmental, behavioral and structural adaptations.
Explain why plants and animals may become extinct.(R) / “Comparing Plant Growth”
Graphic organizer that compares and contrasts characteristics of plants and animals in a specific species (Venn Diagram)
Lesson Checkpoint questions
Draw & label all parts of a plant.
Lesson Checkpoint questions (pages 99, 101)
Pre-reading activity-Workbook page 57 and 58
Lesson checkpoint questions
Guided Inquiry Lab on Wetland ecosystem (page 178-179)
Directed Inquiry Lab on Pollution’s Affect on Habitat / 5th GradeScott Foresman Text—page 116-117
5thGrade Scott Foresman Text-Chapter 4, Lesson 1-4, pages 91-119
5th Grade Scott Foresman Text-Chapter 6, Lesson 2-3, pages 170-177
Scott Foresman Workbook Support—pages 57-58
Scott Foresman Text-Pages 171, 175, 177)
Scott Foresman Text-page 178-179
Scott Foresman Text-Page 164
(4th Quarter) / S 4.7 How does the moon’s apparent shape change during its complete cycle?
S 4.9 What changes do we see as Earth moves around the sun?
S 4.7 What are the parts of the Solar System? / Know the moon phases.(I)
Describe what causes day and night.(R)
Show how shadows change as the sun moves across the sky.(R)
Identify the parts of the Solar System (sun, Earth and its moon and other planets)(R)
Know that all planets orbit the sun.(M) / Pre-reading activity
Phases of the Moon Guided Inquiry Lab
Lesson Checkpoint Questions
Draw & Label phases of the moon
Lesson checkpoint questions (page 543, 545, 547)
Four Seasons Flip-book
Shadow experiment
Pre-reading activity
Lesson Checkpoint questions (page 549, 551)
4th Quarter Assessment / Scott Foresman Workbook, page 173
Scott Foresman Text, Chapter 17, Lesson 4, Pages 556-559.
Scott Foresman text-Chapter 17, Page 562-563
Scott Foresman text-Chapter 17, Lesson 4, Page 559
Scott Foresman Text-Chapter 17, Lesson 1, Pages 542-547
Scott Foresman Teacher Text, page 547
Solar Energy Foss Kit
Scott Foresman Workbook, Page 171
Scott Foresman Text, Chapter 17, Lesson 2, Pages 548-551