Training Committee Meeting Minutes, 02/21/13

Present: Misty Alvaro, Quanetta Batts, Sherab Chen, Kevlin Haire, Cheryl Lowry, Melanie McGurr, Lisa Patton-Glinski, Amy Pickenpaugh.


  1. Draft of process for training needs form
  2. Tip of the Month/minute taking calendar
  3. Draft of e-mail for additional training information
  4. Web site review
  5. Updates/New Business

Melanie called the meeting to order at 1:15 PM.

Draft of process for training needs form:

  • Melanie has drafted a process document for responses to the training needs request form that will be on our webpage: it is currently on CMS, but unpublished. Melanie will post it to the J drive.
  • Kevlin is checking with Russell about creating the form.
  • When a user submitsa request, s/he will receive an auto-reply message via e-mail indicating that we have received the request and will respond within a week. The user's request will go to Melanie (chairperson, main contact) and Kevlin (backup). We will assign a new contact and backup when the chair changes.
  • The main contact for the response process will consult our resource lists to match the user's stated training needs and reply with information and suggestions. If the contact person cannot find a good match, s/he will contact the user to let them know we will discuss it at our next committee meeting. Lisa suggested that Human Resources be included in the resource list.
  • PR: we will contact Larry with a blurb for NewsNotes when we're closer to launching the form.

Admin Plus on training (Lisa):

  • Admin Plus has reviewed feedback from the training needs assessment interviews and additional requests to HR that were not necessarily in line with interview responses.
  • Still working on assessing the gaps, prioritizing training needs, and maximizing value for limited training dollars. Training needs have shifted over the past 20 years from a transactional focus to increased calls for critical thinking and soft skills training.
  • At Admin Plus on Wednesday, Feb. 27, they will further assess feedback from interviewees to generate a list of training needs. (Nancy will be interviewed separately.) The plan is to break into four brainstorming/discussion groups manned by Melanie, Lisa, Greg, and Q and including an AD in each. The goals are to flesh out areas not recognized in the original interviews and tie training needs to the Strategic Plan and the performance management process. These discussions will replace the follow-up emails we had previously discussed.

Tech tip of the month:

  • Melanie created a Tech tip of the month/Minute-taking calendar for the year. Although we will generally each create a tip in the same month that we take minutes, we aren't starting this month.
  • Greg has suggested linking to an instructional YouTube video or making a screen capture video, etc.
  • The group discussed where to put the tips. Suggestions included NewsNotes, online (behind intranet sign-in or public), and the Carmen wiki. It was also suggested that we archive past tips on our web site. Lisa stated that we should start by posting it in NewsNotes and see how it goes. The person in charge of the month's tip will be responsible for contacting Larry.
  • It was agreed that the person in charge of each tip should be free to submit his/her tip any time during the assigned month to accommodate busy schedules. Pam can perhaps provide a graphic to highlight the tip.

Draft of e-mail for additional training information:

This item has been tabled: discussions at Admin Plus will replace the e-mail follow-up.

Web site review:

  • Qhas updated the member list.
  • Kevlin, Lisa and Q led a discussion about inclusion of a training calendar on our page. While it was agreed that we could compile a training-focused calendar with OSU and/or external training opportunities, Lisa is concerned about maintaining accurate, updated event listings. We can add events to the Libraries' calendar by contacting Larry.
  • Misty suggested adding our meeting schedule and a brief description of the committee (like the first paragraph of the charge).
  • Lisa: add links to on-campus resources (OHR, OCIO, Digital Union, EAP). Q suggested a directory of links to known training sources in the sidebar.
  • Kevlin recommended we add a chair profile to the contact area.
  • Melanie will try to play with the web site and put some content in the sidebar.

Update from Misty and Cheryl:

First round of searches for computer training companies was not helpful, requested another month to try a different approach. Cheryl will talk to OSU departments doing tech training; Misty will go to personal contacts to learn about other companies.

Other training opportunities:

  • Cheryl revisited our previous discussion of, pointing out that public libraries often have free software tutorials (e.g., Learning Express through CML's research tools). All agreed that these should be added to our list of training resources.
  • Dan is investigating Outlook training possibilities.
  • Q suggested that committee members could teach or record our own lessons, at least at the basic level.

Committee charge:

  • Q: AD's are updating charges; Q will help Lisa with initial focuses for 2013.
  • Greg is working on New Hire Orientation.
  • Gap analysis is done/ongoing.
  • To add to focuses:Develop committee website, Tip of the month

New business:

  • Sherab mentioned Sierra training needs. Sierra implementation is set for beginning of June, IT training starts in March. Melanie will contact Sue and Michelle for Sierra updates and info.
  • Melanie brought up the new Carmen coming in early May. Training should come from Carmen people, maybe IT or Teaching and Learning?
  • Amy mentioned potential training needs for Windows 7 as it's rolled out to everyone.

Melanie adjourned the meeting at 2:15 PM.