The Pastoral Staff Installation Service
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Eph. 3:20-21 NIV)
LEAD PASTOR: Upon these promises, I now install you, ______, as a Pastoral Staff member of ______, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
LEAD PASTOR’S CHARGE TO THE PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER:Fellow minister and brother in Christ, yours is a high calling and a sacred appointment. Your responsibilities in this office are many and varied. You are Christ's undershepherd of His people, a servant of the Gospel and of the Church. Asa pastoral staff member of this church, you must be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I charge you, therefore, before God and His Son, our Savior: "Preach the Word as your position requires, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. ... Keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."
And may the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and keep you blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
With the acceptance of your new Pastoral staff member, you have entered into a solemn covenant with the Lord, His church and this pastoral staff member. This marks a new period in your ministry together.
Be hearers and doers of the Word. Receive the Word of Truth with gladness and love. Pray for your Pastor and his/her family. Affirm with words of encouragement and wise counsel. Give freely of your time, talent, energies and means as co-laborers in the mission and work of Christ's church.- And may the blessing of God rest upon you.
LEAD PASTOR: The coming of a new Pastoral staff memberto ______Free Methodist Church marks a new beginning in the life of this congregation. We believe it is appropriate that under God you declare your renewed consecration to building Christ’s Kingdom.
As you receive this man/woman of God as your Pastor, do you pledge to support him/her with prayer, understanding and cooperation?
PEOPLE: We do.
LEAD PASTOR: Will you promise to attentively receive his/herministry of the Word and share the responsibilities of teaching and learning? Will you receive him/her into your hearts and church, work with him/her for the welfare of the church and the winning of souls, encourage him/her in the stand for the right, forgive him/her when mistakes are made, and follow his/her example as together we follow Christ?
PEOPLE: We will.
LEAD PASTOR: Let us together reaffirm our commitment to the work of the Lord and sharing the good news of salvation:
PEOPLE: We renew our commitment and consecrate our gifts.
LEAD PASTOR: To the redemptive witness of ______
PEOPLE: We consecrate our time.
LEAD PASTOR: To heal people's spirits and relationships:
PEOPLE: We consecrate our service.
LEAD PASTOR: To lead our children and youth to Jesus:
PEOPLE: We consecrate our talents.
LEAD PASTOR:To care for the helpless and those who suffer:
PEOPLE: We consecrate our strength.
LEAD PASTOR: To fulfill the Great Commission:
PEOPLE: We consecrate our resources, our efforts, and our lives.
(The PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER and spouse, if there is one, will join the LEAD PASTOR).
LEAD PASTORTO PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER: You have recently been appointedas a pastoral staff member of______. Will you renew your commitment to Christ and His ministry through the Church?
LEAD PASTOR:Will you be constant in prayer and faithful in your walk with Christ? Will you be diligent in study and careful in the administration of your ministry? With His help, will you preach the Word with clarity and power when called on? Will you under your Lead pastor’s direction earnestly teach the leaders of the church the things of God? Will you endeavor to enhance an environment of trust and celebration that honors the Lord?
PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER:I will, with God as the source of my strength.
LEAD PASTOR:Will you be a follower of God and friend to all, appreciative and approachable, radiant and responsive, gentle and strong, encouraging and loving? Will you be glad with those who need the gift of joy, sympathetic to those who mourn, ready to listen and to guide; always expecting the best of God’s people, and working to encourage their faithfulness to the Lord?
PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER:These things I will try to do in His service.
LEAD PASTOR:Will you study to show yourself approved of God, seeking to avoid an indulgent temper, the luxury of self-pity, and the grip of discouragement? Will you allow the Holy Spirit so to fill your life that the fruits of the Spirit are manifest?
PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER:I will, God being my Helper.
LEAD PASTOR:Will you teach the Word by precept and example? Will you, by your own Christian experience and thorough biblical preaching, lead your people to know the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying and empowering work in their lives? Will you preach the wisdom of God and His truth?
LEAD PASTOR:Do you accept the freedom, faith and fellowship of the Free Methodist Church and the Gateway Conference, and will you seek through them to fulfill the Great Commission and Great Commandment?
PASTORAL STAFF MEMBER:In God's strength, I will.