Computer Programming Resources

Websites to visit at home

Beyond an Hour of Code

Learning more about (tutorial videos available)


Hour of Code with Khan Academy

Different learning modules (database, webpage, drawing)

Free/Online accessible

Code Studio

20 hour courses for all age levels (Minecraft, Frozen, Java scripting)


Google CS First

Google sponsored;ages 9-14 (storytelling, fashion/design, art-based projects, materials to start a CS club)

and click “View Materials” tab. Free/online accessible


3D programming (create animations, storytelling, interactive games, share videos on the web)

via Windows, Mac, Linux (free downloadable software)

Scratch/// /// / Snap

Program-interactive games; colorful, kid-friendly/// /// / Extension of Scratch (high school/college)

accessible /// / accessible

App Inventor Online Class (creating graphics & images bit-by-bit)

App Inventor Website and Tutorials /// /// /// How to design a videogame through code

//// //// ////

Android Basics Nanodegree program by Google (No experience needed)

Join for free/Online Accessible


Cargo – Bot (visual coding/ uses a claw to move pieces/ difficulty increases with level) – Free

Code Studio (k-5 curriculum for teaching coding – available on iPad or online) – Free

Daisy the Dinosaur (drag & drop/ play-what-you-create icon games for kids) – Free

Hopscotch (drag & drop/ play-what-you-create icon games) – Free

Kodable (visual coding/ work to solve puzzles/ difficulty increases with levels) – First 30 levels free

Run Marco (visual coding/ work to solve puzzles/ difficulty increases with levels – Free

Scratch Jr. (drag & drop/ play-what-you-create icon games for kids as young as age 5) – Free

Hands-On Resources for Kids that Utilize Code

Raspberry PI: (Raspberry PI Zero is $5.00)

Arduino: (Arduino basic kit is $8.00)


Community Events
Professionals teach kids to code – Second
Saturdays at the Google Fiber Space
to register (Free) / Coding & Cupcakes
Mother/daughter coding event

*CoderDojoKC Junior mentorship program also available.

Resources for Educators

Free, openly licensed, online education materials – for use/reuse, adaptation,sharing

Introducing Computer Science to the classroom

Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Cyberbullying, Digital Parenting, etc.

Online Safety, Getting Online 101 Basics, etc.

Tips for kids with special needs, IEP’s, etc.

Games teach kids about Online safety, Telecommunication privacy, Cell phone use