OBM Neurobiology2018;2(1),doi:10.21926/obm.neurobiol.1801xxx

Open Access
OBM Neurobiology /

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Article Title

FirstnameLastname1,2,†, FirstnameLastname1,†, FirstnameLastname2,‡,*

1.Affiliation 1, address, City, Country; E-Mails:

2.Affiliation 2, address, City, Country; E-Mails:

‡Current Affiliation: if any

†These authors contributed equally to this work.

*Correspondence:Corresponding author’s name(s); E-Mail(s):

Academic Editor(s): Name(s)

Special Issue:

OBM Neurobiology
2018, volume2,issue 1
doi:10.21926/obm.neurobiol.1801xxx / Received:


(1) Background:

(2) Methods:

(3) Results:

(4) Conclusions:


Keyword 1;Keyword 2;Keyword 3 (3to 10 keywords reflecting the theme of thisstudy)

1. Introduction

Main text

Ethics Statement

Provide approval information if human, animal, plant, subjects were involved in the study. Refer to Research Ethics Guidelines for more information.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Subtitle 1

Subsubtitle 1.Main text

Subsubtitle 2.Main text

2.2. Subtitle 2

Main text

3. Results

3.1. Subtitle 1

Main text

3.2. Subtitle 2

Main text

[Figure here]

Figure 1 Caption. (One line: middle; more lines: justified, right and left=1 cm)

Table 1 Table caption. (One line: middle; more lines: justified, right and left=1 cm)

[Table here]

4. Discussion

Main text

5. Conclusions

Main text


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Author Contributions

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State the organization(s) or foundation(s) that funded this research.

Competing Interests

Declare competing interests here if any,or state “The authors have declared that no competing interests exist."

Additional Materials (if any)

The following additional materials are uploaded at the page of this paper.

1. Title of material 1.(e.g., Figure S1: Title).

2. Title of material 2.(e.g.,Table S1: Title).

3. Title of material 2.(e.g., Video S1: Title).


1.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. (up to 6 authors before using “et al.”) Article title.Abbreviated Journal Name. Year; Volume: pages. (When page is not available, a DOI or other identifier should be provided).

2.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. Book title. 2nd ed. City of the Publisher: Name of the Publisher; Year of the publication. (page p. or p. page range if any).

3.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. Title of the presentation. Proceedings of the Name of the Conference; Full Date of Conference (Year Month Day); Location of Conference (City, State if US, Country). Location of the Publisher (City): Name of the Publisher.

4.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. Report title. Final report. City of the report agency (state abbreviation if US): Name of the agency; year of the report; report number.

5.Author AB. Title of thesis. City of the University: Name of the university; year of completion.

6.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. Article title [Internet]. City of the press: name of the press; year of update [cited date (year month day)]. Available from: URL.

7.Author 1 AB, Author 2 CD. Title of unpublished work. Abbreviated Journal. Forthcoming year.

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