Survey of Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices in your country

Dear colleague,

The European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) is currently collaborating on the research project ‘More Humane Approaches to Addressing the Harm of Criminal Behaviour' supported by Porticus, a philanthropic organization, and managed by a core team of three researchers, including our chair Tim Chapman, vice-chair Annemieke Wolthuis and member Anneke van Hoek.

The project entails undertaking research into restorative justice (RJ), which is one example of a more humane approach to dealing with criminal behaviour.

The definition of RJ used in this research is not restricted to RJ practices within the criminal justice system, but includes proactive or preventive approaches to criminal behaviour in families, schools and communities:

‘Restorative Justice is an inclusive approach of addressing harm or the risk of harm through engaging all those affected in coming to a common understanding and agreement on how the harm or wrongdoing can be repaired, relationships maintained and justice achieved.’ (EFRJ, 2016)

We are kindly asking for the support of our RJ community to complete this survey. This will take you about 30 minutes. Please disseminate this survey within your own RJ network.

The results of this survey will be used in the Porticus research as well as by the EFRJ to map needs of the RJ field in Europe. The deadline for completing this survey is 27 March 2017, 17.00.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us () or the core research team ().

Thank you in advance for your support.

The EFRJ team

On behalf of the Porticus core research team

I General information

  1. Name………………………………………….……………………………………
  1. Country where you currently work......
  1. Type of organization:

⎕ University

⎕RJ Service Provider

⎕Governmental organisation:………………………………….……….


⎕Other: …………………………………………………………………………..

  1. EFRJ member: yes/ no
  1. Name organisation:…………………………………………………………….
  1. E-mail address:………………………………………………………………….

II State of the art of restorative practices in your country

Please tick if restorative practices are being implemented in your country in the following areas:

7. Families:
⎕ Yes
No (please skip to question 8)

I don’t know (please skip to question 8)

7.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices in families are being implemented?Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country is currently at in the different domains (a well educated guess is sufficient). For example: if in your country there are no restorative practices in family cases, you put an X in the first column, stage 1. If restorative practices in families are implemented nationwide, you can put an X in the fourth column, stage 4.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

7.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices in families? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 7.3.




7.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices in families that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




7.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




8. Schools:
⎕ Yes
No (please skip to question 9)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 9)

8.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices in schools are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country is currently at in the different domains (a well educated guess is sufficient.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

8.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices in schools? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 8.2.




8.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices in schools that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




8.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




9. Neighbourhoods and communities:
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 10)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 10)

9.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices in neighbourhoods/communities are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country currently is.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

9.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices in neighbourhoods/communities? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 9.2.




9.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices in neighbourhoods/communities that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




9.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




10. Restorative practices as referrals from police/prosecution:
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 11)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 11)

10.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices as referrals from the police/prosecution are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country currently is.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

10.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices as referrals from the police/prosecution? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 10.2.




10.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices as referrals from police/prosecution that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




10.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




11. Restorative practices as referrals from courts:
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 12)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 12)

11.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices as referrals from the courts are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country currently is.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

11.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices as referrals from the courts? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 11.2.




11.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices as referrals from the courts that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




11.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




12. Restorative practices within juvenile and adults custodial institutions:
⎕ Yes, for adults only

⎕ Yes, for juveniles only

⎕ Yes, for both
⎕ No (please skip to question 13)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 13)

12.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices within juvenile and adult custodial institutions are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country currently is.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

12.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices in detention? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 12.2.




12.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices in detention that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




12.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




13. Restorative practices to support reintegration post-custody:
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 14)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 14)

13.1 To what extent do you think these restorative practices post-custody are being implemented? Please fill in, by putting an X in the right stage, where you think your country currently is.

Stage 1: No activity:
No existing Restorative Practices / Stage 2: Ad hoc practices by pioneers and local examples of good practice but no national coverage / Stage 3: Organizational
Local and/or
regional agencies delivering RJ services (maybe with specific target groups) / Stage 4: Nationwide
National policy and/or law providing RJ services / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

13.1a [If you answered Stage 1, 2 or 3] What measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices post-custody? If you answered Stage 4, please skip to 13.2.




13.2 Could you describe examples of good restorative practices post-custody that exist in your country? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organisations involved, and funder.




13.3 Where can we find more information about these practices / projects (website, link, evaluations,




14. Restorative practices in hate crime cases?

⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 15)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 15)

14.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




14.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




14.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

14.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for hate crimes?




14.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




15. Restorative practices in intercultural conflict cases?
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 16)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 16)

15.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




15.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




15.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

15.5 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for intercultural conflict?




15.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




16. Restorative practices in radicalization/violent extremism cases?
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 17)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 17)

16.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




16.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




16.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

16.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for radicalization/violent extremism?




16.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




17. Restorative practices in domestic violence cases?
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 18)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 18)

17.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




17.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




17.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

17.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for domestic violence cases?




17.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




18. Restorative practices in sexual offending cases?
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 19)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 19)

18.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




18.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




18.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

18.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for sexual offending?




18.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




19. Restorative practices in traffic accident cases?
⎕ Yes
⎕ No (please skip to question 20)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 20)

19.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




19.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




19.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

19.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for traffic accidents?




19.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




20. Restorative practices in other cases?
⎕ Yes, please specify …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
⎕ No (please skip to question 21)

⎕ I don’t know (please skip to question 21)

20.1 Could you provide examples of such practices/projects? Please include name of the project, target group, RJ provider, organizations involved and funder.




20.2 Where can we find more information about these practices/projects? (website, link, evaluation, stats).




20.3 To what extent do you think these practices/programs are being implemented well?

A very small extent / Small extent / Moderate extent / Large extent / Very large extent / I don’t know
⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕ / ⎕

20.4 If you answered a very small or small extent, what measures can be taken to further improve the implementation of restorative practices for other types of cases?




20.5 If you answered moderate, large or very large extent, are there any specific good practices leading to this performance?




IVIndication of needed support

21.Of all the mentioned areas and topics, please list in order which you think are in most need of improvement (please tick no more than three boxes, so you create a top 3)?

⎕ Families

⎕ Schools

⎕ Neighbourhoods

⎕ Diversion from courts (police/prosecution)

⎕ Referrals by courts

⎕ Custody

⎕ Reintegration post-custody

⎕ Hate crime

⎕ Radicalization/violent extremism

⎕ Intercultural conflict

⎕ Domestic violence

⎕ Sexual offending

⎕ Other ……………………………………………………………………….

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

22a. What kind of support is most needed for choice 1 in your country?

⎕ Data gathering/research

⎕ Training and/or capacity building

⎕ Support in raising more public awareness

⎕ Support in lobbying for government policy and funding support

⎕ Support in developing pilots and implementation

⎕ Support in developing good practice guidelines/ manuals/etc.

⎕ Other

22b. Could you please explain why this support is in your opinion most needed:



23a. What kind of support is most needed for choice 2 in your country?

⎕ Data gathering/research

⎕ Training and/or capacity building

⎕ Support in raising more public awareness

⎕ Support in lobbying for government policy and funding support

⎕ Support in developing pilots and implementation

⎕ Support in developing good practice guidelines/ manuals/etc.

⎕ Other

23b. Could you please explain why this support is in your opinion most needed:



24a. What kind of support is most needed for choice 3 in your country?

⎕ Data gathering/research

⎕ Training and/or capacity building

⎕ Support in raising more public awareness

⎕ Support in lobbying for government policy and funding support