The TRPA Awards Program recognizes parks and recreation departments, agencies and individuals in Tennessee for outstanding programs, facilities and service. There are three classes of awards in which TRPA members may participate: Four Star Awards, Individual Awards and Professional Branch/Section Awards.



TRPA Awards

P.O. Box 1326

Franklin, TN 37065

Physical delivery:

718 Boyd Mill Ave

Franklin, TN 37064


PLEASE NOTE: Award winners will not be contacted prior to the conference. All awards will be announced during the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, November 18th. All nominees are encouraged to attend the event and support our profession’s biggest and brightest! Dinner and dancing to follow!!

Dinner Dance: It’s all about you at this coveted and much talked about ‘one to remember’ event on the club level of the Titan’s Stadium at LP Field. Join us for a catered buffet, a funky live band, door prizes that even Donald Trump would envy and a few other things we aren’t revealing just yet. The dress code for this event is Business Casual or Festive. No tee-shirts or athletic shoes, because you can never tell if you’ll run into some of the celebrity paparazzi that now calls Nashville home. And, we’ve informed our bouncer that only our VIPs (that’s you) will be allowed to attend the fireworks exhibition that will be as entertaining as it is educational.

Four Star -- More opportunities to highlight your programs!


There are seven (7) program awards, one each for Aquatics, Arts, Athletics, Community Center, Conservation/Outdoor Recreation, and Health/Wellness and Festival/Special Event. Marketing Awards include: Digital, Print, and Campaign categories. Departments/agencies may submit one nomination for each award, and there are no budget or population subcategories.

The 4-Star Award for New Facility and the 4-Star Award for Renovated Facility will be awarded in four categories each, based on facility/project budget.

You may also submit one nomination in each of the following: The 4-Star Award for Individual Service and the 4-Star Award for Benefactor.

Please note that these 4-Star Awards are separate from the Branch and Section Awards and the Individual Awards.


1.  Form P1 complete/attached as Page 1 (10 pts)

2.  Appropriate Award category checked (10 pts)

3.  Nomination information complete (10 pts)

4.  Official Signature (10 pts)

5.  Narrative Description (50 pt max)

6.  Photos attached (30 pt max)

7.  Goals & Outcomes (30 pt max)

8.  Sponsorship & Partnership (20 pt max)

9.  Impact the project/program has had, or will have on the community (20 pt max)

10.  Is the program/facility an award winner? (10 pt max)


Please note the following requirements when submitting your award nominations/applications:

ü  The application Form P1 is the first page of your awards application/nomination

ü  Include the Form P1 for EACH award application/nomination you are submitting, and be sure to check the appropriate application award category

ü  An agency may submit 1 nomination in each of the 12 program/facility award categories

ü  An agency or department may submit 1 nomination EACH for an Individual Service Award or a Benefactor Award

ü  You may submit up to 25 digital photos with each application. Pictures/Information must be submitted in digital form on a USB/Flash drive. [Please note all photos become the property of TRPA and may be used by TRPA in any format]

ü  The award/nomination narratives must be submitted as a Word doc and included on the USB/Flash drive with any photos. [NO NOTEBOOKS, 3-RING BINDERS, FOLDERS, etc., will be accepted] Please read each award category to see length requirements for narrative descriptions/answers. This has changed for 2014!

ü  Include all of your submissions on ONE (1) USB/Flashdrive. If submitting multiple applications, please place each application with photos in a separate named folder on the USB/Flashdrive.

For more information on the TRPA Four Star and Individual Awards contact: Awards Chair, Anne Marshall 615-532-8213, or ; Pam Henry, Co-Chair, 931-684-9780, or ; or the TRPA Office at 615-790-0041. For more information on Branch and Section Awards, please see the contact listed with each award description on page 17-19.

To check the status of your membership or to become a member, please contact the TRPA office at 615-790-0041.

Form P1

2014 TRPA Awards Application

INCLUDE this form with your word document and photos. If you have multiple applications, please make a separate named file for each on your thumb drive. You may submit a given program for both Branch/Section Awards and Four Star Awards, but you must submit two separate entries.

Nominee: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______E-mail______

This is an application for:


Four Star Awards

Renovated Facility (maximum of 1 entry)

____Facility Budgets of $100,000 or less

____Facility Budgets of $100,001 to $500,000

____Facility Budgets of $500,001 to $1,000,000

____Facility Budgets of over $1,000,000

New Facility (maximum of 1 entry)

____Facility Budgets of $250,000 or less

____Facility Budgets of $250,001 to $100,000,000

____Facility Budgets of $100,000,001 to $5,000,000

____Facility Budgets of over $5,000,000

Program (maximum of 7 entries—or 1 per category)




____Community Center

____Conservation/Outdoor Recreation


____Festival/Special Event

Marketing (maximum of 3 entries—or 1 per category)




____Individual Service (1 nominee only per agency)

____Benefactor (1 nominee only per agency)
Individual Awards

Fellow Award – please see the separate Fellow application

___Volunteer Service (unlimited)

___Lifetime Member Award

___Young Professional Award

Branch/Interest Section Awards


___Longfellow Award

___Workplace Wellness

___Community Wellness

___Child/Youth Wellness

___Athletics Dennis Rainier Award

___Ethnic Minority Donald H Stanton Award

___Resource Management Award for Excellence


___Robert Horsley Award

___Maynard Glenn Award

___Wayne Hansard Award

Special Events Arts & Marketing (SEAM)


___Special Events



Nomination Submitted By (TRPA Professional Member): ______

Agency: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

If you are selected as a winner TRPA will provide you with one copy of your award. If you would like to order additional copies at $65 each, please complete here: Please prepare _____ extra copies. I will pay for any additional copies I order. Additional copies will only be produced if this application is accepted as a winner. If I wait and order after the Awards Ceremony they will be $95 for each extra copy.

I certify the information in this application and narrative are true and that someone from my agency will be present at the Award Program on November 18 in Nashville.

Director’s Signature: ______

The TRPA Four Star Awards recognize the best overall programs, facilities and marketing strategies by TRPA members. The Four Star program also recognizes contributions made by individuals, board members and business partners to the communities in which they live.

Eligibility: Any Parks and Recreation Department with a TRPA member in good standing may nominate eligible parks and recreation projects, programs, or individuals for a Four Star Award. All project/activity nominations must have been completed or implemented within the past twelve months. Each nomination must be related to a specific program or event, or a single site.

Narrative Requirements: Submit a three (3) page (maximum); 11 pt-font; double spaced narrative Word.doc, describing why the nominee is worthy of this award. Please address the specific criteria listed within each category for each award type. Award nomination/photos must be submitted in digital form on a USB/Flashdrive. You may submit up to 25 digital photos with each application.

Four Star Awards – Competitive Categories:


·  New Facility (4)

·  Renovated Facility (4)

·  Program - Aquatics

·  Program - Arts

·  Program - Athletics

·  Program - Community Center

·  Program - Conservation/ Outdoor Recreation

·  Program - Health/Wellness

·  Festival or Special Event

·  Marketing - Digital

·  Marketing - Print

·  Marketing Campaign


Four Star Awards – Recognition/Service Categories:


·  Individual Service

·  Benefactor


1.  Form P1 complete/attached as Page 1 (10 pts)

2.  Appropriate Award category checked (10 pts)

3.  Nomination information complete (10 pts)

4.  Official Signature (10 pts)

5.  Narrative Description (50 pt max)

6.  Photos attached (30 pt max)

7.  Goals & Outcomes (30 pt max)

8.  Sponsorship & Partnership (20 pt max)

9.  Impact the project/program has had, or will have on the community (20 pt max)

10.  Is the program/facility an award winner? (10 pt max)

Four Star Award for New Facility

New Facility Budget Categories*(please check only one)

___ Facility Budgets of $250,000 and under

___ Facility Budgets of $250,001 to $1,000,000

___ Facility Budgets of $1,000,001 to $5,000,000

___ Facility Budgets of $5,000,001 or more

The Four Star Award for New Facility will be awarded to the best submissions in each of the four (4) budget categories. A New Facility is a park or facility that has been built within the last twelve (12) months. It may be a building, sports complex, trail, playground, splash pad, or other recreational facility. It may be indoor or outdoor, or a combination of both. If the park or facility is developed in phases, it may be submitted at the completion of any phase; additionally, a facility that is part of a larger park may be entered as a stand-alone submission (for example, a new tennis complex in an existing park.)

Narrative: Describe the new facility. Explain how the facility best serves and benefits your community and the impact it will or could have, and how it enhances or complements existing features in your park system. Include how the needs and input of the community were considered in the facility’s development. Discuss how the facility will be best utilized in the future. Detail how the effort, creativity, and function of the facility make it an award-winner.

Photos: Submit at least 3 digital photos of the facility/project on flashdrive.

*Budget: Complete and attach Budget Cost Form P2. [Include funding sources, partnerships, sponsorships, grants or other funding, detailing A&E, construction costs, etc.]

Four Star Award for Renovated Facility

New Facility Budget Categories*(please check only one)

___ Facility Budgets of $100,000 and under

___ Facility Budgets of $100,001 to $500,000

___ Facility Budgets of $500,001 to $1,000,000

___ Facility Budgets of $1,000,001 or more

The Four Star Award for Renovated Facility will be awarded to the best submissions in each of the four (4) budget categories. A Renovated Facility is a park or facility that has been renovated within the last twelve (12) months. It may be a building, sports complex, trail, playground, splash pad, or other recreational facility. It may be indoor or outdoor, or a combination of both. If the park or facility is renovated in phases, it may be submitted at the completion of any phase; additionally, a facility that is part of a larger park may be entered as a stand-alone submission (for example, a renovated tennis complex added in an existing park.)

Narrative: Describe the renovated facility. Explain how the facility best serves and benefits your community and the impact it will or could have, and how it enhances or complements existing features in your park system, and include how the needs and input of the community were considered in the facility’s development. Discuss the past use of the facility and how it will be best utilized in the future. Detail how the effort, creativity, and function of the facility make it an award-winner.

Photos: Submit at least 3 digital photos of the renovated facility on thumb drive – before and after the renovation

*Budget: Complete and attach Budget Cost Form P2. [Include funding sources, partnerships, sponsorships, grants or other funding, detailing A&E, construction costs, etc.]

Four Star Award -- Programs

The Four Star Award will be awarded to the best program in each category below. Any program that has been implemented within the last twelve (12) months is eligible. It may be a one-time program, an annual program, or an event that is a series or ongoing program, such as weekly or monthly; it may have a small or large attendance.

Narrative: Describe the program and explain how the program best served and benefited your community, service area or target audience, and how it enhanced or complemented existing programs. Describe goals and outcomes of the program--Include partnerships, sponsorships, grant or other funding; staff, volunteers, contracted services; program supplies, rentals, other costs; funding sources, revenues, organization(s) receiving income, etc. on the Budget Form P2. Provide date(s), location(s), and describe participation/attendance. Detail how the effort, creativity, and function of the program/event make it an award-winner—you may even include participant testimonials.

Photos: Submit at least 3 digital photos of the active program on thumb drive.

____The Aquatics Program Award was established to recognize the outstanding aquatic programs throughout the state. It may be a one-time program, an annual program, or an event that is a series or ongoing program—and can be held at a pool, lake, river, or other aquatic environment. All activities must be water-related: boating, swimming, windsurfing, scuba, etc.

____The Arts Program Award will be awarded to the program that utilizes one or more disciplines of the arts or the humanities as the core content of its program(s) and successfully demonstrates an innovative approach to increasing arts involvement and engagement in the community.