Classroom Expectations

Sr. Verderaime

Español III (5/6) Honors

Your success in this class depends on your ability and effort. This entails attendance, attention, hard work and cooperation.


1.  1 (1”-11/2”) 3 ring binder

2.  8 dividers

3.  Pen (Blue or Black) & Pencil

4.  Loose leaf paper (college ruled)

5.  Highlighter

6.  Dry erase marker

7.  Communication Workbook ($15.00)

8.  Actividades ($13.00)


1.  Be on Time

2.  Be Prepared

3.  Be Respectful


1.  Warning

2.  Parental Contact

3.  Administrator involvement

4.  Consequences depend on the severity of the violation; and will be logical and fair.

Attendance Policy:

All students are expected to be in their seats and ready for class when the bell rings

1.  Tardies:

·  Tardiness will be dealt with according to school policy.

·  After the third tardy per semester, the student is assigned lunch detentions. After the fifth lunch detention after-school detention and Saturday school will follow.

·  An excused tardy requires a pass.

·  If another staff member causes a delay, a pass will be required.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed at an appropriate time.

·  Students will not be allowed to make up work for an unexcused tardy.

·  For extenuating circumstances, exceptions will be made on an individual basis.

2.  Absences:

·  1st- Teacher will contact parent by telephone.

·  2nd and 3rd- After school detention will be assigned.

·  4 or more- Teacher writes referrals to administration. Saturday School, in school detention, etc. will be assigned by an administrator and the parent/ guardian will be contacted by phone.

·  6 or more unexcused absences- the student may be withdrawn from a class with a grade of “F” and assigned to a Guided Study Hall.

Classroom Expectations

Sr. Verderaime

Español III (5/6) Honors

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is expected and required in class. When work is missed due to an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to ask for make-up work within 24 hours of returning to school. If an absence is declared “truant”, the student will receive a zero for the day and are not allowed to make up any work.

DO NOT MISS EXAMS. Should you miss an assessment for any reason, the make-up exam must be completed in the appropriate time. 1 day for every day absent. If you miss the day before an exam, you will be expected to take the exam on the same day as the rest of the class.

Late Assignment Policy:

1 Day for every day you are absent after that, NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS! If an assignment was due on the day of your unexpected but excused absence, you will be required to turn it in immediately upon your return. However, due dates for assignments will be given in advance. It is also the student’s responsibility to make sure all assignments are turned in before they are absent.

Pass Policy:

Please get drinks, go to the restroom, use the phone, and go to counselors, other teachers, or the office prior to class. No passes may be used while lessons are being presented, other students are presenting or during the first and last 15 minutes of class.

Food/Drink and Electronics Policy:

Students are allowed to bring water to class in a spill proof container. NO food, pop, gum, or other drinks will be allowed. Please no cell phones, I Pods or anything else that can be plugged in or charged or draw attention away from what you are supposed to be doing and you know what I’m talking about…

Grading Policy:

Grades are weighted based on four different categories. Your final grade is a percent of the total points earned. Every assignment will be in agreement with the Colorado Foreign Language Standards and each activity will be worth an assigned number of points. For example: The grade you earn will be based on the following:

1.  Class Participation 20%

2.  Homework 10%

3.  Quizzes 30%

4.  Tests/ Projects 40%

Save all of your papers until the end of the semester. If I make an error and do not enter a grade, it will not be changed unless you can show me the paper.

Grading Scale:





59% and below-F

Classroom Procedures

Sr. Verderaime

Español III (5/6) Honors

1.  Entering and Leaving the classroom:

Upon entering the classroom please check for returned items or messages and begin bell work immediately.

At the end of class, remain seated when the bell rings. The bell does not dismiss the class; you do not dismiss the class. I will dismiss you when everyone is seated, trash is picked up, and everyone has followed the procedures.

Late Assignment Policy:

1 Day for every day you are absent after that, NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS! If an assignment was due on the day of your unexpected but excused absence, you will be required to turn it in immediately upon your return. However, due dates for assignments will be given in advance. It is also the student’s responsibility to make sure all assignments are turned in before they are absent.

2.  When you are absent:

There will be a daily unit organizer posted in the classroom. Also please check webzangle, as I post comments weekly. Copy down what you missed. You will need to see me at an appropriate time (before class, after class, after school,) to get extra instructions if necessary. You need to be responsible for getting and turning in your assignments within the allotted make-up time.

3.  Extra Credit:

Extra Credit will not be offered throughout the semester.

5. Contact:

If you or your parents need to contact me throughout the semester, you can contact me at, . The school’s telephone number is 520-2655, however email is the best mode of communication. Please do not hesitate to call or email me for any doubts or concerns.

By signing here I have read and agree with the above stated policies. Turn entire sheet in, DO NOT Tear

Student’s Name (Please Print)

Student Signature Date

Parents’/ Guardians’ Signature Date

Class Syllabus

Mr. Verderaime

Español III (5/6) Honors

The goals for Spanish III are to enable students to attain a measurable degree of competency and proficiency in communication through the National & Colorado State Foreign Language Standards: (listening, reading, speaking, writing, and culture.)

I reserve the right to change this syllabus at any time.

National Standards:






Colorado Standards:

Listening (1.1)

Reading (1.2)

Speaking (1.3)

Writing (1.4)


I reserve the right to change this syllabus at any time.

Revised Colorado State Standards (adopted 2011)

Standard 1:

Communication in Languages Other Than English

Standard 2:

Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Standard 3:

Connections with Other Disciplines and Information Acquisition

Standard 4:

Comparisons to Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture

In order to meet these Standards, students will:

1. Listen to comprehend information spoken in a foreign language (Spanish);

2. Apply pronunciation rules and intonation patterns;

3. Use vocabulary, grammatical forms, and structures of the target language (Spanish) to convey meaning;

4. Access information to expand knowledge about cultures and human experience;

5. Express ideas through writing;

6. Communicate with others in target language (Spanish); and

7. Develop an understanding of the cultures in which the language is spoken.

El primer semestre
(2nd Year Realidades)
Tema / Capítulo / Objetivos / Selección literaria / Eventos actuales
Semestre 1
Tema 4
Recuerdos del pasado / 4A
Pages 184-209
Cuando éramos niños / ·  Discuss childhood toys and games
·  Describe what you were like as a child
·  Talk about activities that you used to do as a child.
·  Discuss to or for whom something is done.
·  Understand cultural perspectives on childhood songs. / Jorge Luis Borges
“Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos” / TBA
Due: 9/12
Pages 184-209
Celebrando los días festivos / ·  Describe holiday celebrations
·  Talk about your family and relatives
·  Describe people, places, and situations in the past
·  Talk about how people interact
·  Understand cultural perspectives on holidays and special events / TBA
Due: 9/28
Tema 5
En las noticias / 5A
Pages 238-263
Un acto heroico / ·  Discuss emergencies, crises, rescues, and heroic acts.
·  Describe past situations and settings
·  Describe weather conditions
·  Understand cultural perspectives on natural disasters and legends / Ana María Matute
“El árbol de oro” / TBA
Pages 264-289
Un accidente / ·  Describe an accident scene
·  Talk about injuries and treatments
·  Talk about what you were doing when an accident occurred
·  Understand cultural perspectives on health / TBA
Tema 6
La televisión y el cine / 6A
Pages: 292-317
¿Viste el partido en la televisión? / ·  Talk about what you saw on television
·  Explain how you feel about watching television
·  Understand cultural perspectives on television programs in Spanish speaking countries / Federico García Lorca
“Cancion de jinete” / TBA
Due: 11/18
Pages: 318-343
¿Qué película has visto? / ·  Discuss movie plots and characters
·  Give opinions about movies
·  Talk about activities you have done
·  Understand cultural perspectives on movies / TBA
Due: 12/9
El primer semestre
(2nd Year Realidades)
Tema / Capítulo / Objetivos / Selección literaria / Wiki-Space Forum
Semestre 2
Tema 7
Buen provecho / 7A
Pages 346-370
¿Cómo se hace la paella? / ·  Talk about food and cooking
·  Tell others what not to do
·  Describe what people generally do
·  Understand cultural perspectives on recipes and food preparation / Laura Esquivel
“Como agua para chocolate” / TBA
Due: 1/20
Pages 373-397
¿Te gusta comer al aire libre? / ·  Discuss food and outdoor cooking
·  Tell people what to do or not to do
·  Indicate duration, exchange, reason, and other expressions
·  Understand cultural perspectives on special foods and outdoor food vendors / TBA
Due: 2/9
Tema 8
Cómo ser un buen turista / 8A
Pages 400-423
Un viaje en avión / ·  Talk about visiting an airport
·  Plans for a trip to a foreign country
·  Make suggestions about safe travel
·  Read about travel destinations in Spanish-speaking countries
·  Understand cultural perspectives on traveling / José Martí
“Versos sencillos” / TBA
Pages 424-449
Un accidente / ·  Discuss traveling in a foreign city
·  Talk about staying in a hotel
·  Explain how to be a good tourist
·  Make recommendations for sightseeing
·  Understand cultural perspectives on traveling in Spanish-speaking countries / TBA
Tema 9
¿Cómo será el futuro? / 9A
Pages: 450-473
¿Viste el partido en la televisión? / ·  Discuss professions and make plans for the future
·  Talk about future events
·  Understand cultural perspectives on folk art / Pablo Neruda
“Me gustas cuando callas”
“Oda al tomate” / TBA
Due: 4/30
Pages: 474-497
¿Qué haremos para mejorar el mundo? / ·  Make predictions about the future
·  Express doubts about ecological issues
·  Discuss environmental problems and possible solutions
·  Understand cultural perspectives on ecological problems and solutions. / TBA
Due: 5/18

I reserve the right to change this syllabus at any time.