Community Voice
Minutes 5th June 2017


Janine Garner

Tim Mills

Tony Sanderson

Ryan North

Ian-George Bulleyment

Harry Mortimer

Ian Wilkins

Jim Newcombe

Keith Lumbers

Keith Riley

Pam Slack

Erica Stoddart (Ongo)

Karen Cowan (Ongo)

1. Welcome, apologies and housekeeping

Janine welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through the housekeeping

Apologies were received from:
Les Machin. Alan Dinnage. Marie Havercroft. Albert Wilson. Wendy Wolfe (Ongo). Steve Hepworth (Ongo). Andy Orrey (Ongo). Paula Wilson. Richard Leach. Ron Weller. Mo Weller. Terry Chatwin. Mary Southgate.Pat Stephenson and Victoria Fernandez.

2. Accuracy of previous minutes and update of action plan.

Jim Newcombe pointed out that he was at the previous meeting. This was duly noted. Tim reminded everyone that sometimes it was very difficult to read signatures and asked everyone to please remember to print their names on the attendance sheet.

With this amendment the minutes were passed as a true record.

Proposer Keith. Seconder Jim.

Action plan.

New Builds: This was to be updated later.

Damp and mould: This was to be update later.

Data Protection: This would be updated in either July or August.

Away day: To be held on 26th June at Heslam Park. Janine had a choice of menus. It was decided to have the two course meal with a choice of chicken or beef.

Annual Report: Names had been passed on for the meeting on Thursday 9th June.

3. Reminder of enquiry log
Janine reminded the group of the purpose of the enquiry log and pointed out that personal items should not be brought up at CV meetings.

4. Board Observers

The next board meeting is to be held on 28thJune. Anyone interested in attending should contact Fiona.

5. Finance report

The current balance in the bank is £5913.28. Tony explained he is still waiting for the TPAS invoice.


6. Tenant portal update

As John Daley was unavailable, Karen gave the tenant portal update.

She explained the new tenant portal update included a self service app. This would allow tenants to do many things, including:
Pay rent.

Book repairs.

Access online rent statements.

News board.


Customer engagement section.

It was to be released in three parts to give customers time to get used to the new portal. The first release would be available in the summer. A new website with mobile sites and an android and Apple app.

Karen went on to say they were looking for five volunteers to help test the new system between July and August. It was suggested a wide range of individuals be asked to allow for different levels with the testing.
Tim Mills, Ryan North, Tony Sanderson, Harry Mortimer and Janine Garner volunteered.

Karen give John’s Twitter and email addresses if anyone wanted to follow the apps progress.

7. Community Benefit Society

As Steve was unavailable, Erica spoke about this.

She explained that Ongo hoped to have these changes settled before Christmas, but were still waiting for the council to sort out pensions.

The EGM was set for the 10th July, but, if the council have not responded in time, this may have to be cancelled.

She reminded the group of the reasons for this change, in that the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) had stepped back from the “day to day” administration of Housing Associations (HAs) and now Ongo had to report back to the Charities Commission. This causes immense delays so an exempt status would allow Ongo to continue its business as it normally does.

She reassured everyone that customers would still have 51% of the vote and most things would stay the same, with the Articles being simplified. The number of board members would be more flexible, ranging from 5 to12 and the chair would be in place for 3 years.

She also explained this would give Ongo the ability to “onlend” This means Ongo could lend money to none charitable Ongo companies.

The changes also allow board members to be paid (as previously agreed).

Erica said that all these changes had already been approved and signed off by the Charities Commission.

She finished by saying these changes would allow Ongo to do three things. Sustain, build and develop social housing and to put money back into social housing.

It was agreed that if the papers were returned in time the meeting could be held at 3:45, after the CV meeting.
After discussion, Janine thanked Erica for her presentation.


8. Customer engagement activities

Resident Scrutiny panel: Tim reported they had just entered the report writing stage.

Tenant inspectors: Keith said that they were inspecting properties and areas. Everything appeared to be up to date. Harry said he was disappointed with the results of Empty Homes. Karen pointed out that tenant inspectors would be involved in looking at the review of the Quality Lettable Standard.

Maintenance Panel: Janine explained it was all going well and staff changes had been explained.

New Builds: Keith reported that a meeting held on 18th May had gone well. Martin will be coming to CV to give a presentation. They would be getting involved with contractors, architects & Ongo re decision making on builds.

Damp and Mould. Tim spoke about the meeting held to discuss damp and mould. It had been a very informative meeting and those present had learned a great deal about the causes and responsibilities of the tenant and the landlord. It had been agreed that Ongo would help to raise awareness of the issue and how to deal with it. Hopefully there will be an article in Key News and the possibility of a video. Jim suggested a damp meter be issued with every welcome pack.

One Click at a time (digi sessions): This was going well with courses at Caistor Road and Alvingham Road.

Comms Hero Event: Karen and Janine attended an event in Bromley for social housing tenants. The media have a false perception of social housing. The government is being lobbied to help promote more positive images and Housing Associations are being urged to do the same.

Action: Tim to set up CV Twitter account.

TPAS Accreditation: Full report to next CV meeting.

Customer Service Excellence Accreditation: Full report to next CV meeting.

TPAS: Ongo has been asked to facilitate a workshop at the TPAS annual conference. They have also asked Ongo to contribute to an article for the TPAS website and newsletter.

Ongo was asked to provide an article for the National Centre for Diversity magazine.

9. Any other business

Karen mentioned that CV had an article in Key News.

10. Date and time of next meeting

There being no other business, Janine thanked the members for their attendance and set the date and time of the next meeting as:

Monday, 10th July 2017 at 1pm. Heslam Park

She finished by reminding everyone of the Away Day on 26th June 2017

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