1300. OBJECTIVE. The objective of midshipman summer training is to further the professional development of midshipmen by introducing them to the operational Navy and Marine Corps, reinforcing their academic year programs, instilling a sense of pride in their identification with the Navy and Marine Corps, and inclining them toward careers in the naval service.

1301. GOALS. (NAVEDTRA 37300, Midshipmen Summer Training Manual)

a. Midshipman First Class Summer Training

(1) To afford midshipmen additional time at sea for practical application of skills acquired in the classroom environment.

(2) To prepare midshipmen for commissioned service through active participation in the duties and responsibilities of a junior officer.

(3) To enhance the development of officerlike qualities and leadership skills.

(4) To further familiarize midshipmen with warfare systems found in the operational Navy and Marine Corps.

(5) To reemphasize the importance of military courtesies, customs, and traditions as well as maintain smartness and discipline as a commissioned officer.

b. Midshipman Second Class Summer Training

(1) To provide a mid-level management leadership experience in order to better understand the duties and responsibilities of the workcenter and/or group supervisor and the relationship between the Division Officer and subordinate personnel.

(2) To familiarize midshipmen with shipboard organization and administration, ship systems, evolutions, and standard naval safety precautions at sea and in port.

(3) To develop an appreciation for the duties and responsibilities of junior enlisted personnel, as well as living and working conditions of enlisted personnel onboard ship.

(4) To familiarize midshipmen with life at sea aboard a U. S. naval vessel.

(5) To emphasize the importance of military courtesies, smartness, and discipline.

c. Midshipmen Third Class Summer Training [Career Orientation and Training of Midshipmen (CORTRAMID)] (Current CNETNOTE 1533)

(1) To familiarize midshipmen with the mission, tasks, and equipment of the four warfare areas: Surface, Submarine, Aviation and the Marine Corps.

(2) To introduce midshipmen to the career development ladder within each warfare area.

(3) To emphasize the importance of military courtesies, maintaining smartness, and discipline.

(4) To introduce midshipmen to the career development ladder in available designators: Warfare/General Unrestricted Line. Female midshipmen will be afforded the same exposure to all warfare specialties as their male counterparts to the maximum extent possible.


a. All midshipmen will complete a 1/C cruise prior to commissioning. Scholarship students will participate in 1/C, 2/C and CORTRAMID cruises. College Program midshipmen will not normally participate in CORTRAMID and 2/C summer training.

b. Integration of All Midshipmen Into Ship's Organization. All midshipmen can expect to be fully integrated into the shipboard organization where they will be assigned specific, meaningful duties in support of each ship's administration and operations.

c. Midshipmen First Class are:

(1) To be embarked in fleet ships. To be trained in, and to assume, the duties and responsibilities of junior officers.

(2) To be afforded essential wardroom indoctrination and training by berthing in officer's country and messing in the wardroom to the maximum extent practicable. In cases where berthing in officers' country is not available for all embarked midshipmen, first class berthing should be provided in Chief Petty Officers' quarters or suitable enlisted spaces separated from the crew.

(3) To be evaluated in their ability to perform the duties and tasks of a junior officer.

d. Midshipmen Second Class are:

(1) To be embarked in fleet ships, and to be indoctrinated and trained in the shipboard evolutions and tasks required of senior enlisted personnel under normal and emergency conditions at sea and inport. Midshipmen Second Class normally will stand enlisted watches and perform workcenter supervisor duties as required. The performance of manual labor should be that expected of an LPO/LCPO/workcenter supervisor; bilge cleaning, mess duties, and the like are not to be conducted by second class midshipmen.

(2) To be berthed and messed in suitable enlisted spaces and facilities for the entire training period.

(3) To be provided with formal training in ship operations and in familiarization and orientation of ship's equipment.

(4) To be introduced to the duties and responsibilities of the junior officer as viewed from the level of an LPO/LCPO/workcenter supervisor (E-5 through E-8).

e. Midshipmen Third Class are:

(1) To be embarked at either Naval Base, San Diego or Naval Base, Norfolk and to be indoctrinated in the roles and missions of naval aviation, the naval submarine force, the naval surface force and the Marine Corps.

(2) To be provided with an appreciation of the duties of a junior officer in the warfare communities and the career patterns of the officers within each community.

(3) To be provided with training in shipboard damage control, as feasible.

(4) To be instilled with a proper sense of responsibility, duty, and leadership.

f. Female Midshipmen

(1) Female midshipmen will be afforded equitable training opportunities with their male counterparts. A separate training plan or chain of command for female midshipmen is not expected or desired.

(2) Female midshipmen will be afforded appropriate accommodations, i.e., essentially the same as those provided for males of similar pay grade or rank. Sleeping quarters must be separate and privacy provided by rigid bulkheads. Privacy in the use of head facilities must be assured.


a. Midshipmen Professional Development. Summer afloat training is an essential adjunct to the professional development of midshipmen because it is the primary tool for accomplishing much of the practical training which supplements and reinforces academic year instruction. Thus, the goals and objectives for summer cruise are ambitious, but vital targets in the development of professional competencies within these midshipmen. In the past, cruise experience in support of USNA/NROTC training and education objectives has varied depending on operating tempos, fleet exercises, availability of training service, maintenance, and weather. However, cruise successes, in the eyes of the midshipmen, have been linked consistently in afteraction reports with the innovations and initiatives of individual units regardless of employment or schedule. The identification of specific objectives for training compensates for the differences in deployments and training opportunities and standardizes the attainment of desired professional competencies

b. Training Plans. Midshipman cruise journals contain detailed requirements and procedures for cruise training. The journals are structured in the Personal Qualification Standards (PQS) format used in the fleet. They concentrate on the most valuable summer cruise activities, practical exercises, and handson training. Although the PQS material is extracted from existing fleet PQS publications, it has been modified in areas to meet the unique training needs of midshipmen. Although there is no carryover of PQS qualifications after commissioning, the standards expected of midshipmen are consistent with those desired of a junior officer.

c. Maximizing Training Opportunities. While average underway time for ships participating in summer cruises is forecast to be about two weeks per cruise, individual ships may fall short of this figure. The cruise journals provide alternate tasking in systems and watch stations which allow for meaningful training regardless of underway time. Should unforeseeable schedule changes or major casualties arise which significantly reduce midshipman training opportunities, midshipman training officers will choose alternate means for satisfying the training requirements. The training journal is an important part of the midshipman's summer cruise. However, an equally important part is the full participation of midshipmen in as wide a variety of shipboard activities as possible. Work on the cruise journal should not transcend a midshipman's practical involvement in division officer duties, watchstanding, special evolutions, or drills. The PQS journal should be used as a training tool to this end. There should not be a last minute PQS "points race".


a. NAVEDTRA 37300 governs evaluations of midshipmen over summer training. Midshipmen fitness reports are optional.


a. All midshipmen assigned to afloat training report to a Midshipman Embarkation/Debarkation Team (MEDT) for processing and final movement/assignment. All midshipmen are ordered to MEDT offices for further transfer, even when the ship assignment may be known.

b. MEDT personnel inform midshipmen of arrangements made for transportation to ships (or of other arrangements if delay in embarkation is necessary), location of staging areas and baggage handling procedures. MEDT personnel also advise of such matters of general interest as base rules and regulations, liberty, uniforms, special social functions arranged, location of base facilities, recreational activities, etc.

c. Document CheckOff List. The following documents must be handcarried by each midshipman and not packed in luggage:

(1) Senior NROTC Training Order (NAVEDTRACOM 1320/1).

(2) International Certificates of Vaccination (PHS731)

(3) Armed Forces ID Card (DD2N) (Res).

(3) Midshipman Health Record (includes medical and dental record).

(4) Appropriate midshipman summer training Guide Booklet (Aviation and Nurse cruises only) and Administrative Journal.

(5) Travel voucher or subvoucher (DD Form 1351-2).

(6) Large premetered preaddressed envelope.

d. Messing and Berthing. Messing and berthing for midshipmen who report earlier than the date designated in their orders for commencement of training will not normally be provided and is not subject to reimbursement. Midshipmen should seek the local YMCA, or other lowcost lodging in the event they arrive at the MEDT location prior to their reporting date. If midshipmen cannot be processed and transported to assigned ships immediately after scheduled arrival, messing and berthing must be provided by the MEDT until they can be transported to the ship. These delays should be minimal and should generally occur only if the designated ship is not immediately available as scheduled. If midshipmen are berthed ashore after reporting to their ships the cost of berthing/messing must be borne by the ship. Although midshipmen may be accorded the privileges of commissioned officers' messes, enlisted messing and berthing facilities will normally be provided since there is no provision to reimburse midshipmen for meals taken in commissioned officers' messes ashore.

1306. REASSIGNMENT/CRUISE TERMINATION. Changes in ship assignment may be required because of changes in operating schedules, ship casualties, etc. The Midshipmen Embarkation/Debarkation Coordinators and the numbered fleet midshipmen liaison officers are authorized to make changes in assignments as required or to terminate an individual midshipman's summer training if a productive training schedule cannot be met

307. DEBARKATION. Debarkation normally consists of individual ships detaching midshipmen assigned upon completion of the cruise. MEDT personnel assist as requested. Government transportation from ships/stations to commercial transportation facilities is normally not authorized. If "group travel" or advance tickets are not provided, and if individuals require assistance in obtaining return travel, MEDTs will assist if requested. All midshipmen returning from MEDTRAMID and WESTPACTRAMID cruises must ensure that their orders are endorsed when debarking from aircraft.


a. The Chief of Naval Operations has stated that wardroom indoctrination for Midshipmen First Class is desired. Midshipmen First Class will be subsisted in the Wardroom Mess whenever possible. When conditions make it impractical to subsist all Midshipmen First Class in the Wardroom, they will be rotated through wardroom messing for orientation and wardroom procedures.

b. Midshipmen Second Class will be subsisted in the general mess; however, each Midshipman Second Class can normally expect to take at least one meal in the wardroom.

c. NROTC midshipmen will not be billed personally for wardroom mess charges. Mess bills for NROTC midshipmen subsisting in the wardroom are processed in accordance with procedures provided by NAVCOMPT Manual, paragraph 046397.2.

1309. NROTC LODGING IN NAVY BACHELOR OFFICER QUARTERS (BOQ'S). NROTC midshipmen do not pay charges incident to lodging at Navy BOQs. Each BOQ submits a Standard Form 1034 or an itemized invoice to the Chief of Naval Education and Training, Code N6124, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida 32508 in accordance with NAVCOMPT Manual, paragraph 046283.

1310. TRAVEL

a. General. Every effort will be made to minimize and reduce the problems and expenditures connected with the travel of midshipmen participating in summer training.

b. Government Transportation Requests. Midshipmen traveling individually are required to furnish a definite vacation plan to the Commanding Officer prior to the issuance of any transportation requests. Once transportation requests have been provided, any changes in vacation plans will probably result in some travel being performed at the midshipman's expense and may seriously interfere with the assignment of adequate transportation equipment. The Chief of Naval Operations desires that all midshipmen be allowed to take full advantage of any free time available during the summer vacation period, but they must also conform to the arrangements necessary for travel in connection with summer training. Any travel performed by midshipmen in excess of that authorized will be at their own expense and not subject to reimbursement.

c. Safeguarding Transportation Requests and/or Tickets. Lost transportation requests or tickets will not be replaced. Claims submitted as a result of such loss normally involve a long delay and reimbursement will depend on whether refund is obtained from the carrier. Midshipmen may, if desired, deposit return transportation requests and/or tickets with the ship's Supply/Disbursing Officers for safekeeping during the training period. When transportation requests and/or tickets are so deposited, a receipt for them must be obtained. At the time of recovery, it is imperative that the midshipman ensures that the transportation request and/or ticket is the one which was originally issued. Midshipmen are personally responsible for the proper use of disposition of any issued transportation requests and tickets. Transportation requests/tickets are issued to an individual. They can not be traded or exchanged.

d. Time Limitation on Transportation Tickets. Midshipmen allowing the time limit on their return ticket to expire before traveling back to the units will be required to complete the travel at their own expense, subject to claim. In these cases, the unused portion of the ticket must be retained and attached to the claim. Any pullman or airline space that is reserved and not used must be released prior to departure time.

e. Baggage. Previous experience dictates that midshipmen must not send unaccompanied baggage either to the port of embarkation or to shore activities. The checking of baggage aboard aircraft is required since air carriers limit the size of carryon baggage to items that may be stowed under the passenger seat. There have been many instances where delay in receipt of unaccompanied baggage has resulted in midshipmen commencing training inadequately outfitted.

f. Settlement of Travel Claims. Settlements of travel claims will be accomplished in accordance with NAVEDTRA 37300 series instructions and instructions of the NROTC unit.

g. Allowances While Undergoing Summer Training. Per diem is not payable for periods of training aboard a government vessel when government quarters and messing are available. For temporary duty off the vessel, or when government quarters or messing are not available, midshipmen are entitled to travel and transportation allowances as prescribed in JFTR, paragraph U7150. JFTR paragraph U4105-B provides guidance for periods of training aboard foreign government vessels.


a. Nuclear Cruises

(1) Limited number of billets aboard CVNs, SSNs, and SSBNs.

(2) Cruise in lieu of conventional 1/C and/or 2/C cruise.

(3) Selections made by CNET (Nuclear Propulsion).

(4) Screening criteria: Overall GPA, calculus and physics grades, academic major, recommendation by unit CO.

b. Foreign Exchange Training Programs

(1) Six to eight weeks of training with approximately 38 allied navies.

(2) Approximately 60 NROTC FOREXTRAMID quotas/15 JMSDF quotas/6 ROKN quotas.

(3) Extremely keen competition for billets.

(4) FOREX in lieu of 1/C cruise.

(5) Marine Corps option, College Program midshipmen and midshipmen who have not had an enlisted cruise on board a U.S. Navy ship are ineligible.

(6) Training dates may fall within the window of 25 May - 15 September as determined by the host nation.

(7) Nominations are normally solicited in December.

(8) Selectees normally notified in March.

(9) Language ability critical to most nations.

(10) ROKN/JMSDF in conjunction with 1/C WESTPAC cruise.

c. Marine Option

(1) Marine Option/MECEP Officer Candidates School (OCS) in lieu of 1/C at sea cruise.

(2) Conducted at the Marine Corps Combat Development Center and Education Command, Quantico, Virginia.

(3) Six weeks in length during the summer before graduation for Midshipmen and prior to reporting to the University for MECEP students

d. Afloat Aviation Option

(1) In lieu of 1/C cruise aboard CV/CVNs.

(2) First class must have second class at-sea cruise to be eligible.

(3) Future aviators assigned to the Air Department are rotated through the divisions within the department and the squadrons within the deployed Air Wing.

(4) Must have current aviation physical and receive aviation physiology and water survival training prior to cruise.

e. Ashore Aviation Option

(1) In lieu of 1/C cruise.

(2) Future aviators assigned to shore based aviation .

(3) First Class must be scholarship midshipmen and have had a second class at-sea cruise to be eligible.

(4) Must have current aviation physical and receive aviation physiology and water survival training prior to cruise.

f. Academic Year

(1) Due to lack of valuable underway training, approved only under highly unusual circumstances.

(2) December/January timeframe for conventional/nuclear cruises.

(3) Cruise is in lieu of first class summer training period.

(4) A very limited number of billets for minimum of three weeks training.

(5) Minimum underway time due to holiday leave and upkeep.

g. Special Warfare Orientation Course (MINI-BUDS)

(1) In lieu of 1/C cruise.

(2) Ideally, each applicant should be strongly considering a career in Naval Special Warfare.

(3) Conducted during two separate three week periods at Naval Special Warfare Center, Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado, California.

(4) Extremely keen competition for limited number of billets. Selections made by Bureau of Naval Personnel (PERS-413D).

(5) Must have current dive physical exam completed within twelve months prior to start of MINI-BUDs.

(6) Must have current civilian SCUBA diving qualification (YMCA, NAUI, or PADI).