PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Complete at Beginning of Review Period
(Also complete Part1a—descriptions of Objectives/Measures; 2a—Competencies; and 3a—Planned Training/Professional Development on the following pages.)
Name / SupervisorPosition Title / Employee ID Number
Department / Review Period
Required Signatures and Dates for Objectives/Measures, Performance Criteria and Professional Development Plan:
Next Level Reviewer / Supervisor / Employee
Date: / Date: / Date:
Complete at Mid-Year and at Informal Reviews
Mid-year Review—Required Signatures and Date of Review:(Also complete Part1b—Accomplishment of Objectives/Measures; 2b—Performance on Competencies; and 3b—Progress on Training/Prof. Development on the following pages.) / Informal Reviews—Signatures and Dates(s) of Review:
(No written comments required.)
Date / Employee / Supervisor
Informal Review #1
Supervisor / Date / Informal Review #2
Informal Review #3
Informal Review #4
Employee / Date / Informal Review #5
Informal Review #6
Complete at End of Review Period
Supervisor: Assign an overall rating for Objective/Competency performance (see last page for definitions). Also provide year-end comments and ratings for Objectives (Parts 1c, 1d), Competencies (Parts 2c, 2d); and comments for training/professional development plan (Part 3c), and final overall comments (Part 4).CE—Consistently Exceeds Expectations / Required Signatures and Dates:
EE—Exceeds Expectations
ME—Meets Expectations
NI—Needs Improvement / Next Level Reviewer / Supervisor / Employee*
UN—Unsatisfactory / Date: / Date: / Date:
* Employee Signature does not imply agreement or disagreement with evaluator’s comments or ratings
PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Part 1: Statement of Objectives/Success Measures and Documentation of Progress toward Accomplishment
Part 1a: Objectives and Success Measures(Complete at beginning of review period)
In the space below, document 3-6 objectives for the upcoming performance cycle. In the box provided indicate the designation of the district goal or strategic direction step related to the objective.
For each objective, document the measures that will be used to determine if objective has been achieved at the target level. A separate work plan should be developed by the employee for each objective. This plan will be reviewed and modified, if necessary, after review by supervisor. / Part 1b: Mid-Year Review
(comments required)
Comment on progress toward completion of objective. Document any agreed upon modifications/revisions to objective or success measures. / Part 1c: Year-End Review
Summarize performance on objectives relative to success measures defined during planning. If objective was not met at planned level, document reasons (either within or outside the control of employee). / Part 1d: Year-End
Indicate final rating for accomplishment of this objective.
(See last page for definitions.)
Objective #1
Objective #2
Objective #3
Objective #4
Objective #5
Objective #6
PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Part 2: Documentation of Performance for Required Competencies for Management Services Team
2a: Required Competencies(Complete at beginning of review period)
In the space below make comments for the upcoming performance cycle, where appropriate, for each competency. Comments are required for competencies identified as needing improvement. Comments may be appropriate for other criteria including those identified by the employee as areas of interest for professional growth. / 2b: Mid-Year Review
Cite behavioral examples which illustrate the level of achievement for each competency. Comments are required for competencies identified at the beginning of the review cycle. / 2c: Year-End Review
Cite behavioral examples which illustrate the level of achievement for each competency. Comments required for each competency. / 2d:Year-End
Indicate final rating for each competency.
(See last page for definitions.).
2.0Administration and Management
4.0Interest in pupils, employees, patrons and subjects taught in schools
5.0Ability and performance of evaluation of personnel
6.0Knowledge of, experience in and training in recognizing good professional performance capabilities and development
7.0Professional preparation and scholarship
8.0Effort toward improvement when needed
PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Part 3: Training/Professional Development
3a: Training/Professional Development Plan(Complete at beginning of review period)
In the space below, summarize training or professional development plan for the upcoming performance cycle. This plan should support objectives or the attainment of competencies. Specify the skills/knowledge to be developed. / 3b: Mid-Year Plan Review
(comments required)
Record progress and any changes in training/professional development plan. / 3c: Year-End Plan Review
Provide year-end summary of training/professional development plan. Indicate if plan was completed or needs to be continued/modified for next performance cycle.
PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Part 4: Overall Comments at Completion of Performance Cycle
In the space(s) below, document comments regarding overall performance for the review period.Employee comments / Supervisor Comments
PuyallupSchool District
Performance Management Form
Part 5: Definitions of Ratings
Objective Ratings / Competency Ratings / Overall RatingsST = Significantly Above Target
Results consistently surpass all defined expectations by a wide margin. This individual routinely demonstrates an ability to excel in the widest variety of assignments. On new assignments, learning progress far exceeds expectations.
OT = Over Target
Results often surpass most defined expectations. This individual demonstrates an ability to excel in usual job assignments. On new assignments, learning progress meets and frequently exceeds expectations.
ON = On Target
Results consistently achieve the defined expectations. On new assignments, learning progress meets expectations.
BT = Below Target
Results miss achieving the defined expectations to a degree that cannot be allowed to continue. On new assignments, learning progress does not meet expectations.
SB = Significantly Below Target
Results are not satisfactory and totally miss achieving the defined target expectations. / RM = Role Model
Individual performs very strong in all areas of this competency and serves as an example to others.
RS = Recognized Strength
Individual performs effectively in all areas of this competency.
CO = Competent
Individual performs effectively in most areas of this competency with minor areas of improvement noted.
FR = Focus Required
Individual performs effectively in some areas of this competency; however, focused attention is needed in one or more key areas.
UN = Unsatisfactory
Performance remains unacceptable after intensive supervision and monitoring of specific plan for improvement. / CE = Consistently Exceeds Expectations
Performance consistently exceeds expectations. Individual demonstrates mastery of the assignments and is able to initiate and perform work independently as well as introduces process improvements.
EE = Exceeds Expectations
Performance meets and exceeds (exceeds more often that meets) expectations. Individual has extensive knowledge of the position and is able to initiate and perform most work with minimal direction.
ME = Meets Expectations
Performance meets expectations. Individual demonstrates ability to meet overall requirements on a consistent basis; overall composite is solid performance.
NI = Needs Improvement
Performance does not meet minimum expectations and needs immediate improvement, although certain components of performance may be acceptable or improving. Individual demonstrates inability to meet overall requirements on a consistent basis. May require constant direction and regular follow-up.
UN = Unsatisfactory
Performance remains unacceptable after intensive supervision and monitoring of specific plan for improvement.
Required Competencies Criteria and Sub-Criteria
1.1Demonstrates significant positive influence on the performance of other district employees.
1.2Applies knowledge and skills of supervision to programs and personnel, and demonstrates the ability to inspire staff to grow and develop in a way that reflects acceptance of his or her leadership.
1.3Makes decisions based on most appropriate process for the given situation.
1.4Understands the relationship between area of responsibility and instructional program; encourages initiative and creativity in the support of program improvement.
1.5Cooperates and coordinates with other administrators in establishing and implementing programs and goals.
1.6Assists staff in providing for individual needs and abilities.
1.7Shares with peers, subordinates, and superiors knowledge of desirable educational practices.
1.8Demonstrates high standards of professional ethical principles, expertise, and commitment.
1.9Clearly communicates expectations and mission.
1.10Serves as an instructional resource.
1.11Maintains a visible presence.
1.12Participates and assumes leadership in district-wide in-service and projects.
1.13Contributes to overall district goals and operation.
2.1Demonstrates the ability to make a decision or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action, good sense and discretion.
2.2Demonstrates responsibility in establishing an effective communicative environment which reflects openness, honesty, and a high degree of mutual respect, both personal and professional.
2.21Communicates clearly and effectively so that intended audience understands.
2.22Implements orderly procedures to facilitate communication within the building or department.
2.23Provides avenues to receive feedback.
2.24Submits reports as required.
2.25Demonstrates the ability to plan and organize to achieve desired results.
2.26Initiates communications in a timely manner.
2.27Manages conflict in an objective and positive manner.
2.3Develops and completes appropriate objectives.
2.31Completes objectives assigned by supervisors.
2.32Completes self-selected objectives.
2.33Establishes a self-monitoring system for objective achievement.
2.4Develops appropriate short- and long-range plans.
2.5Utilizes building, division, and district personnel to promote quality and safe facilities.
2.6Respects the time of others as a valuable resource.
3.1Takes initiative to provide staff members with an understanding of the budget process and, when practical, utilizes staff members to help establish budget priorities.
3.11Establishes and follows through on a time frame for budget development.
3.12Demonstrates skill in the mechanical processes for developing budget requests.
3.13Prepares accurate budget requests in a form acceptable for district planning and budgeting.
3.14Makes budgetary decisions that support achievement of building, department, and district goals.
3.2Maintains building or department spending within established budgetary level, using appropriate accounting methods and controls.
3.21Keeps total expenditures within school/program budget allocation.
3.22Follows established accounting procedures for the collection and final clearance of funds.
3.23Handles purchasing forms and procedures accurately.
3.24Maintains accurate inventory.
3.3Serves as provider of resources to enhance the instructional program.
4.1Demonstrates ability to develop and maintain positive interpersonal relationships.
4.2Demonstrates understanding and sensitivity to different racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious values.
4.3Promotes staff dedication and commitment to professional competence.
4.4Maintains open communication among parents, staff, and students.
4.5Maintains an orderly and safe environment.
4.6Supports and interprets building and district policy to students, staff, and the public.
4.7Participates in and cooperates with school, community, and civic organizations.
4.8Plans use of available district/community resources to support student and/or program needs.
4.9Demonstrates how area of responsibility contributes to effective school practices.
4.10Is visible and available to students, staff, and public to discuss educational matters.
5.1Is accurate and insightful in evaluation of the performance of staff and demonstrates skill in communicating this information in an appropriate and timely manner.
5.2Spends the necessary amount of time and effort to effectively observe and conference with staff.
5.3Complete staff evaluations on time.
5.4Bases staff evaluation on clearly communicated criteria and professionally gathered data.
5.5Gathers appropriate data on which to judge performance as related to performance criteria.
5.6Utilizes supervision and evaluation practices which result in increased effectiveness.
5.7Assists staff in developing realistic goals for self-improvement.
5.8Provides guidance and support for staff to improve in identified performance areas.
5.9Holds high performance expectations for employees.
5.10Implements appropriate plans for improvement, probation, and termination procedures when necessary.
6.1Correctly utilizes district resources and procedures in staff selection.
6.11Preserves the spirit and intent of the district’s Affirmative Actions goals.
6.12Preserves the spirit and intent of district’s mission and strategic directions.
6.2Provides for regular and ongoing staff orientation in the areas of district goals, policies, procedures, and programs.
6.3Recommends, schedules, and assigns staff members whose attributes, skills, education, and experience will provide maximum benefits to the school or department program.
6.4Organizes staff development programs which assist staff members in the development of the maximum potential.
6.5Cultivates among the staff an awareness of the value of recognition among colleagues, community, and students and provides for a systematic method for commending staff achievement.
6.6Fulfills administrative obligations as provided in the negotiated agreements while working to maintain cooperative and productive relationships with various employee groups.
7.1Is receptive to change and demonstrates continual development of management capabilities in a way which contributes toward meeting goals and objectives.
7.2Monitors own performance, soliciting feedback from others.
7.3Formulates and achieves appropriate personal goals for professional improvement.
7.4Continues professional growth activities.
7.5Presents oneself as an informed professional in oral and written contacts with students, colleagues, parents, and community.
7.6Demonstrates a level of knowledge necessary to develop and implement program and supervise and evaluate personnel.
8.1Participates in appropriate in-service and career-development activities, and district-wide projects.
8.2Initiates appropriate responses to constructive suggestions.
8.3Seeks feedback on performance.
8.4Demonstrates a self-awareness of professional strengths, needs, and limitations, and sets realistic goals and works consistently toward goal attainment.
8.5Demonstrates awareness, is conversant, and uses, when appropriate, current topics, trends, and issues in education.