Volume I-- Selection of agency for development and maintenance of “Computerized Management System (‘CMS’)” for DDA



2List of Abbreviation

3Structure of the RFP


5 Project background

5.1About DDA

5.2Process overview

5.3Implementation Methodology

5.4Current state of IT

5.4.1Applications landscape

5.4.2IT Infrastructure landscape

5.5Proposed solution

5.5.1Key design principles

5.5.2Functional architecture

6Tender Invitation

7Schedule of Bid Process

8Broad Scope of services

9Instruction to Bidders


9.2Compliant Proposals / Completeness of Response

9.3Pre-Bid Meeting & Clarifications

9.3.1Pre-bid Conference

9.3.2Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum

9.4Key Requirements of the Bid

9.4.1RFP Document Fees

9.4.2Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

9.4.3Authentication of Bids


9.4.5Tender Validity

9.4.6Consortium Approach

9.5Preparation and Submission of Proposal

9.5.1Proposal Preparation Costs

9.5.2Local Conditions

9.5.3Modification and Withdrawal of Bids


9.5.5Submission of Proposals

9.5.6Venue & Deadline for Submission of Bids

9.5.7Late Bids

9.6Evaluation of Bids

9.6.1Pre-Qualification Evaluation

9.6.2Technical Evaluation Criteria

9.6.3Commercial/Financial Evaluation

9.7Appointment of Application Developer

9.7.1Award Criteria

9.7.2Notification of Award

9.7.3Contract Finalization and Award

9.7.4Performance Guarantee

9.7.5Signing of Contract

9.7.6Purchaser's Right to Vary Scope of Contract

9.7.7Right to Accept Any Proposal and To Reject Any or All Proposal(s)

9.8Project Schedule

9.9Payment Schedule

9.10Definition of “Go-Live”

9.11Right to Terminate the Process


The definitions of various terms that have been used in this RFP are as follows:

“Request for Proposal (RFP)” means all three Volumes and its Annexures and any other documents provided along with this RFP or issued during the course of the selection of bidder, seeking a set of solution(s), services(s), materials and/or any combination of them.

“Contract / Agreement / Contract Agreement / Master Service Agreement” means the agreement to be signed between the successful bidder and DDA, including all attachments, appendices, all documents incorporated by reference together with any subsequent modifications, the RFP, the bid offer, the acceptance and all related correspondences, clarifications, presentations.

“Bidder” means any company incorporated under Indian Companies Act 1956, Partnership Act 1932 or Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008 and shall include group/consortium of companies coming together to participate in this bid, offering the solution(s), service(s) and /or materials as required in the RFP. The word Bidder when used in the pre-award period shall be synonymous with parties bidding against this RFP, and when used after award of the Contract shall mean the successful party with whom the agreement is signed for rendering of services for implementation of this project.

“Joint Venture/consortium” shall mean association of two or more distinct legal entities but not exceeding three in number, formed specifically or otherwise for the purpose of bidding.

“Proposal / Bid” means the Pre-Qualification, Technical and Commercial bids submitted by bidders for this project against this RFP.

“Application” means the application software to be developed by the selected agency for Computerized Management System (CMS) of DDA

“Purchaser” means DDA

2List of Abbreviation

Sr. No. / Abbreviation / Description
1) / BPR / Business Process Re-engineering
2) / CCN / Change Control Note
3) / CDAC / Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
4) / CMMi / Capability Maturity Model Integration
5) / ECMS / Enterprise Content Management System
6) / CSP / Content Service Provider
7) / DC / Data Center
8) / DDA / Delhi Development Authority
9) / EC / Empowered Committee
10) / EMD / Earnest Money Deposit
11) / CMS / Computerised Management System
12) / MSA / Master Service Agreement
13) / MSDG / Mobile Service Delivery Gateway
14) / NDA / Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
15) / OEM / Original Equipment Manufacturer
16) / PBG / Performance Bank Guarantee
17) / PMA / Project monitoring Agency
18) / RFP / Request for Proposal
19) / SI / System Integrator
20) / SLA / Service Level Agreement
21) / SPF / State Portal Framework
22) / STQC / Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
23) / STQC / Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
24) / DC / Data Center
25) / DR / Disaster Recovery
26) / Service Provider / Herein after referred as “bidder” or “service provider” or vice versa
27) / PoP / Point of Presence
28) / CPE / Customer Premises Equipment
29) / CoS / Class of Service
30) / NOC / Network Operating Center
31) / EMD / Earnest Money Deposit
32) / OEM / Original Equipment Manufacturer
33) / VPN / Virtual Private Network
34) / PRT / Premium Real Time Class of Service for Data, Voice and Video
35) / NI / Network Integrator
36) / IPv6 / Internet Protocol Version 6 (as defined by IETF RFC 2460)
37) / ACL / Access Control List
38) / Class Of Service (CoS) / means the standard of service which determines different prioritization of VPN traffic on the Bidders backbone and hence determines packet delivery guarantee, latency guarantee and jitter guarantee. The different class of sevices can be Business, Premium Non Real Time (NRT) and Premium Real Time (RT). If the Service is not allocated a CoS then it shall be Business.
39) / CPE / means any router (including cables, connectors and software) supplied by service provider as part of the MPLS IP-VPN Service and installed at Locations. This also includes any other hardware installed for connectivity purpose.
40) / Jitter / means the inter packet delay variation between CPE to CPE. Jitter is expressed in milliseconds (“ms”).
41) / Month / means a calendar month.
42) / NBH / means DDA normal business hours, which are generally from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.
43) / Outage / means the non-availability of the MPLS IP-VPN Service at a Location, which prevents DDA location from sending or receiving data using the MPLS IPVPN Service.
44) / SP / Service Provider
45) / EVDO / Enhanced Voice-Data Optimised
46) / PLR / Packet Loss Ratio: Means the ratio between the number of IP packets sent by source router and the number of packets actually received by the destination router. The Packet Loss Ratio is expressed as a percentage.
47) / LATENCY / Means the elapsed time taken for the two-way transmission of a packet between two CPE routers. The LATENCY is expressed in milliseconds.
48) / Site Availability / Means the virtual communication link availability, expressed as a percentage, between a Location and a PE Router to which the CPE Router is connected, including Access Circuit and the part of service provider Network that provides connectivity for the Location.
49) / Scheduled Maintenance / Means maintenance scheduled by service provider to occur during low Network traffic basically after office hours to implement generic changes to, or generic version updates of, the Network.

3Structure of the RFP

This Request for Proposal (RFP) document comprises the following:

  1. Volume I : Instructions on the Bid process for the purpose of responding to this RFP
  1. Volume II: Functional and Technical Requirements of the project
  2. Volume III : Master Service Agreement (MSA), Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  3. Annexures
  4. Annexure 34-Functional Requirement Specifications

The bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, Project requirements and other information in the RFP documents. They shall respond to the requirements as completely and in as much relevant detail as possible, and focus on demonstrating bidder’s suitability to become the Application Developer for DDA.


The Delhi Development (Provisional) Authority – DDPA was constituted by promulgating the Delhi (Control of Building Operations) Ordinance, 1955 (replaced by Delhi Development Act, 1957) with the primary objective of ensuring the development of Delhi in accordance with a plan.

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA), under Section 6 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 has been given the following charter:

"To promote and secure the development of Delhi according to the plan and for that purpose the Authority shall have the power to acquire, hold, manage and dispose of land and other property, to carry out building, engineering, mining and other operations to execute works in connection - with supply of water and electricity, disposal of sewage and other services and amenities and generally to do anything necessary or expedient for purposes of such development and for purposes incidental thereto."

The objectives of the Authority ratified by the Act of 1957 have thus been identified as:

  1. To formulate a Master Plan for covering the present and future growth of Delhi and to promote and secure the development of Delhi according to the plan covering all the possible activities
  1. To acquire, hold, manage and dispose of land and other property
  2. To carry out building, engineering, mining and other operations, and
  3. To provide services and amenities incidental to the above

5 Project background

DDA Computerised Management System (‘CMS’) Project is the initiative taken by the DDA to have an end-to-end solution for the operations performed by DDA and to strengthen civic governance and broaden the public participation by leveraging ICT opportunities for sustained improvement. Various departments of DDA have been using computers, but they are working in stand-alone mode or on specific applications/modules, as a result, this has led to duplication of effort and parallel manual processing. In line with its aim of provisioning efficient service delivery to citizens it becomes imperative that the processes are efficient, and suitably enabled by technology. DDA intends to enhance automation by strengthening & leveraging ICT with an aim to streamline, improve, and strengthen functioning of DDA and its service delivery to citizens. DDA already has some applications to render the services to the citizens as mentioned in Annexure-2

The vision of this project is development of a solution so as to facilitate the following objectives

  1. Increase the efficiency, transparency and accountability
  2. Web based access (anywhere and anytime)
  1. Role based authentication and authorization
  2. Easy & better User Experience
  3. Transform to the best-in-class processes and systems
  4. Reduce the cycle time

To ensure meeting of its objective of delivery of quality services to its stakeholders, it becomes imperative that the processes are efficient, and suitably enabled by technology. With this aim in mind, implementation of “Computerised Management System (CMS)” has been envisaged. To achieve the project/business objectives, DDA invites proposal for:

  1. Application Development / Customization & Configuration
  1. Sizing of IT Infrastructure including Server, Storage and Bandwidth
  2. Training and Change Management
  3. Warranty, Maintenance / Support Services

5.1About DDA

DDA Head-quarters is located at VikasSadan. It has approximately 60 offices including zonal offices and circle offices. Please refer to list of DDA offices at Annexure 1.

Planned development of Delhi is the main function of DDA under Sections 7 - 11A of the Delhi Development Act of 1957.

DDA prepares plans, policies and proposals for guiding Delhi's planned development through the process of Master Plan, Zonal Plans, Layout Plans and Urban Extension Projects etc. The plans normally include city level plans, sub-city level plans, comprehensive traffic and transportation plan, traffic management schemes etc. The sanctioning of building plans in the areas under DDA's jurisdiction is also dealt with by DDA.

Delhi Development Authority also acquires and sells developed land for the planned development of Delhi. After acquisition, it develops the acquired lands as per the provisions of the master plan and zonal plan. DDA also constructs flats and the shopping centres. The developed land and the constructed properties are disposed of by draw of lots, auction, and tenders or as per laid down procedures for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses.

DDA commenced its housing activities in 1967 and has played a crucial role in providing more than a million dwelling units to the people of Delhi, providing shelter to about half the population of the national capital. DDA constructs houses in Delhi for different strata of the society.

5.2Process overview

Planned development of Delhi is the main function of DDA under Sections 7 - 11A of the Delhi Development Act

DDA’s current business architecture comprises of two layers — Core functions and Enterprise management and support functions. The core functional layer covers the processes of planning, land management, architecture, landscape, engineering, housing, land disposal and horticulture. Support functions include finance and accounts, personnel (human resource management), legal, VC Secretariat, Commissioner Secretariat and vigilance.

The table below provides indicative list of mega and major processes:

# / Department / Mega process / Major process
# / Process name
Planning / Preparation & approval of master plan & zonal plans
Policy formulation
Preparation & approval of layout plans
Scrutinize & approve change of landuse
Sanction traffic plans
Sanction building layout plans
Regularization of un-authorized colonies
Land management / Land acquisition
Payments against land acquired
Land & mutation record management
Land protection
Encroachment management
Damages assessment & collection
Architecture / Total station survey
Project scheme preparation
Feasibility study
GFC drawing preparation & approval
Landscape / Project initiation
Land use verification
Site investigation
Landscape drawing preparation & approval
Engineering / Feasibility study & engineering drawing preparation
Project costing (PE & DE)
Tendering and Procurement
Project execution & monitoring
Housing / Launch scheme for flats & houses
Allotment through Draw
Issue of demand letter
Payments management
Issue of post allotment documents
Leasehold to freehold
Housing enforcement
Land disposal / Plot / property costing (estimation / PDR)
Allotment at PDR
Allotment through Draw
Allotment through auction
Allotment through tender
Issuance of demand letter
Conveyance deed execution
Lease administration
Leasehold to freehold
Land enforcement & damage collection
Horticulture / Feasibility study
Project costing (PE & DE)
Tendering and Procurement
Project execution & monitoring
Maintenance of greens
Allotment of parks on lease
Finance, land costing & accounts / Budgeting
General accounting & reporting
Accounts Payables
Accounts Receivables
Internal audit
Housing project cost estimation
Land costing
Cash management
Personnel / Manpower Planning and Budgeting
Compassionate appointment
Promotion management
Deputation management
Employee Leave
Annual Performance Appraisal
Staff grievance
Training and Development
Business Travel
Transfer & posting
Legal / Entrustment of panel lawyers
Lawyer Contracts management
Lawyer fee payment against bills
Court cases monitoring
Legal Advisory
VC Secretariat / Central diary maintenance
Dak receipt & dispatch
Register maintenance
Commissioner Secretariat / RTI management
Meeting management
Staff quarter allotment
Automobile repairs management
Security & fire
Parliament query management
Public relation & grievance
Hindi cell
Central diary management
Printing press
Sports cell
Vigilance / Case / complaint management
Issuance of VCR (Vigilance clear report)
System improvement advisory

Detailed process are described in“Annexure 34-Functional Requirement Specifications” of this RFP

5.3Implementation Methodology

DDA has adopted a phased approach for implementation and rollout of the solution. DDA will first select the Application Developerwho will be responsible for application development and other activities as mentioned in this RFP. Post application development DDA will select the following vendors based upon the requirements, sizing and design recommendations of the selected Application Developer. The Application Developer shall ensure that the application should be capable of seamless integration with other three proposed works as indicated

  1. Network Service Provider
  2. Data Center service Provider
  3. Hardware Vendor

The broad scope of the Application Developer, Network and DC/DR vendor shall be as follows:

S No. / Bidder - Scope of Work / Development phase / Operations & maintenance phase
  1. Application Developer (Scope of Current RFP)

Requirement Analysis
Feasibility study of Reuse of existing applications and application /system design
Enterprise application / software development or customization
Integration with existing in-house applications
Development of new DDA portal
Develop information security policies & procedures in Consultation with DDA
Detailed hardware and networking sizing of proposed solution
UAT and STQC certification
Application roll-out and commissioning
End-user training
Data migration from existing applications and data entry & Digitization for rollout
Set up of helpdesk including software
Data entry Digitization
Supply of all the relevant software and AMC of application and its management and monitoring (EMS, NMS)
Developing business continuity plan and mock drills and reporting on disaster recovery management
End-user training
Operational / Hand-holding support and capacity building of DDA team
Application support & Maintenance
SLA reporting for Application, Network and Data center
Assistance to DDA with Third Party Security Audit
  1. Hardware Provider

Supply of required infrastructure for compute & storage
Installation & commissioning / provisioning infrastructure
Hardware Support
Preventive Maintenance of Hardware supplied and provide AMC services.
  1. Data Centre Service Provider

Data centre & Disaster Recovery services provision
Supply of required infrastructure for compute & storage
Installation & commissioning / provisioning infrastructure
DC infrastructure (compute & storage) maintenance & management
DR connectivity, replication & Back-up
DC Security management
Ticket resolution
  1. Network Services Provider

Network Topology
Review and improve the Network solution design prepared by the Application Developer
Bandwidth Provisioning
Network services provision
Establishment of network connectivity across offices and internal LAN at all sites
Network availability & management
Trouble shooting and ticket resolution for LAN and other network services
Installation & commissioning / provisioning infrastructure
Warranty support, trouble shooting, and preventive maintenance for hardware provided

The Application Developer will be responsible for capacity building of DDA. It is envisaged that after the successful completion of the contract period DDA itself will be able to take over all functions of the Application Developer.

The selected Application Developer shall conduct infrastructure solutioning and sizing so as to meet the defined SLAs.

5.4Current state of IT

Computerization was taken up in DDA as early as 1980. Few of citizen facing departments have been computerized wherein front-end customer facing windows process user requests and information online. In-spite of their early start, automation at DDA is partial and poses challenges to users and IT administrators.