Participatory Budget Application Form

1Applicant(s) …………………………………………………………………….

2Contact, name and full address …………………………………………….


……………………………………… Post Code ………………………………..

Telephone number ………………………………………………………………

Email address …………………………………………………………………….

3Total cost of project/event £ ………………

4Amount requested £ ……………

5Village fund to which your application is being made i.e. Haworth, Cross Roads or Stanbury


6Please give full details of your project/event and its benefit to the Community

(attach separate sheet if insufficient space)

7Please attach:

Your organisation’s constitution or rules

Latest audited accounts or balance sheet

Quotations from independent suppliers, where relevant

Any other information to support your application

8Signature of applicant ………………………………….. Date …………………

Name, please print …………………………………………………………………….

Position in organisation ………………………………………………………………

Guidelines for Applications

The Parish Council has set aside for the financial year 2016/17 an amountfor Participatory Budgets divided between the three villages as follows:-


Cross Roads£ 8,424

Stanbury£ 2,000

1The Parish Council Invites bids for funding for projects or events.

2Applications will only be considered from groups/organisations/individualswho operate and are based within the Parish boundary and are for the benefit of people therein.

3Applications will be considered to assist community based leisure/cultural activities that will benefit to the community.

4Projects should demonstrate that appropriate child and adult protection policies are in place, together with any necessary Health & Safety requirements

5Participatory Funding may be used in conjunction with other sources of funding.

6Projects must not contravene the Council’s policy guidelines in areas of equal opportunity. (i.e. no discrimination on grounds of sex, race, religion, disability, occupation or opinion)

7Any group or organisation should be a non profit making voluntary organisation where membership is open.

8Funding may be used for either capital or revenue purposes.

9The funding cannot be used for religious or political activities.

10Any funding must be used by the applying organisation and must not be passed onto any secondary body.

11The Council reserves the right to see the accounts of the organisation following the event/project.

12The fact that the Council has sponsored (in part or in full) the project must be recognised in any publicity material or report.

Please contact Lisa Balderstone, Clerk to the Parish Council on telephone number: 07944 298124 or email: with any questions regarding this process.

Completed applications must be returned Lisa Balderstone, Clerk to the Parish Council, c/o 28 Changegate, Haworth, BD22 8DY or electronically to later than Saturday 30 April 2016. Once this deadline has passed you will be contacting by the Parish Council to discuss your application further.

Process for Considering Applications

When the deadline has passed all suggested projects will be vetted by the Parish Council’s Environment Committee to ensure the applications are in order. The applications will then be passed to Finance & Overview Committee to confirm their legality.

Well publicised Public Meetings will be held during May in each village, to allow the public the opportunity to vote on successful applications. An impartial Councillor will be asked to chair each meeting. Sponsors will be invited to make presentations lasting not longer than 10 minutes. Members of the public may question the presenter for up to 5 minutes each. Independent scrutineers will be identified to oversee the voting process.Voting will be taken on individual projects i.e. not a "bundle or grouping of projects". Take a vote using pre-printed ballot papers to establish the successful project(s). Those entitled to vote will be registered voters resident within the boundaries of the relevant village. Voting will be on an order of preference basis. The results will be announced at the end of the meeting.

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