“Apart from a large number of European countries, we have members based in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Singapore – and United Nations Volunteers. Happily, we are now seeing new members joining from African, Asian and Latin American countries. Our members one by one have been celebrating their 50th anniversaries.
But it is much more than 50 years… amongst all our members put together, we represent around 900 years of experience, showing the world that development cooperation which puts people at the centre is not only important, but vital, to our learning – and to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.”
Nita Kapoor
Chair,International Forum for Volunteering in Development
Report on ForumActivities in 2012
This report covers the period from January to December 2012, in line with the annual accounts. During this period, there was one Annual General Meeting of Forum members in Ottawa, Canadaon 17 October 2012.
Major highlights of 2012 for Forum included the implementation of a strong annual conference for International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations (known as IVCO) in Canada, the creation of TheOttawa Declaration with the subsequent increased visibility of international volunteering and mobilisation toward the post-2015 global development agenda, a new Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2015, and ground work for the incorporation of Forum.On top of which, Forum’s research stepped up to a new level, with three Discussion Papers and one major piece of research produced.
During the course of the year, Forumundertook the following activities in line with the organisation’s strategic objectives:
Growing and Supporting Membership
Over the year ending December 2012, the membership of Forum grew significantly from 21 to 25 members (including associate members). A special and warm welcome to our new members and associate members.
Members of the Executive Board of Officers and the Executive Coordinator visited and/or corresponded with members throughout the year as well as supported themin their national effortsto increase the visibility and recognition of volunteering for development.
The Forum IVCO brochure was updated to encourage potential members and associate members to attend IVCO 2012 in Canada and to learn more about the benefits of joining Forum. Furthermore, the Forum website underwenta significant behind-the-scenes “refresh”,enabling Forum’s body of research and good practice to be accessed via search filters. The website refresh will also feature a “News and Research” link,aggregating informationon the Forum website for eachmember. In 2013, Forum members will be able to submit information, research, news and events directly to their profile as well as enjoy the benefits of accessing an enhanced body of knowledge in international volunteering for development.
Building a Credible Body of Knowledge through Research
The Forum Research Working Group, led by Cliff Allum of Skillshare International, met fivetimes via teleconference in 2012. Forum would like to express deep appreciation to all members of the Forum Research Working Group for all their hard work in coordinating the relevant and timely research for International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations, described below
Forum Discussion Papers
This year,three Forum Discussion Papers were developed and discussed at IVCO 2012.
Forum Discussion Paper: Assessing the Impact of International Volunteer Cooperation: guiding questions and Canadian experiences wasprepared and presented by Daniel Buckles, Principal Consultant, SAS2 Dialogue Inc. and Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada,and Jacques Chevalier, Chancellor's Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Please see:
Forum Discussion Paper:MDGs, Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 agenda: opportunities for consolidating the recognition of volunteerism was prepared and presented by Peter Devereux, Partnership Development Specialist (Civil Society), United Nations Volunteers, and Kornelia Guse, Partnerships Section, United Nations Volunteers.
Please see:
Forum Discussion Paper: Youth International Volunteering and Development: an opportunity for development, international understanding or social inclusion?was prepared and presented by Dr Cliff Allum, CEO Skillshare International and Chair, Forum Research Working Group.
Please see:
Forum Research
Forum commissioned Benjamin J. Lough, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,to carry out impact research in2012.The purpose of this research was to explore the impacts of international volunteerism at the individual, project and program levels.It is hoped that the initial researchundertaken in 2012 will help to inform a larger, scientifically rigorous research design to test the impact of international volunteerism at multiple levels of intervention.
The research, entitledParticipatory Research on the Impact of International Volunteerism in Kenya: provisional results can be found at:
Forum Research Fund
On behalf of Forum, the Executive Boardof Officers would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to Forum members Center for International Studies and Cooperation(CECI), FK Norway (Fredskorpset) and Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) for their generous contributions to the 2012 Research Fund. This support, together with the work of the Research Working Group, will continue to provide a strong basis for Forum’s research work into the future.
Sharing and Networking through Information and Learning
The Ottawa Declaration
What will follow after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015? The discussion is well on its way. This was an important theme at IVCO 2012, both at the Heads of Agency Lunch as well as in the IVCO plenary session on this topic. Members worked together to form “The Ottawa Declaration”, which stresses the importance of volunteerism and volunteer groups toward sustainable development and in attaining the MDGs. It urges that volunteer groups are included in defining the follow up to Rio+20 and the global post-2015 development agenda at all policy and practical levels nationally, regionally and globally, and underlines Forum’s and the signatory organisations’ commitment to engage in the inclusive process for sustainable development.
The Ottawa Declaration was approved in the IVCO 2012 plenary and signed.Following the conference, Forum members as well as other International Volunteer Cooperation Organisation stakeholders were informed about the declaration and invited to sign on. By December 2012, 23 organisations had signed up to The Ottawa Declaration. (More organisations signed up through the beginning of 2013, to total 27 signatories.)
On International Volunteer Day, 5 December 2012, the declaration was sent to four Assistant Secretary-Generals in the UN as well as to The Major Groups in UN DESA requesting their attention to the formal recognition of ‘volunteer groups’ as equal partners, among civil society actors and other traditional Major Groups, in the deliberations ahead for defining the follow up to Rio+20 and the post-2015 development agenda.
Strengthening Organisational Base (including Financial Report)
Forum Coordination
During 2012, the part-time ForumExecutive Coordinator position continued to be based in Australia, with the generous support of Australian Volunteers International (AVI).
Forum Finances
A copy of Forum’s 2012 audited financial accounts accompanies this report. The Executive Board of Officers agreed in principle to a deficit budget at the Forum Board meeting in February 2012. The forecasted expenses were higher due to the costs related to the Strategic Plan and incorporation, however, the actual final deficit was lower than projected owing to the Executive’s efforts in growing Forum’s membership.
Forum Incorporation
At the 2012 Annual General Meeting, Forum members agreed to incorporate Forum as a not-for-profit organisation in Canada.
Steps to carry out the incorporation processwere undertaken by the Forum Executive Board of Officers in early 2013. As part of this process the Forum Executive Board of Officers will be renamed as the Forum Board of Directors.
Once incorporated, Forum will follow the Canadian law for not-for-profit organisations in Canada as outlined in the Forum By-law No.1 document.
IVCO 2012
IVCO 2012 with the theme ofVolunteering for Development: Innovation and impact in a changing development environmentwas held in Ottawa, Canada from14-17 October 2012 and was proudly hosted by Forum member Cuso International.
Papers and proceedings are available on the Forum website:
Forum would like to thank Cuso International for its wonderfulwork, efforts and in-kind contributions in hosting the successful IVCO conference.
Future Directions
Going forward, Forum aims to position itself as a key collaborator in post-2015 and Rio+20 dialogues. We look forward to facilitating enhanced communication among Forum members, including a fruitful exchange at IVCO focusing on the added-value of peopletopeople exchanges. In 2013, we also look forward to supporting member agencies in their international volunteer cooperation work, as well as creating a vibrant and pertinent dialogue in theup and coming Discussion Paper series.
The Forum Strategic Plan 2013-2015, endorsed by members at the Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, Canada in October 2012, will be our guiding focus as we navigate a world beyond the current Millennium Development Goals; a world where international volunteering is highly valued and widely recognised for its unique contribution to development.
The Forum Executive Board of Officers would like to acknowledge the generous contributions from the organisations providing human and in-kind resources to the Board. These contributions make a significant difference to the level at which Forum can operate and thus what outcomes can be achieved for members.
The Executive Board of Officers would particularly like to express their appreciation toAgnès van't Bosch (CECI), Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO), Deirdre Murray (Comhlámh) and Jürgen Wilhelm (GIZ) represented by Jirka Vierhausfor their significant contributions to the Forum Executive Board of Officers.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Executive Coordinator, Christina Jenkins, for her dedication andongoing work in strengthening support of the Forum Executive Board of Officers and Forum members.
Also, we wish to express our thanks to all the members of International Forum for Volunteering in Development.Your continued support forour organisation’s work takes place in numerous ways throughout the year –by participating in IVCO conferences, sharing information and feedback to research and questionnaires, encouraging emails and dialogue, networking, contributing membership fees, and much more.
The Forum Charter states: International volunteering, when based on human to human relationships and mutual exchange (the sharing of oneself, reciprocal learning, an exchange of skills, ideas and the ability to be humble) can be a catalyst for practical achievement in tackling shared development challenges. Thus, contributing in practical ways to the creation of a fairer, more caring and socially just world.
Through our organisations, we see every day the contributions of thousands of individuals and partnering institutions. They are delivering transformational change, on the ground and in our minds.
The coming years will be crucial for shaping the future toward a new global development architecture beyond the current Millennium Development Goals.
We see that the will to share, learn and create values together across borders based on trust, mutual respect and a sense of solidarity are more necessary than ever. We remain strong in our conviction that people-centred approaches and partnerships are key to achieving the sustainable development agenda. And that citizen's engagement is a central component of aid effectiveness.
On behalf of the Forum Executive Board of Officers
Michel Chaurette, WUSC-CECI
Gill Greer, Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA)
Barbara Hogan, Cuso International
Ben Ngutu, VSO Jitolee
Peter Reicher, Hungarian Volunteer Sending Foundation (HVSF)
Jean Tan, Singapore International Foundation (SIF)
Observer, Forum Executive Board of Officers
Dante Monferrer, France Volontaires
Nita Kapoor, FK Norway (Fredskorpset)
Chair, International Forumfor Volunteering in Development
September 2013
Appendix 1
Executive Portfolios and Members Involved
January – December 2012
Portfolio Role / Members InvolvedGrowing and Supporting Membership Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officers: Ben Ngutu, Jürgen Wilhelm represented by Jirka Vierhaus
Sharing and Networking through Information and Learning Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officer: Nita Kapoor
Building a Credible Body of Knowledge through Research Working Group / Forum member & Group Chair: Cliff Allum, Skillshare International
Forum Executive Board Officer: Jean Tan
Also included: Live Bjørge , FK Norway (Fredskorpset) (Forum member);Peter Britton and Claire Layden, AVI (Forum member); Mae Chao and Peter Devereux, UNV (Forum member); Philippe Fragnier, WUSC-CECI (Forum member), Violeta Vajda, VSO (Forum member)and; Benjamin Lough,Research Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignwith support from Executive Coordinator, Christina Jenkins
Strengthening Organisational Base Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officer: Michel Chaurette represented by Agnès van't Bosch and Deirdre Murray with support from Executive Coordinator, Christina Jenkins
Post-2015 Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officers: Gill Greer and Nita Kapoor
Forum members: Cliff Allum, Skillshare International and Peter Devereux, UNV
IVCO 2012 Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officers: Barbara Hogan, Ben Ngutu, Peter Reicher and Jean Tan
IVCO 2013 Working Group / Forum Executive Board Officers: Barbara Hogan, Ben Ngutu, Dante Monferrer, Peter Reicher and Jean Tan
Appendix 2
Auditor’s Report
Income and Expenditure Statement for 2012
2012Actual / 2012
Budget / 2011
INCOME / € / € / €
Membership fees (Note 1)
Full existing members / 33,105 / 35,810 / 28,295
Assoc existing members / 4,480 / 110
New members / 2,280 / 3,725 / 1,080
Government grants
Conference income IVCO / 21,678 / 21,502 / 20,514
Research / 27,299 / 9,955 / 10,300
Other income / 1,059 / 126
TOTAL INCOME / € 89,901 / € 70,992 / € 60,425
Staff salary and admin support / 34,319 / 33,136 / 34,625
Pensions and payroll
Staff training
Staff travel (Coordinator) / 1,455 / 6,597 / 4,256
IVCO support / 1,073 / 1,000 / 317
Member events / 0 / 600
Research / 27,103 / 9,955 / 7,366
Board expenses / 8,113 / 11,418 / 9,847
Stationery / 810 / 55
Communications / 2,809 / 1,323 / 1,550
Web site and information / 4,498 / 6,830 / 5,442
Rent and building
Support services / 5,539 / 4,600
Accounting / 1,479 / 1,400 / 1,192
Bank charges / 249 / 239 / 534
Other / 3,500 / 2,000
Gains on foreign exchange
(Note4) / (1,438)
Total Expenditure / € 90,945 / € 78,553 / € 64,291
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) for year / (€1,043) / (€7,561) / (€3,866)
Research Fund Report for 2012
€ / €General Research Fund
Balance of Fund at 1 January 2012 / 14,627
Member Donations:
CECI Contribution / 3,739
FK Norway Contribution / 5,000
CECI Contribution / 3,788
VSA Contribution / 145 / 12,672
Forum Discussion Papers:
Discussion Paper - SAS2 Dialogue / 3,000
Discussion Paper - Skillshare International / 2,500
Impact Research / 21,603 / 27,103
Balance of Research Fund at 31 December.2012 / €196
Note 1: €5,000 research funding was received from FK Norway in December
2011 and €145 was received from VSA New Zealand. These are treated
as pre-payments in the accounts and will be incorporated into the
Research Fund in 2012.
Note 2: Research income and expenditure is incorporated
into the overall Income and Expenditure Statement.
Statement of Receipts and Payments
Opening balance at bank at 1 January 2012: / €Fortis Euro account / 18,564
Fortis £ Sterling account (£451 @ 1.197) / 539
Bendigo $ Australian account ($9099 @ 0.786) / 7,152
Bendigo $ Australian deposit account ($25,000 @ 0.786) / 19,650
Opening balance petty cash 1 January 2012 / 0
Add cash received per accounts / 60,142
Less cash paid per accounts / 76,018
Total / €30,029
Balance at bank at 31 December 2012:
Fortis Euro account / 7,570
Fortis £ Sterling account (£451 @ 1.2307) / 555
Bendigo $ Australian account ($3057 @ 0.746) / 2,281
Bendigo $ Australian deposit account ($25,000 @ 0.746) / 19,624
Closing balance petty cash 31 December 2012 / 0
Exchange Rate used for 2012 / 0.746
Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31 December 2012
Assets: / 2012 / 2011€ / €
There are no fixed assets.
Current assets comprise:
Debtors (Note 2) / 4,810 / 20,514
Cash at bank as follows:
Fortis Bank Brussels:
Euro account / 7,570 / 18,564
£ Sterling account / 555 / 539
VSO UK £ Sterling account / 0 / 0
Bendigo Bank Australia:
$ Australian account / 2,281 / 7,152
$ Australian deposit account / 19,624 / 19,650
Petty cash / 0 / 30,029 / 0 / 73,607
Total current assets / 34,839 / 94,121
Current liabilities (Note 3) / (4,470) / (21,305)
Net current assets / € 30,370 / € 72,816
Funds at 1 January 2012 / 72,816 / 76,682
Surplus / (deficit) for the year / (42,446) / (3,866)
Funds at 31 December 2012 / € 30,370 / € 72,816
Notes to the Financial Statements
Note 1: Membership fees 2012Country / Organisation
Existing members - Full:
Australia / AVI / 2,300
Canada / CCI / 1,155
Canada / CWY / 1,730
Canada / WUSC / CECI / 1,155
Canada / Cuso International / 2,300
France / France Volontaires / 1,730
Germany / AKLHÜ / 1,155
Germany / GIZ / 2,890
Germany / UNV / 2,890
Hungary / HVSF / 165 / Diff income to what stated on Membership table
Ireland / Comhlámh / 115
Italy / FOCSIV / 1,155
Japan / JICA/JOCV / 2,890
New Zealand / VSA / 1,155
Norway / FK Norway / 2,890
Singapore / SIF / 1,155
Switzerland / Unité / 1,155
UK / IS / 1,155 / Debtor in Bal Sheet to be included in 2013 Income
UK / Skillshare International / 1,155 / Debtor in Bal Sheet to be included in 2013 Income
UK / VSO / 2,890
Existing members - Associate:
Australia / Austraining International / 2,200
Australia / Australian Red Cross / 2,200
New members
Australia / Macquarie University - PACE / 2,200
Uganda / UNVL / 80
Total Membership Fees / 39,865
Note 2: Debtors at 31 December 2012
/ €
International Service / 1,155
Skillshare International / 1,155
Cuso International (IVCO 2012 Surplus) / 2,500
Note 3: Liabilities at 31 December 2012
Kate Vereshaka / 970
AVI / 3,500
Note 4: Gains on foreign exchange
Payments from the Australian bank account have been converted into
Euros at the rate prevailing on the day of the transfer of Euros to the
Bendigo account. After the following transfer, the rate is updated.
Closing balances on the $ Australian accounts and the Sterling accounts
have been converted into Euros at the exchange rate on 31/12/12.
Note 5: Forum Board of Directors explanation of deficit
The Forum Board of Directors agreed in principle to a deficit budget at February 2012
Board meeting. The forecasted expenses were higher due to the costs related to the
Strategic Plan and Incorporation.
Forumannual report 2012 page1