/ Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP)

Executive Recommendation Form

Recommenders Name:
Recommenders Title:
Recommenders Institution:
Recommenders Phone:
Recommenders Email:
Name of the applicant you are recommending for the Executive Leadership Development Program:
Does the applicant you are recommending for the program report directly to you? If no, who does the applicant report to at your institution?
Length of time you have worked with the applicant you are recommending:
Rate the applicant’s readiness level (both ability and interest) to advance to the role of Director within an AZA accredited Zoo and Aquarium within the next 5 years
Ready Now:  / Ready in 2-3 years:  / Ready in 4-5 Years:  / Ready in 5+ Years: 
Please review the program highlights pages included with this form that highlight the Director’s role and responsibilities in support of the program participant throughout his/her ELDP experience. Given your understanding of this program, are you willing to invest the time and financial investment required to support your candidate? / No
 / Yes
 /
Not Applicable

For each category noted below, please rate your applicants ability to demonstrate using the following rating scale:
N/A = unable to judge / 1 = average ability / 2 = above average ability / 3 = superior ability
N/A / 1 / 2 / 3
An ability to effect change in the applicant’s institution and/or the zoo & aquarium movement
Commitment to ethics and integrity
Balances business acumen and the advancement of the mission of zoos and aquariums
Ability to passionately articulate a concept or vision to a wide range of audiences
Applicant is self-motivated and takes initiative to drive their personal development.
Demonstrates a commitment to diversity and will bring a unique perspective to the overall participant group based on their background and ideologies.

Executive Recommendation Form – COntinued:

Please share an example of how the applicant you are recommending has demonstrated his/her ability for one of the categories you rated above:
Is there additional information you would like to share about the applicant that will help us understand his/her ability and interest to be successful in this program and advance to the role of Director within an AZA accredited Zoo and Aquarium within the next 5 years.
Director’s Signature / Date

Executive Recommendation Form – COntinued:

Executive Leadership Development Program Highlights:
The goal of the Executive Leadership Development Program is to develop executive talent and leadership for individuals who demonstrate the ability and interest to advance to the role of Director within an AZA accredited zoo or aquarium within the next 5 years.
The focus of the Executive Leadership Development Program is on the development of the executive competencies, or the knowledge, skills and behaviors needed to be most effective in the role of Director. The competency model emphasizes three tiers of competencies to include:
  1. Executive Leadership Behaviors, which define the heart and values of an effective leader and the leadership approach to Inspire, Model, Challenge, Enable, Encourage others to deliver on the mission of the Institution.
  2. Executive Focus, which define the skills and knowledge needed to sustain a viable institution, be an effective executive participant in AZA forums and advance the mission.
  3. Executive Oversight for Zoo/Aquarium Operations, which define the skills and knowledge needed to provide executive oversight for the operations at the Institutional level.
The participants will work closely with their Director at their institution and an assigned executive mentor to assess development priorities and create an individualized development plan (IDP) to address. Each ELDP participant will work closely with his/her Director and an assigned executive mentor to identify their top development priorities and create an individualized development plan (IDP) to address these priorities. Elements of the IDP will include a variety of experiences to include:
Job Shadow, Observation, Site Visits at their institution, other AZA accredited institutions, or other community organizations, etc.
Action Learning Teams on which they will be assigned to work on a critical priority facing AZA and the zoo and aquarium members.
Conversations with Z/A Executives scheduled throughout the year; these informal sessions will enable existing executives and other industry professionals to share leadership insights and transfer institutional knowledge on a variety of topics.
Executive Leadership Coaching to help participants identify development priorities and strategies for working on these priorities and understand the differentiating factors of executive leadership.

Executive Recommendation Form – COntinued:

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Director (ELDP Leader) in support of their Program Participant:
The participant’s Director will take on the ‘ELDP Leader’ role and will assume the following responsibilities in support of their participant throughout his or her program experience.
Participate in a prep session in December (via phone prior to program launch) to understand the tools, resources, and key program milestones and reinforce the ELDP Leader's role and responsibilities in supporting the program participant.
Clarify/promote the program at the Institution level.
Engage other team members and your board in supporting the program participant with various program components (job shadow experience, etc.).
Rate the participant’s Leadership Behavior using a provided 360-degree assessment tool.
Assess/validate the participant’s current competency level using provided tools.
Provide input and guidance for the development of the Individual Development Plan - ongoing.
Meet regularly with the participant to discuss progress and help the participant reflect and apply leadership learnings.
Check-in regularly with the participant’s assigned executive mentor to ensure consistency with program direction.
Provide feedback and real-time coaching on a regular basis.
Participate in a combined meeting with participant, and their executive mentor at least quarterly to review program progress and agree on IDP plans for the next quarter.
Allow the participant to job shadow you on a regular basis and take on executive-level responsibilities when ready.
Over a thirteen month-period, enable the participant to attend the ‘in-person’ ELDP work sessions in January, March, May, September and the following January to coincide with AZA conferences.
Ensure the participant has time allotted to complete the development opportunities on his/her action plan.
Bridge relationships and networks for the participant to support their development plan as needed.
Work to transfer your institutional knowledge, expertise and lessons learned to the participant.