Mr. Ruckdeschel’s Probability & Statistics

2015-2016 Course Syllabus

The purpose of Probability and Statistics is to demonstrate a range of relevant issues that can be addressed with the help of statistical analysis techniques. Realistic problems of the type that are dealt with frequently in business and economics, the social and physical science, healthcare, education, engineering and leisure activities will be examined. Students will use realistic data that they have either collected or found and then analyze it for class assignments and projects. Technology is used daily and will enhance the depth of particular topics and lessen the drudgery of hand calculations. Topics include; probability, frequency distributions and graphs, data description, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.

Grading Policy

·  Class Participation 10%

o  Be prepared for class everyday with notebook, folder, pencil, and GRAPHING CALCULATOR. Failure to bring these supplies to class will be counted against your class participation grade! PENCILS ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTS/QUIZZES.

o  Be a participant not an observer.

o  Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings. You will be marked tardy if you are not inside the classroom at the time of the bell.

o  Always be able to produce any un-checked assignments.

·  Homework & Classwork 25%

o  Homework/classwork will be assigned daily and checked regularly. A legible document must be submitted by 7:26 AM on the due date of the homework assignment.

o  Homework quizzes may be given at any time. At times homework will be collected as a quiz or you may be given a homework quiz. Homework quizzes will model the homework assignment that was given. You may be required to find random homework problem from any previous assignment and copy the problem and the solution in its entirety. Therefore, you must be sure to write out all the steps required and show all work. If you are absent on the day of a homework quiz, you will be given a make-up quiz on a different page and/or problem.

o  All work must be shown to receive full credit.

o  Homework cannot be made up (for credit) unless you are absent.

·  Tests/Quizzes/Projects 65%

o  Tests will always be announced but quizzes may be given at any time.

o  There will be a Midyear Assessment assigned at the end of the second marking period and a cumulative Final Exam will be assigned at the end of the year.

o  Projects will be assigned regularly. You will lose 10% each day a lab assignment is handed in late.


Many times, activities will require you to work with partners or in groups. Each person of every group will be held responsible for the content practiced and learned within an activity. Generally, the activities provide a chance for something different than seatwork and will be a little different than simply practicing math problems. The ability to complete such activities will require intense focus and taking responsibility for the learning of your group. An inability to cooperate in an activity may revoke class privileges to partake in activities of this nature.


It is extremely important for you to keep your notes dated, organized, and bound in a notebook, binder, or the GoodNotes App. Many worksheets will be given throughout the year and it is important for them to be kept in a folder and brought to class everyday. Notebook quizzes may be given at any time. I will ask for dates, topics, specific definitions or examples and correct homework solutions form previous class discussions. All handouts are considered part of your notebook!

·  Blast from the past quizzes

In order to retain information throughout the year. Blast from the Past quizzes will be given at the start of class. You will be able to use your notebooks (no text) to help answer the 1-5 question mini-quiz composed of questions from previous tests/quizzes.

·  There will be random notebook checks/quizzes at the end of each chapter and will be counted as a class participation grade.

Make-up work

·  Classwork/Homework

If you miss class due to a field trip, signing in late, leaving early, going to guidance or the nurse’s office, or for any other school-related reason, it is your responsibility to see me or a classmate for any missed assignments and be prepared for class upon your return.

o  Homework that is due the day you are absent will be collected the class upon your return.

o  The homework and class work that are assigned the day(s) you are absent will be collected the class following your return.

It is your responsibility to show me any make-up work. I will not approach you and tell you what you are missing.

·  Tests/Quizzes

If you miss a test/quiz due to an absence, it must be made up in the After School Testing Center within one week of your return to class. Failure to complete the test/quiz within the time frame will be assigned a 0% for the assignment.

Cheating Policy

Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be sure no one can copy it.

Cell phones, iPads, and other electronic devices

In accordance with the school policy, any sort of electronic device will not be tolerated under any circumstances within the classroom. If any electronic device is made visible during class time, it will be confiscated along with appropriate penalties with the school code of conduct. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Foul language

Foul and/or inappropriate language will not be tolerated within the classroom. Whether the language is directed to a classmate, to me, or to yourself, you will be subject to immediate removal from the classroom.


My website can be an extremely useful tool. The homework and classwork assignments are available for downloading on the website. When available, guided notes may be posted on the website to aid you with your homework.

You can find this by going to:

Ø  Go to

Ø  Click on your respective class title

I strongly encourage you to use my e-mail to contact me with questions about assignments, homework problems, etc. I am readily available to aid you in completing your assignments

The items above represent your responsibilities as a student in this class. Take them seriously! I am available for extra help upon your request in advance. Extra help is also available in CMAC and through the resources on my webpage.

Probability and Statistics

Course Benchmarks

1.  The student will be able to determine sample spaces, use the addition rules, multiplication rules and conditional probability as well as counting rules.

2.  The student will be able to distinguish between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. They will also understand how to distinguish between a population and a sample and between a parameter and a statistic.

3.  The student will be able to create frequency distributions and graphs

4.  The student will be able to analyze data using basic statistics that describe important characteristics of a set of data. These characteristics include mean, median, mode, midrange, variation, distribution, range, position of data and exploratory data analysis.

5.  The student will be able to identify the properties of the normal distribution and the standard normal distribution, they will be able to use applications of the normal distribution and apply the central limit theorem.

6.  The student will be able to understand the basic terminology and concept of hypothesis testing. Establish two hypotheses and determine which is most likely to be correct based on the sample data.

7.  The student will be able to use various tests for the comparison of two samples.

8.  The student will be able to understand the basic terminology and concept of hypothesis testing. Establish two hypotheses and determine which is most likely to be correct based on the sample data.

9.  The student will be able to compute and interpret the meaning of regression equations and standard errors of estimate for simple linear and multiple linear regression analysis

10.  The student will be able to test for goodness of fit of a given distribution and to test for independence of random variables.

A full guide to the approved Probability and Statistics curriculum can be found at the following website: 21

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