The Ragged School Museum

From Warehouse to School House

Architect-Lead Team

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

1  Background


The Copperfield Road free school, now the Ragged School Museum, is a landmark of Victorian philanthropy combining two important national stories. One is the struggle for free universal primary education through the Ragged School Union. The Museum is the only former ragged school open to the public which can narrate this story in an authentic building. The second history is Dr Thomas Barnardo’s philanthropy in the East End; Nos 46, 48 & 50 Copperfield Road, are the only substantial buildings surviving to represent his work in this part of London. The Blitz and redevelopment of the area means that few fragments remain to represent the story of impoverished Londoners in the nineteenth century.

The many layered history of the buildings in Copperfield Road reflect the very varied history and heritage of the East End and of London in general. In a hundred and fifty years they have served as warehouse, schoolhouse, training centre, gymnasium, factory and museum. They represent the fluctuating activities and prosperity of surrounding communities. They are the only traditional Victorian canal warehouses to survive on the Regent’s Canal in Tower Hamlets. In the 1980s the buildings were scheduled for demolition, local activists campaigned to get them listed, the Greater London Council provided funds to purchase the building and the Museum opened in 1990. The buildings have been developed in stages. The largest building, no 46 Copperfield Road has never been thoroughly refurbished. The building urgently needs new services, substantial repairs especially the deteriorating condition of the roof and upgrading throughout.

The Capital Project:

The primary aims of the Capital Project are to:

·  Complete the refurbishment of the Ragged School Museum.

·  Extend public access to buildings of considerable significance in the history of education and of Victorian philanthropy.

·  Make the history of the building more coherent.

The project will secure and improve the fabric of the building, bringing over 618sqm into public and productive use. It will enable the public in general to engage with the remarkable history of the Copperfield Road buildings and their role in the struggle for universal free education. The authenticity of buildings will be retained with sensitive conservation. Public facilities will be greatly enhanced encouraging more repeat visits.

The Scope of the building works:

·  Restore No 46 and bring it fully in to public use.

·  Improve the condition of all the buildings.

·  Ensure that the historical fabric is respected, enhanced and secured for the future.

·  Create a wheelchair accessible Victorian classroom and access throughout the building.

·  Improve and extend public facilities, especially toilets for schools.

·  Develop a café & restaurant opening onto the Regent’s Canal.

·  Create, within the limitations of its historic fabric, an energy efficient, sustainable building.

·  Create a building for community use and which enhances community cohesion.

·  Create a temporary exhibition space.

·  Allow the refurbished top floor to be hired for seminars, conferences and corporate events.

·  Create a lettable space on the first floor.

·  Provide more capacity for additional venue hire for photoshoots etc.

·  Reduce building maintenance and utility costs.

Listed Status

Nos 46 & 48 Copperfield Road are listed Grade II (February 1985). The whole group Nos 46 – 50 are in the Regent’s Canal conservation area.

Project Budget

The construction value of the works is expected to be approximately £2.8M.


The draft programme is as follows:

Sept 17 – Dec 17 RIBA Stage 2 Design

Jan 18 – Apr 18 RIBA Stage 3 Design

Jun 18 Submission of LBC & Planning Application

Apr 19 – May 20 Construction, Client Fit-out and Open

2  Appointments

The Ragged School Museum Trust (the client) requires the services of an Architect-Lead team (The Team) of designers and consultants. This Team is to include the following expertise:

·  Architect & Lead Designer

·  Structural Engineer

·  MEP Services Engineer

·  Acoustics Consultant

·  Principal Designer

The scope will also include updating the CMP and assisting with the client’s HLF Round Two application. A detailed scope of services and a draft appointment contract will be provided within the Invitation to Tender (ITT) which will be issued to the successful bidders of this PQQ stage.

The Client intends to contract with only one economic operator. If a group of economic operators submits a bid, it is expected that The Architect will act as the lead operator to deal with The Client. The Client reserves the right to Novate one or all members of The Team to a Main Contractor should this be required by the chosen procurement route. Appointment of the team beyond RIBA Stage 3 will be subject to the successful outcome of the HLF Round Two funding application and associated match funding.

The consultants below will be procured through a separate tender process. The successful Architect-Lead team will be required to liaise and coordinate with these consultants in regards to designing the works:

·  Project Manager

·  Cost Consultant

·  Catering Consultant

·  Access Consultant

·  Interpretation and Exhibition Design Consultant

·  Activity Consultant

·  Business Planning Consultant

This list is not definitive, and additional consultants will be procured as required.

3  Procedure

3.1  About this questionnaire

This questionnaire seeks information concerning the situation of the service provider and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the economic, financial and technical capacity. All completed applications will be treated as confidential. However, The Client may be requested to supply information to third parties in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Unless the exemptions set out in the Act apply, The Client will not be able to refuse a request for information. Wherever possible, the Applicant will be consulted prior to release of the information if this can be done within the statutory time periods. The Applicant shall not make any claim for compensation as a result of any information being released.

3.2  About returning this questionnaire

Your submission must be in the English language and financial information in £ sterling.


Your submission may require us to request that clarification or further documents be submitted. Such further information or documentation will be required to be submitted by set dates.

Failure to respond by such dates will prejudice your application. Any false information, either in the application or in response to any subsequent enquiries, will automatically disqualify your application.

Completed PQQ’s should be sent by email to in Microsoft Word format (filename and/or footer altered to include bidder name), with separate project profile sheets and CVs in Word or PDF format.

Submissions are to be received no later than 12.00 hours on 1st June 2017. Please note that completed PQQs received after the closing date and time will be rejected. All PQQs will be acknowledged. We expect to be notifying on or around 5th June those bidders that are and are not selected for tender. Any further questions should be addressed to . Answers to questions raised will be periodically posted at the web-page from which the PQQ is downloaded.

RSM-001 PQQ Assessment Criteria
0 / Lead Consultant - Company Details / Not Scored
1.1 / Lead Consultant - Probity & Insurance
1.11 / Fraud, corruption etc. / Pass/ fail
1.12 / Minimum insurance levels / Pass/ fail
1.2 / Lead Consultant - Economic and Financial Standing / 5%
Summary accounts information covering the 3 previous financial years / 5%
1.3 / Lead Consultant - Technical and Professional Ability / 70%
Relevant experience and professional qualifications for those that would be carrying out the work. / 30%
Relevant experience of high quality cultural, public and heritage buildings and sensitive renovation projects. / 30%
Quality management procedures / 5%
Health safety and environmental management procedures / 5%
2 / Structural Engineer - Technical and Professional Ability / 10%
2.1 / Highly experienced staff with extensive experience of this project type / 10%
3 / MEP Services Engineer - Technical and Professional Ability / 10%
3.1 / Highly experienced staff with extensive experience of this project type / 10%
4 / Acoustics Consultant - Technical and Professional Ability / 5%
4.1 / Highly experienced staff with extensive experience of this project type / 5%
0.00 / Company details of Lead Consultant
(Not scored – for information only)
Lot being applied for (insert bidder name and lot applied for in footer) / RSM-001 Architect-Lead Team
0.01 / Full legal name of Company (and Parent Company, if applicable)
0.02 / Trading Name if different from above
0.03 / Registered Office Address
0.04 / Legal status of the company including any relationship with any parent, holding or subsidiary companies or any related companies
0.05 / Company Registration Number
0.06 / Date of Registration
0.07 / Details of Company tax status including tax certificate number, expiry date and type
0.08 / Address of Office from which this contract will be managed
0.09 / Office Tel No.
0.10 / Contact Person with respect to this Bid
0.11 / Position
0.12 / E-mail Address
0.13 / Tel No
0.14 / Location of other UK Offices
1.1 / Economic and Financial – Probity & Insurance of Lead Consultant
1.11 Fraud and corruption Pass / Fail
1.12 Minimum insurance requirement Pass / Fail
1.11 / Evidence that the operator or its directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the operator is not unsuitable on grounds of conviction of offences detailed in paragraph 23(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.
1.11.1 / Have you or any of your directors been convicted of any offences under Regulation 23(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006? Answer Yes/ No.
1.11.2 / If Yes, provide details.
1.11.3 / Do you hold relevant qualifications and meet all industry legislation / regulations with references to the services detailed? Answer Yes/ No.
1.12 / Insurances of Lead Consultant
The minimum requirements for this contract are detailed below. Evidence of cover (or in the case of Professional Indemnity Insurance ability that you are able to obtain the necessary level if you do not currently have it) will be required if you are shortlisted to tender.
a) Employer’s Liability Insurance (minimum £10 million cover for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event).
b) Public Liability Insurance (minimum £10 million cover for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event).
c) Professional Indemnity Insurance (minimum £5 million cover for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event).
The Client may reject the PQQ where bidders do not have or cannot obtain the required minimum levels of insurance.
1.12.1 / Employer’s Liability Insurance:
Policy No
Expiry date
Limit of indemnity
1.12.2 / Public Liability Insurance:
Policy No
Expiry date
Limit of indemnity
1.12.3 / Professional Indemnity Insurance:
Policy No
Expiry date
Limit of indemnity
In aggregate or each and every claim
Will you be able to evidence that you are able to obtain the required minimum level of indemnity if you are shortlisted to tender? Answer Yes/ No.
1.2 / Economic and Financial Standing of Lead Consultant
Turnover and Profit over the past three years - 5%
The Client needs to be confident that The Lead Consultant has the financial resilience and capacity to undertake a service of this nature, including subcontracting services from third parties
Excellent - The Lead Consultant has made a profit every year over the past three years and turnover has remained steady or increased.
Average - The Lead Consultant has made profits over the past three years and turnover has not declined significantly.
Poor - The Lead Consultant has made no or minimal profits over the past three years or
turnover is declining rapidly or consistently.
1.21 / Please provide turnover and pre-tax profit for the organisation below.
1.22 / Turnover year ending 2013/14
1.23 / Turnover year ending 2014/15
1.24 / Turnover year ending 2015/16
1.25 / Profit (or loss) year ending 2013/14
1.26 / Profit (or loss) year ending 2014/15
1.27 / Profit (or loss) year ending 2015/16
1.28 / If asked, will you be able to provide a copy of your most recent accounts (for the last two years if this applies)? Answer Yes/ No.
1.3 / Lead Consultant
Information as to technical or professional ability 70%
1.31 Individual experience of the proposed key team 30%
Excellent – highly experienced staff with extensive experience of this project type = 24% / 30%
Good – experienced staff with good experience of this project type = 17% / 23%
Average – a mixed level of experience with some relevant project experience = 10% / 16%
Marginal – a low level of experience with little relevant project experience = 0% / 9%
1.31 / Please name here with job title or position within the company and attach separately CVs not exceeding two A4 page each for the proposed key team members (not more than four) that would be responsible for carrying out the services under the contract. / (1)
1.32 Relevant project experience 30%
Excellent – an excellent range of high quality cultural, public buildings and heritage projects including refurbishments and new builds relevant to this contract = 25% / 30%
Good – a good range of cultural projects including public and heritage buildings = 20% / 24%
Average – a good range of projects, but not all directly relevant = 10% / 19%
Marginal – experience of limited relevance = 3% / 9%
3.20 / List here relevant projects carried out in the UK by the proposed team members (at least three and not more than five) and attach the project profiles (in PDF format) to include the following information:
·  Project name and location
·  Value
·  Completion date
·  Client
·  Brief description of Project
·  Services provided
·  Relevance to this project