Tuesday 4thJuly

You will all have received an invitation to an exhibition about a proposed development in Wandleys Lane. This site isNOTpart of our Neighbourhood Plan and the Parish Council will be resisting any development here.

Councillors will be attending the exhibition in a personal capacity, not representing the PC, and will listen butNOT askany leading questions nor fill in any forms. Theonlyfeedback will be that this site is not in our Plan and we will be objecting to any planning application.


A decision is due on the Barnfield House application to which, thank you, more than 120 of you objected. This iskeyas it is the first direct challenge to our Plan.

Wednesday 12thJuly

We understand that our Tuppers Field petition will be on the agenda of the Arun DC full council meeting at6 pmin Arun’s offices in Littlehampton.

Come and support us and show Arun that you care.

Saturday 22ndJuly

WalBinFont Music Night- Walberton Village Hall and the Playing field. A great family night – tickets are only £5 each with under 12s free. T F Bundy group will be entertaining us from7.30 pmwith gates open at6.30 pm.

Bring your picnic, drinks, friends, neighbours and dancing shoes! Maybe a gazebo for sun or rain?! Tables and chairs available from the Village Hall.

This evening is to bring our villages together and raise much needed funds for POP “Protect our Parish” and there will be abumperrafflewith £100sof prizes. All donations gratefully received.

Bookyour placesNOWby contacting Helen – 555922, Sue – 545003, Marc – 545666, Claire – 554275 or Suzanne – 543766. Also available from Walberton post office, Sims Williams and St Mary’s church office.

Friday 28thJuly

Public meetingin Walberton Village Hall at7.30 pm. This meeting will be to update you on what is happening in our villages and an opportunity for you to discuss your concerns with members of the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Please come and find out what we have been doing on your behalf.

What a busy month this is going to be…!

We hope to see you at the last 3 events.

Walberton Parish Councillors and Neighbourhood Plan team