Name: ______
GCSE Spanish Reading (F)
Out and About (Accommodation - Tourist attractions - Weather)
Time: 50 minutes
Total marks available: 56
Total marks achieved: ______



Hotel rooms

Match the picture to the correct statement.

Put a cross in the correct box.

(Total for question = 4 marks)



How do these young people go to school?

Marta / Me gustairen taxi.
Juan / Siemprevoyentren.
Carolina / Voy a pie, estácerca.
Sonia / Viajoen el coche de mi padre.
Ana / Prefieroiren metro.

Complete the sentences with the correct name.

Example: ...... Marta...... goes by taxi.

(a) ...... goes by underground.

(b) ...... walks to school.

(c) ...... goes by car.

(d) ...... goes by train.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


What type of hotel are they looking for?

Put a cross in the correct box.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


In the hotel

Match the hotel facilities to those in the grid below.
Put a cross in the four correct boxes.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


Online booking services

You read this booking confirmation.

Put a cross in the correct boxes.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)

The weather

What is the weather like?

Put a cross in the four correct boxes.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


The weather

Read this weather report.

What is the weather like? Write the correct letter in each box.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


The weather

Read the weather report.

En Andalucía hará sol todo el día. En Galicia estálloviendo mucho. En el País Vasco hace mucho frío. En Cataluña hace un poco de viento. En La Rioja hay muchasnubes.

Match the weather to the region of Spain.

Put a cross X in the correct box.

Example: Andalucía

A breeze / B sun / C mist

(i) Galicia

A fog / B rain / C overcast

(ii) El País Vasco

A storm / Bhail / C cold

(iii) Cataluña

A snow / B fog / C wind

(iv) To apply, ring…

A frost / Bloud / C ice

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


The weather forecast

Match the weather reports to the correct symbols.
Example: En el norte:
Buentiempoprevistopor la mañana: habráun sol espléndido con temperaturas de
30° C.
AEn el sur:
Del mar Mediterráneosoplaránfuertesvientos del este a 55 km/hora.
BEn el este:
Lluviasgeneralizadasprovenientes del interior del país.
C En el oeste:
Las nubescubrirán el sol durantetodo del día.
DEn el centro:
Por la tardehabrátormentas que durarán hasta la medianoche.
Put a cross in the four correct boxes.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


Information sheet

Activities for the week.


Semana del 23 de junio.

AClima.Buentiempo con mucho sol todoslosdías.

BVisitas.El lunes a las 11.00 visitaturística al Castillo (eninglés). El juevesexcursión a Las Cañas. Salida a las 9.30 de la Plaza Mayor.

CNiños.Todas las mañanasCiclismoen el campo Campeonato de atletismo

DRestaurantes. El viernesen el restaurante 'Inti' unabebida gratis con su comida.

Put a cross in the correct boxes


(Total for this Question = 4 marks)


A tourist attraction

Read some information about this tourist attraction.

Put a cross in the correct box.

Example: It opens at

(i) It closes every

(ii) It is also closed for

(iii) Reduced entrance fee for people

(iv) If you are a student you pay

(Total for question = 4 marks)


The Miramar Hotel

Read this advertisement.

Tus vacacionesenMiramarMiramarofreceunasvacacionesestupendas para todas las edades. Nuestro hotel tieneunasala de juegos, gimnasio, piscinacubierta y peluquería. Durante tusvacacionespodráshacertodotipo de deportesacuáticos y a partir del próximomes, alquilarbarcos. Este añonuestraoferta especial para gruposescolareses de 139 euros por dos noches con pensióncompleta.

Put a cross in the correct box.

Example: The advertisement is about…

/ A holidays
/ B work
/ C school

(i) The hotel has…

/ A car parking
/ B internet facilities
/ C leisure facilities

(ii) You will be able to…

/ A go horse riding
/ B go water skiing
/ C go hiking

(iii) The special offer is for…

/ A retired people
/ B young people
/ C families

(iv) For 139 euros you have…

/ A full board
/ B half board
/ C bed and breakfast


A new zoo

Read this advertisement about a new zoo in town.

What information are these people looking for?

Put a cross in the correct box.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


Spanish omelette-making competition

Read this article.

Put a cross in the correct box.
Example: The competition was on...

(i) The competition was organised by...

(ii) PacoPastrana received...

(iii) The extra ingredient in Paco's tortilla was...

(iv) In the evening people could...

(Total for Question = 4 marks)