
Title /

Art and Evidence of Midwifery (Changed)

Code / MI 506
Level / 5
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Course Entry Requirements
Type of module / Extensive over Stage one
Aims / This module aims to provide the student with the foundation knowledge for midwifery by integrating learning from all Stage one modules. This is achieved through:
·  Application of the philosophies and theories which contribute to midwifery practice
·  The integration of skills that underpin midwifery practice.
·  Understanding of the midwife’s role and responsibilities in normal pregnancy and childbirth
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module the student will be able to:
1.  Analyse the historical, social, organisational and statutory context of midwifery practice
2.  Analyse the rights of individuals considering their social, spiritual and cultural worlds
3.  Analyse how ethical theories and principles can develop a framework for midwifery practice
4.  Demonstrate understanding into the processes of assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating care
5.  Analyse the psycho-social adaptation to pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
6.  Analyse the importance of collaborative working in the provision of maternity services
7.  Analyse the midwife’s role in promoting, initiating and supporting breastfeeding
8.  Select and analyse the evidence to inform clinical effectiveness in midwifery practice.
9.  Undertake self-directed learning, self-assessment and reflection to identify areas for life-long professional and personal development.
Content / ·  The History, philosophies and traditions shaping midwifery practice
·  The statutory framework and the professional regulation of practice
·  Ethical theories and principles shaping and defining midwifery practice
·  The law and the midwife
·  Child protection and the vulnerable adult
·  Models of care
·  Learning styles with a focus on self-directed study
·  Reflective practice and writing
·  Midwifery terminology
·  Role and responsibilities of the midwife in antenatal, intrapartum (to include homebirth and waterbirth) and postnatal care to include public health, sexual health, family planning and pelvic floor exercises
·  Role and responsibilities of the midwife in the care of the neonate
·  Psycho-social adaptation to motherhood
·  Baby Friendly Initiative: Breastfeeding and the Baby Friendly Initiative
·  Baby Friendly Initiative: Initiation & management of normal breastfeeding
·  Legal aspects of drug storage, administration and disposal
·  Promoting normality in childbearing
Introduction to parent education to include breathing and relaxation techniques.
·  Culture and Equality
·  Nutrition in pregnancy, labour and the puerperium
(Please note that all content where appropriate relates to woman, partner, baby and family)
Teaching and learning strategies / The learning outcomes will be supported through lectures and Enquiry Based Learning using reflection from clinical practice, scenario’s from clinical practice and quizzes. Students will be expected to utilise the learning opportunities available on student central for this module as well as the other Stage one modules that compliment this module content.
Formative assessment will comprise of a plan of the summative assessment to be submitted into turnitin between week 6 and week 16 of semester.
Activity / Hours / %
Lecturer Contact / 38 / 19
Independent Study / 122 / 61
Assessment / 40 / 20%
Total / 200 / 100%
Learning support / Baston, H. & Durward, H. 2010 Examination of the Newborn: A Practical Guide. 2nd eds. Oxford: Routledge.
Baston, H. 2009 Midwifery Essentials 1: Basics. Churchill Livingstone.
Baston, H. 2009 Midwifery Essentials 2: Antenatal. Churchill Livingstone.
Baston, H. 2009 Midwifery Essentials 3: Labour. Churchill Livingstone.
Baston, H. 2009 Midwifery Essentials 4: Postnatal. Churchill Livingstone.
Bick, D. et al 2009 Postnatal Care: Evidence and Guidelines for Management. 2nd eds. Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone.
Downe, S. 2008 Normal Childbirth; Evidence and Debate.2nd eds. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Fraser, D. & Cooper, M. 2009 Myles Textbook for Midwives. 15th edn. London: Churchill Livingstone
Macdonald, S. & Henderson, C. 2004 Mayes Midwifery: A textbook for midwives. 13th edn. London: Balliere Tindall. Mander R 2009 Becoming a Midwife. Routledge.
Sherr, L. 2005 The Psychology of Pregnancy and Childbirth. London: Blackwell Science Ltd
Squire, C. 2009 The Social Context of Birth. 2nd edn. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press.
Thompson, S. 2008. The critically reflective practitioner. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan
Walsh, D. 2012 Evidenced-based care for normal labour and birth.2nd edn Taylor and Francis.
British Journal of Midwifery
The Practising Midwife
Assessment tasks / Critical Incident Analysis (2,500 words)
The prime focus will be an experience from clinical practice relating to normal midwifery. The student will critically discuss the needs of the woman and the midwifery care given with reference to current relevant literature.
100% weighting
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module aims to provide the student with the foundation knowledge for normal midwifery by integrating learning from Stage one modules.
Area examination board to which module relates / Pre-registration Midwifery Examination Board
Module team/authors/ coordinator / Fawzia Zaidi, Carol Reid, Annie Rimmer
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1
Site where delivered / Eastbourne
Date of first approval / May 2007
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / 16th May 2012
Version number / 2
Replacement for previous module / Elementary Midwifery Two MI217
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Midwifery
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / 18 Month BSc (Hons) Midwifery
School home / School of Nursing and Midwifery
External examiner / Bernadette Norman 1/9/10 – 31/8/2014