No. cita


Fecha recepción




8 E-Mail

Secretary of the Rarities Committee (CR/SEO). Ricard Gutiérrez.

* Snail mail

Joint Secretary of the Rarities Committee. Juan Antonio Lorenzo

Delegación de SEO/BirdLIfe de Canarias. C/Libertad nº 22, Pueblo Sabanda, 38296, La Laguna, Tenerife

Rarity Record Form


Number of individuals: Sex: Age:


Municipality: Province:


Of the observations sent by the author:

Timing: Total time:

Previous or subsequent sightings from other observers:

First and last dates:


Postal address:

Phone: / Fax: / E-mail (important if you have one):

Other observers:

Who found the bird?: Who identified the bird?:

Any other observer sends a record form?:

Was the bird trapped for ringing purposes?: Trapping method:


Ringer: Ring nº:

In case this is a dead bird, is its corpse kept somewhere?: Where?:

Did anyone take photographs of the bird?:


Postal address:

If the photos are yours, do you acknowledge their possible publication in the annual rarities report? Yes No

Optical equipment used: Distances to the bird:

Previous experience on the species:

About similar species:

Weather conditions:

To finish, do you consider 100% sure this record?:

Does anybody not agree this point of view?:

Author of the description: , 27/08/2012

Please keep a copy of all material sent to the Committee


Include here: 1) All interesting circumstances of the observation (explanation of how the bird was found, any weather conditions of interest to sighting, neighbour species…) and 2) A detailed description of the bird or recorded birds, if possible including the folowing points: a) structure (size, propotions, species with whom is directly compared), b) bare parts (bill, eye, feet: shape and colour) c) feathered parts (lower parts, upper parts, head, wings, tail –if possible, detailing all feather groups: coverts, primaries, secondaries and tertials-, d) behaviour: either flying or resting, interactions with other birds, etc…, e) voice and or song if any, f) a discussion of why the observer believes this is the proposed species and not another. Include here also a comment on the possible natural or escaped origin of the bird, if applicable. This description has to be based in field notes taken during observation and never in reference books. It is worth adding the original (or a copy of) field notes as well as sketches or drawings. Additional sheets can be used if necessary. You can add photos as wished.

E-mail sendings: Large files also welcome in *.pdf or compressed *.rar. Save preferably following this code:

Scientific name [space] yearmonthday* [space] Province or Island e.g. Sula sula 101209 Girona.doc *two digits each. Add whatever photo attached using same code and adding letters (a, b, c…) e.g. Sula sula 101209 Girona a.doc. Thank you very much.
