/ Procedures: Hire & Onboard New Employee
University of Kansas
Changing for Excellence Phase III - HR

Affected Employee Types

·  Unclassified Professional Staff

·  University Support Staff

·  Faculty members


·  Student Hourly Workers

Process Overview Notes

·  Documented process assumes that employee does not complete or return any of the required hiring documents prior to their first day of work. Any paperwork completed in advance of the employee’s first day will be processed by the appropriate office if complete

·  Documented process begins immediately following the final candidates electronic acceptance of the job offer.

·  Student hourly employees typically follow a modified path as they are already established members of the KU community (email and network access, etc.) and have a narrower job definition

Process Requirements and Guidelines

The following section provides details on each step of the new employee hiring and onboarding process. Any optional or recommended actions are identified as such; all other elements should be considered mandatory components of the process.

1.  Upon acceptance, send candidate welcome letter with onboarding instructions and notify Unit / Department

o  Owner: Shared Services Center HR Representative (SSC)Upon acceptance, SSC representatives are responsible for sending a welcome letter with instructions on the onboarding process to the candidate via email

§  https://ssc.ku.edu/sites/ssc.ku.edu/files/files/Narratives/HR/Welcome_letter_for_onboarding.docx

§  https://ssc.ku.edu/sites/ssc.ku.edu/files/files/Onboarding_Checklist.docx

o  The SSC representative will also send notification of acceptance to the hiring Unit / Department and the Provost’s Office* (*faculty only)

2.  Provide departmental welcome packet (optional)

o  Owner: Unit / Department

o  Departments may desire to send the employee additional information or greeting materials (gift, hard copy letter, etc.) after offer acceptance but prior to employee’s first day.

o  Units will be encouraged to include any departmental paperwork or information (maps, schedules for department orientation) electronically as part of the offer. If there is information that the department would prefer to withhold until the offer is accepted, it will be the department’s responsibility to provide it to the new hire.

3.  Arrive at SSC on or before first day of work with required identification

o  Owner: New Hire

o  New employees will be required to visit the SSC upon arriving to work on their first day to complete or turn in necessary paperwork. Student hires may go to Carruth if desired.

o  For staff located off the Lawrence campus, special accommodations can be made.

§  Submit forms either by fax, email, or mail. I-9 has to be notarized and mailed.

o  Based on new State of Kansas legislation, all applicants must apply for and receive tax clearance from the State confirming the applicant does not have any outstanding tax bills. This process is completed by the candidate outside of the KU recruiting process. However, the job offer and related content should clearly explain the applicant’s responsibility and direct the applicant to the appropriate state resources

4.  Complete photo ID process (Lawrence campus staff only)

o  Owner: Shared Services Center HR Representative

5.  Complete new hire forms

o  Owner: New Hire

o  I-9 forms will be completed and identification verified at the SSC. Accommodations will be made for new hires that are based off-site. Additional requirements may apply

o  Direct deposit information (bank identification, account number) will be provided to Payroll for initial direct deposit setup

o  Employee will have the opportunity to discuss benefits with Benefits Office if they so desire

o  Basic orientation will be conducted

o  If employee is paid on an hourly basis, SSC or HR staff identify time collection device and enroll and train as appropriate

o  If employee has not previously initiated a background check process, HR will assist the employee with instructions on how to provide necessary information to HireRight

o  HR will provide a temporary parking pass to new regular hires when they arrive; the pass is valid for up to five days

6.  Complete Personnel Action Form and attach hiring documents

o  Owner: Shared Services Center HR Representative

o  SSC will complete a Personnel Action Form (PAF) based on the hiring documents and information previously provided by the hiring unit in the recruiting bundle and/or offer: funding, work schedule, supervisor, etc.

o  For hourly employees, HR staff will assign new hire to a workgroup as defined within the Time & Leave and Absence Management modules based on the information submitted with the recruiting bundle

o  Scanned copies of all hiring documents will be attached to the PAF and submitted to HR

o  https://ssc.ku.edu/sites/ssc.ku.edu/files/files/Narratives/HR/HR_Forms_attached_to_PAF.pdf

7.  Input new hire information into HR/Pay system

o  Owner: Human Resources

o  HR will enter relevant new hire information from the PAF and hiring documents into core HR/Pay

8.  Route PAF & attachments to Benefits/Payroll* & complete workflow (*if applicable)

o  Owner: Human Resources

o  Once the information is entered in HR/Pay, HR will forward the PAF and necessary attachments to Benefits/Payroll if applicable

o  At the end of the workflow, the ImageNow form is indexed and email notification is sent to the hiring Unit/Department

9.  Conduct department orientation

o  Owner: Unit / Department

o  Recommended: in addition to the HR orientation, it is recommended that departments also offer some type of orientation that would include introduction to co-workers, tour of facilities, training, and initial goal setting with performance coach / mentor / manager. This orientation should occur the day the employee begins work if possible.

Example department orientation content

New Hire Binder / Day One Orientation Schedule / Ongoing Training / Orientation /
·  Onboarding schedule with first week/ month/ year to-do list
·  Quick and dirty reference sheet
·  Welcome from dean
·  Mission
·  Strategic plan
·  Organization chart
·  Travel policies
·  Necessary services
·  HR-payroll
·  Parking / ·  15-20 minutes with main contact
·  15-20 minutes with department accountant
·  Meet new employee mentor & peer contact assigned
·  Lunch with group or peer contact
·  Inform of inclement weather policies
·  Inform of evacuation procedures
·  Tour of school/department buildings
·  Visit dean’s office
·  Discuss job-specific duties and expectations / ·  Within first week
o  Go to all buildings
o  Set goals (30 day window for USS if needed)
·  Within first month
o  If grant funded- attend grant funding session on web after first month
·  Within first year
o  Visit to other campuses the school/department has operations if applicable

10.  Attend University HR orientation

o  Owner: New Hire

o  Optional for student and faculty employees (the latter participate in new-faculty orientation)

o  Current State:

§  Mandatory staff orientation is held twice a month and is required of all new employees

§  Contact SSC or HR staff to identify the next available orientation

§  New-faculty orientation is held once a year

o  Future State:

§  Orientation to be held at least twice a semester to:

·  Build a greater sense of community

·  Act as a forum to relay pertinent information

·  Establish KU as an “Employer of Choice”

·  Improve KU brand

11.  Receive & complete KU onboarding survey

o  Owner: New Hire

o  The SSC will send a satisfaction survey to all new employees to gather feedback to improve the recruitment and onboarding experience

§  Send request for feedback from generic email, not from employee email

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