Cooperation and Development Section ■ Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia

EU-China Environmental Sustainability Programme

Duration / 36 months (2013–2016)
Beneficiary Countries / China
EU Grant / 9,000,000 EUR
China Contribution / 2,250,000 EUR
Beneficiary / ChineseMinistry of Commerce
Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection
Location / China
Programme Website /
EU Delegation Contact / Ms. Xueju Huang

Programme Background

China has made remarkable progress in sustaining high economic growth, however, it is facing majordomestic environmental challenges. Water pollution, mainly caused by extensive pollutants discharged from industrial, domestic and agricultural sources, is a severe problem and has increased despite efforts to control it, aggravating even further the water scarcity the country is facing. Provision of safe drinking water and sufficient water resources for agriculture and industry is identified as an important priority in the 12th 5-year plan. Moreover, high levels of heavy-metal pollution have become a major public health hazard, with repeated reports of children with high levels of lead in the blood and villagers suffering from long-term exposure to heavy metals. There are also widespread concerns about contamination of food, particularly of rice. Five key industries have been identified as major causes of heavy metal pollution. Adequate waste management also represents an increasingly important challenge in the country. Many cities and municipalities largely rely on landfills and waste separation and recycling are not carried out effectively. Management of hazardous waste is another pressing issue that the government considers a priority. Episodes of land or water contaminated from inadequate disposal practices or chemical spills continue to be frequent.

While the legislative framework in China is relatively comprehensive, problems remain with the implementation and enforcement of environmental regulations. The newly released 12th 5-year Plan has placed great importance on improving pollution control and moving towards a green economy. In this connection, it stresses the significance of "building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society". It also notes the importance to "develop circular economy and accelerate environmental conservation". It sets reduction targets for major pollutants (such as SO2, ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxide, etc). It also sets targets for recycling of industrial waste, municipal sewage and municipal solid waste treatment (72%, 85% and 80% respectively) and it identifies among other national priorities the provision of safe drinking water and the reduction of heavy metal pollution.

The EU has been implementing water, pollution control and sustainable waste policies for decades and is recognised in many policy areas as world leader. In the past China has sought inspiration from European legislation and policy experiences when designing its policies, for instance concerning vehicle emissions, chemicals registration, and the EU Water Framework Directive.

In its Country Strategy Paper (2007-2013), the European Commission (EC) has pledged to assist China in its efforts to address global concerns over the environment, energy and climate change. This priority of cooperation has been confirmed in the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for 2011-2013, which states that projects should be developed to promote in China environmental sustainability. The China Europe Water Platform (CEWP), launched in March 2012, is aiming at promoting policy dialogue on water sector reforms, encouraging capacity-building, technical and business cooperation in the water sector.

The project is to support China in its efforts of achieving the environmental targets defined in its 12th 5 Year Plan by reducing water and heavy metal pollution and implementing sustainable waste policies.

Programme Overall Objectives

To support China in its effort of meeting the environmental and climate change targets defined in the 12th Five Year Development Plan.

Specific Objectives

To support the Chinese authorities in their efforts of achieving environmental sustainability by reducing water and heavy metal pollution and implementing sustainable waste policies.

Estimated Programme Results

The improvement of the surface water, groundwater and drinking water quality in pilot areas throughpollution discharge management.

Improvement of waste management in pilot areas through integrated sustainable waste managementapproach to achieve more waste reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery, thus minimizing theamount of waste to be disposed.

Heavy metal pollution is reduced through support to national and local policy and institutionalcapacity and pilots on policy implementation at local level.

An appropriate policy support and networking mechanism to synthesize results from above 1, 2 and 3 for policy support, networking and dissemination.

Types of action

Lot 1: The improvement of the surface water, groundwater and drinking water quality in pilot areas through pollution discharge management

Reduction of pollution loads in surface water in pilot municipalities

Reduction of emission of persistent toxic substances in pilot areas

Reduction in risks of groundwater pollution and depletion resulting in loss of drinking water sources

Reduction of the risks of accidental pollution causing contamination of drinking water sources

Ecological restoration of polluted water bodies and post restoration evaluation and monitoring of water body ecology

Application of river health assessment techniques that contribute to improvement of water quality

Lot 2: Sustainable solid waste management

Improvement of waste classification and management

Minimization of industrial waste generation via cleaner production audit and Best Available Technology (BAT/)/Best Environmental Practices (BEP)

Improvement of collection, treatment and disposal of non-industrial wastes (such as waste fluorescent lamps, laboratory waste, etc) via innovative techniques and policy instrument

Improvement of the operation of final disposal options including landfills and incineration

Lot 3: Heavy metal pollution prevention and control

Support to the establishment of heavy metal pollution prevention and management strategy

Reduction of heavy metal emission from targeted industries

Support to the establishment of emergency response system on heavy metal pollution accidents

Enhancing the capability of policy implementation at national and local levels

Lot 4: Policy support and networking mechanism

Targeted policy support and maximising project impact

Support up taking successful results to national and local policy framework through appropriate channels

Establishment of appropriate mechanism for networking and wider dissemination

Awareness raising