Appendix 1. Hazardous Attitude Scale--aviation
Question number / Aviation question / Attitude1 / I am a pilot due entirely to my hard work and ability / Self-confidence
2 / While flying at night, I worry about not seeing navigation landmarks and getting lost / Worry/anxiety
3 / If I fly over water, I worry about having to ditch if the engine quits / Worry/anxiety
4 / I can learn any flying skill if I put my mind to it / Self-confidence
5 / I like to practice stalls / Macho
6 / I really hate being delayed when I fly on a trip / Impulsive
7 / I like to practice unusual aircraft attitudes / Macho
8 / I really worry about having to make an emergency landing / Worry/anxiety
9 / If the weather is marginal, I don't mind waiting at the airport until it clears up / Impulsive
10 / I always worry about an accident when I am flying / Worry/anxiety
11 / I am basically an impatient pilot / Impulsive
12 / I like to practice spins / Macho
13 / The FAA is more concerned with restricting access to aviation than providing the services aviation needs / Antiauthority
14 / Sometimes I feel that I have very little control over what happens to the aircraft / Resignation/external locus of control
15 / In a tight situation, I trust to fate / Resignation/external locus of control
16 / I really worry about mid-air collisions / Worry/anxiety
17 / Sometimes I feel like the airplane has a mind of its own / Resignation/external locus of control
18 / If I want to fly somewhere, I want to do it now / Impulsive
19 / The thoroughness of my preflight mostly determines the likelihood of my having mechanical trouble with the aircraft / Self-confidence
20 / Air traffic control is more of a hindrance than a help / Antiauthority
21 / When I'm in a tough spot, I figure if I make it , I make it, and if I don't, I don't / Resignation/external locus of control
22 / I like to practice steep turns / Macho
23 / If you want to protest a license suspension by the FAA, the odds are stacked against you / Impulsive
24 / The FAA is more of a hindrance than a help / Antiauthority
25 / In flying, what will be, will be / Resignation/external locus of control
26 / In general, I find ATC to be very helpful / Antiauthority
27 / If I have done something illegal while flying, I will report it myself because I figure someone will report it anyway / Self-confidence
28 / A successful flight is solely due to good planning and good execution / Self-confidence
29 / Most FAA regulations do not promote safety / Antiauthority
30 / I like to practice unusual attitudes in flying / Macho
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration.