Tap Procedures for Large (High Volume) Local Production
The UGI Distribution Companies
1) Producers interested in connecting well gas to UGI’s system must contact UGI Utilities via email at . In the subject line enter “Local Production Request.” In the body of the email provide the name and address of requesting party, as well as email contact information. UGI will then furnish, via email, an electronic copy of the application packet.
2) UGI-CPG requires that parties submit an application for a tap request in hard copy format, accompanied by an application fee of $4,000 to begin the internal review process. CPG will provide written acknowledgment no later than three (3) business days following receipt of application.
3) UGI-CPG will coordinate and schedule a site meeting in order to determine the precise tap location for the proposed supply.
4) UGI-CPG’s Engineering Department will determine if additional supplies can enter the distribution system piping facilities at the proposed tap location. UGI-CPG will provide written notice of the decision to approve or deny the application following the receipt of the request. If the request is denied, the notice will include the reason(s) for denial. (Note* If approval is granted and gas wells intended to supply the proposed tap are in place and completed, UGI may request a preliminary analysis to assure that acceptable levels of key constituents are present, before proceeding in the process.)
5) Following the determination by the UGI-CPG Engineering Department, the producer will be provided with contract terms and pricing information. An engineering design and estimate will be undertaken to determine the costs associated with performing the tap, installing metering, and regulation at the site. (Note*Once constructed, UGI will own, operate, and maintain the station.)
6) Once payment is received from the producer to cover the estimated costs, contracts will be furnished to the producer that UGI expects to be executed without modification.
7) Upon receipt of the fully executed contracts, UGI Operations will schedule required materials and undertake fabrication of the station components. The actual installation of the station will be coordinated with the Producer.
8) Once constructed UGI will again test to ensure that all gas quality specifications are met. If the gas quality test fails, gas will not be allowed to enter UGI’s system until constituents are remediated to acceptable levels. UGI plans on random sampling of gas as often as is necessary to ensure safe operation of facilities once in operation. Producers will be responsible for all gas sampling costs including the time for UGI personnel to be on site to witness such tests.
9) The time required to complete all procedural elements set forth above are subject to conditions and workload at the time of the request. The Company will make every reasonable effort to complete the requests in a timely fashion.