Directorate B: Statistical methods and tools; Dissemination
Unit B-6: Dissemination /


Luxembourg, 12 & 13 November 2007

Agenda point N° 5:




Grant exercise 2006/2007

1.  Promotional activities in the network – COVERING THE FULL YEAR

CY / ·  Inclusion of information on ESDS in Cystat´s publications
·  Promotional Items
·  Enchancement of the ESDS webpage
·  Participation to a fair
CZ / ·  Training of users
·  Preparing new publications
·  Further promotional activities
·  Website administration - IV. quarter 2006
·  Further improvements of the whole system of work and of the filling system IV.quarter 2006
·  Programming-Czech version of pre-defined tables
·  Translating of Eurostat pre-defined tables
DE / ·  Updating of database to include latest figures plus integration of new Member States Romania and Bulgaria
·  Latest figures tables publications and graphs on an up-to-date topic
·  Frankfurt Book Fair: representative for Eurostat statistics was present at the Statistisches Bundesamt stand for the entire book fair (04-08/10/2006)
·  Mailing to promote the Eurostat Regional Yearbook (31/10/2006)
·  Mail to inform Bundestag users about the Eurostat Regional Yearbook (21/11/06)
·  Modern State (Moderner Staat) Trade Fair: Consultation advice offered on the access to European statistics by ESDS Germany staff during the entire fair (28-29/11/2006)
·  Presentation at the Sozialwerk of the Bundespresseamt on 14/11/2006 about access to official European statistics, Eurostat and other related topics
·  Press release by DESTATIS on European statistics to coincide with the release of the publication "Germany in the EU" (15/01/2007)
·  Presentation in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Affairs for delegation from GOSKOMSTAT (Russian statistical institute) including GOSKOMSTAT head of office (30/01/2007)
·  Mailing of 1175 copies of the Destatis publication "Germany in the EU" to numerous organisations incl. Eurostat, European Commission, European Parliament, embassies, Ministry of the Interior Germany, European Documentation Centres (01 and 02/2007)
·  Mailing to promote Eurostat publication entitled "Population Statistics" (15/02/2007)
·  Didacta Educational Trade Fair: ESDS representative for Eurostat statistics present from 27/02 to 03/03/2007
·  Leipzig Congress for Information and Libraries: ESDS representative for Eurostat statistics present from 19-22/03/2007
·  Leipzig Book Fair: ESDS representative for Eurostat statistics present from 23-25/03/2007
·  Hannover Industrial Trade Fair: ESDS representative for Eurostat statistics present from 16-20/04/2007. Total no of trade fair visitors: 230 000
·  Presentation on Eurostat statistics for the Bundestag parliamentary commission on Europe (Referat PA1 Europa des Deutschen Bundestages) (11/05/2007)
·  Highlighting Eurostat statistics in dossiers for the German parliament on topics that are high on the political agenda: research and development, AIDS, renewable energy, agricultural policy (Q2/2007)
·  Regular updating of German Foreign Ministry website on statistics including up-to-date Eurostat information (06/2007) -> e.g. http://www.bmi.bund.de/nn_163950/Internet/Navigation/DE/ Themen/Informationsgesellschaft/Statistiken/statistiken__node.html__nnn=true
·  Preparation of 8000 fact sheets for the Eurostat Yearbook 2006/2007 to be included in each copy of the German yearbook 2007 published by the Federal Statistical Office Germany (06/2007)
·  Mailing to promote Eurostat yearbook 2006/2007 (11/07/2007)
·  German Government Open Day: A stall on EUROSTAT and German statistics was organised by ESDS representatives for the 2 open days (25-26/08/2007)
·  Ambassador Conference organised by German Foreign Office: ESDS representatives promoted EU statistics at the conference stall (03-06/09/07)
·  Inclusion of a chapter on Eurostat statistics in the Federal Statistical Office Germany publication "Key data on Germany" (09/2007)
DK / ·  Seminar on Eurostat database/website at Herning Central Library
·  Newsletter sent by e-mail to 70 recipients / TGM
·  on dst.dk/eudata an introduction to TGM is published
EE / ·  Participation in GIS -day
·  Participation in Social Statistics Partnership Day
·  Participation in Conference of Estonian Statistical Society
·  Participation in Cities and Rural Municipalities' Days
·  Training for the students of the Tallinn University (students of physical education)
·  Training for the students of the Tallinn University (students of sociology)
·  Training for the librarians of Estonian National Library
·  Training for students of Lasnamäe Gymanasium
·  Training for students of Katleri Gymnasium
·  Participation in Estonian Employers' Confederation Conference
ES / ·  Create and/or update Pc axis tables both in Spanish and English with European data in Ine´s database (http://www.ine.es/inebase/index.html)
·  Participation in the Spanish "Science fair" within the INE stand (from 12th April to 15 April)
·  Participation in the Spanish "Book fair" within the INE stand (from 25th May to 10 June)
FI / ·  Internet p., current news of the library, presentation of Regions, Statistical Yearbook
·  Tieto &Trendit, marketing Key figures on European business and busines data
·  Tilastolinkki, marketing EU National accounts statistics, data, publications etc.
·  Annual Meeting of the Finnish EDC-libraries: ESDS services and the improvements
·  of Eurostat Internet pages
·  Updating of ESDS Internet pages, e.g. new dedicated sections and the new Ramon
EL / ·  Publication of our semestrial Informative Bulletin of Library (2nd semester of 2006) where ESDS promotional text and statistical data on user support were included. This is given to Library users and sent to various stakeholders, such as banks, ministries, universities, regions, libraries etc.
·  Publication of our semestrial Informative Bulletin of Library (1st semester of 2007) where ESDS promotional text and statistical data on user support were included. This is given to Library users and sent to various stakeholders, such as banks, ministries, universities, regions, libraries etc.
HU / ·  Production of leaflet as described in grant contract in 3,000 copies
·  Statistics of the Day: 9, 17, 19, 20, 26 July, 1, 9, 10, 17, 24 August, 4, 5, 17 September (graph on European statistics with a link to the ESDS service)
·  Electronic Newsletter, monthly sent to approximately 1000 registered users (permanent link to our website)
·  Preparation and implementation of user survey
IT / ·  The 8th National Statistical Conference -Rome 28-29 /11 2006
·  Training for Istat Stastical Information Centres staff 12/12 2006
·  Istat booth at the Forum P.A. (Public administration), 21-25 May 2007
LT / ·  Organisation of the leaflet Your Free Access to European Statistics printing and distribution procedures
·  Preparation of poster layout, printing and distribution procedures
·  Organisation of the ESDS webpage improvements procedures, testing of improvements
LV / ·  Presentation of the ESDS and Eurostat's products and services in Latvian University for students
·  Organisation of seminar on Eurostat's products; presentation of the ESDS of Latvia, promotion of Eurostat's products in Press conference
·  Promotion of Eurostat's free of charge pocketbook "Key Figures on Europe - Statistical pocketbook 2006 - Data 1995 - 2005" by e-mail
·  Promotion of Eurostat's e-survey on Euroindicators by e-mail
·  New Year's greetings by e-mail
NL / ·  Performa Fair Utrecht (fourth quarter 2006)
·  VNG Fair Utrecht (fourth quarter 2006)
·  NOT Fair Utrecht (first quarter 2007)
·  Presentation ESDS for interested people within Statistics Netherlands (first quarter 2007)
PL / ·  Leaflet informing about Eurostat Support Network
·  consultation with students (Meeting with students from Polish - Japanese Institute of Technology within training in CSO)
PT / ·  Presentation and training (internal) to the INE's Call Centre User Support - 13/Dec/2006
·  Presentation and training (internal) to the INE's Dissemination Team - 22/02/2007
·  Print of 4000 Leaflet - May/2007
·  Mailing (post) 1100 Leaflet - 11/06/2007
·  Presentation and training (external) in Portuguese Media Workshop in INE - April/2007
RO / ·  Translation, editing, printing and dissemination of the Eurostat Brochure of publications and databases
SI / ·  Student Arena - special fair at the beginning of new student year - presentation of statistical data of SORS and Eurostat in the web site. About 500 Eurostat publications and leaflets have been distributed among students.
·  Statistical days - a stall with publications and presentation of access to the data in Eurostat's web site (fourth quarter 2006)
SK / ·  Preparing of promotion on the Eurostat user support network for SOSR website
·  Draft & creation of leaflet on the EU statistics and ESDS Centre by the SOSR
·  Creation & publish of ESDS presentation in Cataloque of publications 2007-2008
·  ESDS presentation and advertising for selected group of users
UK / ·  Attendance at HM Revenue & Customs Business Advice Open Day in Croydon, London - 12/13 Sept
·  Attendance at HM Revenue & Customs Business Advice Open Day in Telford, Shropshire - 26/27 Sept

2.  Side activities – FULL YEAR REPORT

DE / ·  Compilation of the publication "Germany in the EU 2006"
·  Onsite visit with Gunter Schäfer and Norbert Reinert
DK / ·  Courses in co-operation with Danish Bibliographic Centre
HU / ·  News heading on our ESDS subsite, translation
·  Translation of texts for predefined tables
·  Content management of website, preparation of programme for user survey questionnaire on website, preparation of taking over fixed tables
IT / ·  Booth building up at the 8th National Statistical Conference -Rome 28-29 /11 2006
·  Training session for Istat employees at regional level (Cis) inside Istat premises
LV / ·  Compilation of EU data for NATO Summit Latvia Task Force
·  Work Shop "User satisfaction surveys", Phare Twinning Project between CSB of Latvia and the Federal Statistical Office of Germany
PL / ·  Members of user support team within phone and direct contacts with users who need polish data promote also information about european statistics.
RO / ·  Answering to the customers' requests
·  Consulting the eurostat website and databases
SI / ·  A special web site European Statistical Data has been set up with basic information and guidelines how to access Eurostat data.
SK / ·  Consultation on ESDS activities with ESDS team by the Statistics Sweden.

3.  Suggestions to improve Eurostat web-site

CZ / ·  to improve the clarity of Eurostat website
·  to improve the data availability
DE / ·  Please include the year in the census data clearly and visibly at table level
·  The search engine is ineffective and user requested improvement of search engine
·  The user suggested that Eurostat offer a summary page on all available data on the Eurostat portal which enables the user to search for keywords using the search function of his internet browser
·  Please make the download of tables and axis determination easier
·  include median and quintile data for earnings
FI / ·  Production figures, difficult to find
·  The comment of a new client: The usability of Eurostat's Internet pages should be better it's difficult to find information
HU / ·  The suggestion referred to the new TGM system, namely colouring of categories making them more distinct and visible; we received the response that it will be considered.
·  It would be very useful if tourism statistics would be available within one category. To be more precise, in Industry, trade and services/Tourism/Occupancy in collective accommodation establishments : domestic and inbound tourism /Arrivals of residents and non-residents as well as Nights spent by residents and non-residents would be choosable, because at present two different downloads have to be performed and then summed.
LT / ·  Prodcom annual sold under metadata and one step deeper: there is no possibility to go 1 step back, only to close window. In such case it's necesary to start the query from the beggining.
·  Main indicators, (GDP, Infation and etc.) by groups of countries e.g. CEEC, EFTA.
·  Virus or Bug under link: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page?_pageid=1996,45323734&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&screen=welcomeref&open=/euroind/mf&language=en&product=EU_MASTER_eurind&root=EU_MASTER_eurind&scrollto=0, Interest rates - monthly data after pressing i icon apears the window with general information on table and there is a link "Close this window". This window doesn't close, but multiply non-stop.
·  To add FAQ on Excel extractions from Comext. Detailed description is needed.
LV / ·  I don’t know how about others but I cannot find my way in your home page. [Reply from LV to user: That is why we have set up help services.]
·  The home page of the CSB Latvia is not clear to me, it is difficult to understand how to access to the data and whether there are data on this page (what is the very purpose of it) [reply from LV: We have added comment whether this is a link to the Eurostat home page or a table or publication can be downloaded from our site.]
·  Presentation of Eurostat data is not clear, why are they not translated into all official EU languages (at least the folders) [reply from LV: We have translated most of the folders of the data navigation tree on ESDS Latvia home page (with links to Eurostat site).]
NO / ·  Keywords. Missing keywords for Earnings or Wages
PL / ·  Eurostat website availability should be increased because sometimes appears notice that address doesn't exist.
·  Eurostat website should be simplified because users have many problems with website service
·  Too general answers provided by Eurostat.
·  Databases should work more efficient because very often after selection categories access is interrupted.
·  Methodological explanation should be clearer.
·  Technical availability of Eurostat website should be improved. Sometimes you have to wait very long for publication downloading.
·  Development "Frequently Asked Questions"
UK / ·  Improvement suggestion made to layout of login/registration page, as users
·  find the login button is not very prominent on the page