Name Vocabulary #16

Word / Part of Speech / Definition
armory / noun / A supply of weapons; a place where weapons are kept
armada / noun / A large group of ships, boats, that are used for warfare
armadillo / verb / A small American animal that lives underground and whose head and body are protected by a hard shell.
defend / verb / To fight in order to keep someone or something safe; to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy someone or something
offense / noun / Something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset; a criminal act
fender / noun / A wheel cover that protects the vehicle from mud or rocks that the wheel might spray upward.
scissors / noun / A tool used for cutting paper, cloth, etc
decide / verb / To make a choice about something; to choose something after thinking about it
incisor / noun / A tooth that has a sharp edge for biting; one of the four front teeth of the upper and lower jaw
insecticide / noun / A chemical substance that is used to kill insects
continuity / noun / a connected whole
anonymously / adjective / without a name
inquiry / verb / to seek truth, information, or knowledge
solidarity / noun / unity
besiege / verb / To cause worry or trouble
adverse / adjective / Working against
oppression / noun / theexerciseofauthorityorpower inaburdensome,cruel,
repentant / adjective / feeling apologetic
deluded / verb / to mislead the mind
prostrate / verb / to overcome

Vocabulary Activities Directions: Complete 3 of the activities to turn in on Thursday.

1.  Write a sentence that contains each spelling word. The sentence must demonstrate the meaning of the word and each sentence must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

2.  Make a flashcard for each word. The front of the flashcards must contain the word and a sentence containing the word. The back of the flashcard must contain the word’s part of speech and its definition.

3.  Write a story using 15 of your words. The story must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

4.  Draw a picture to represent the meaning of 10 of your words.

5.  Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of your words.

6.  Create a word search using Puzzlemaker on or graph paper that includes all of your vocabulary words. Then, solve your words search by highlighting each spelling word.