Risk assessment
form (TM010)
e.g. desktop exercise, site visit, in consultation with employees, managers, safety representatives? / Next review date:
November 2017
WEATHER / Desk top exercise in consultation with employees and the Service Manager, Traffic and Transport Development / Is the assessment ‘generic’ or specific to the situation?
Who could be harmed, and how? / What is already being done to control the measures that need to be put in place? / Risk Rating* Severity x Likelihood / What further action is recommended to reduce risks further? / Action by whom? / Date action due / Date action done
S / L / S x L
Extreme cold, ice and snow
Ice on the road leading to road traffic collisions. /
- Refer to weather forecasts before undertaking any fingerpost cleaning or restoration works
- Fingerpost cleaning and painting works should not be carried out in extreme cold, ice or snowy weather conditions
Medium Risk
Dense fogs and mists
Poor visibility leading to road traffic collisions / 1.Refer to weather forecasts before undertaking any fingerpost cleaning or restoration works
2.Fingerpost cleaning and painting works should not be carried out if there is dense fog or mists. / 3 / 3 / 9
Medium Risk
Hot sun, extreme heat and high humidity
Heat Stroke
Dehydration, sun burn /
- Refer to weather forecasts before undertaking any fingerpost cleaning or restoration works
- Preferably, as much as the body as possible should be covered including long sleeved shirts, long trousers.
- A hat should be worn even when cloudy.
- Sun block (minimum protection factor 15) should be applied to all exposed areas of skin. Regularly reapply sun block throughout the day as required, particularly after washing, perspiring heavily, heavy rainfall etc. For further information refer to SCC Sun Protection Policy.
- If working during periods of hot sun, extreme heat and high humidity carry plentiful supplies of water and take regular breaks, preferably in shade. Wear clothing suitable to prevent sunburn. If necessary apply a UVR blocking sun cream to exposed areas of skin.
- Continually assess all colleagues for possible heat stroke and/or exhaustion. Symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weak pulse and high temperature.
- If volunteers show signs of heat stroke and/or exhaustion, seek medical assistance immediately. Administer first aid including (if appropriate), cool the person and move them to a shady area, give them water to drink.
Low Risk /
- Refer to SCC Health and Safety Manual ‘Sun Protection HS 033 V03’ on the fingerposts web page
electrocution /
- Refer to weather forecasts before undertaking any fingerpost cleaning or restoration works
- Fingerpost cleaning and painting works should not be carried out in the event of thunder and lightning.
Medium Risk
Heavy rain
Hypothermia /
- Refer to weather forecasts before undertaking any fingerpost cleaning or restoration works
- Fingerpost painting works should not be carried out in the event heavy rain.
- If weather worsens to the extent operations being conducted can no longer be carried out safely, cease works.
- Wear appropriate clothing for conditions and particular operation you are conducting. As a minimum you should be equipped with appropriate footwear, warm and/or waterproof clothing and high visibility jacket.
- Continually assess all colleagues for possible hypothermia. Symptoms include shivering, Felling cold, low energy and reduction in normal endurance, slurred speech, memory loss and poor movement.
- If personnel show signs of Hypothermia, seek medical assistance immediately. Administer first aid including (if appropriate) insulatethe personto prevent further heat loss using an emergency blanket, change out of wet clothing and give warm drinks.
Low Risk /
- If appropriate a spare set of warm dry clothing should be available for you to change in to if necessary.
Strong winds
Falls, falling debris / 1.Refer to weather forecasts before remote and/or lone working.
2.Fingerpost cleaning and painting works should not be carried out in the event of strong winds. / 3 / 3 / 9
Medium Risk
* Click here for guidance in calculating Risk Rating. Rate the severity of the potential harm (between 1-5, where 5 is fatal) and the likelihood of the harm occurring (again 1-5 where 5 is very likely). Guidance is at HS 004.
Please now pass this assessment to your manager for approvalName of assessor’s manager: / Bev Norman / Date: / 13/02/2017 / Manager’s comments
Signature: /