CJ 655: Research Methods in Criminal Justice
Sec. 101
Professor: Dr. Kimberly DeTardo-Bora
Office: 734Smith Hall
Office Phone: 304.696.3084 (and voice mail)
Fax: 304.696.3085
Web Page:
Office Hours: Office Hours: Mondays 12-2:00, Tuesdays 9:30-12:30, & Wednesdays 1-4:00 (or by appointment)
This course explores the elements of scientific research, the interaction between research and theory, and the use of data processing resources.
- Prerequisites: Undergraduate Research Methods Course, Undergraduate Statistics Course, and Permission
- CJ 655 convenes on Wednesdays from 4:00-6:20 in SH 416 and will be taught as a hybrid or blended course. A hybrid course is where 50% of the content is delivered in the classroom and 50% of the content is delivered online. This course will include interactive, web-based activities, a student-centered learning approach, and frequent feedback loops to enhance learning.
Upon completion of the Master of Science degree in criminal justice, and in part emphasized and reinforced through this course, you will have:
- developed advanced knowledge of research methods.
- enhancedyour critical thinking skills related to criminal justice theory and practice.
- enhancedyourwritten communication skills.
- enhancedyour research skills by evaluating scholarly literature via the library database and internet database searches.
- examined, evaluated, and applied ethical principles of the discipline in regard to research, use of sources, collaboration with colleagues, and principled decision/policy making.
Upon completion of this course students will have the opportunity to achieve the following objectives/goals:
- to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of social scientific inquiry, the link between theory and research, and causation
- to evaluate the elements of research design, specifically conceptualization, operationalization, measurement, and research ethics as well as the issues of reliability and validity
- to learn the different approaches to research design, which includes experiments, quasi-experimental design, survey research, case studies, field research, content analysis, and secondary data analysis
- to develop methodological and critical thinking skills by conducting research and utilizing the research library databases
- to develop research skills by investigating a criminological issue, writing a research proposal and report, presenting research, andusing professional language while adhering to the APA publication manual
- to gain an appreciation for the intricacies of designing a research study and identifying limitations, weaknesses, and strengths of a design
American Psychological Association [APA] (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC.
Bachman, R. & Schutt, R.K. (2011). The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice (4th
Ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [ISBN #:9781412978750]
*The text also has a student study site which we will use at but no pass code is required.
Additional readings will be available on-line.
Students must have a computer or access to one, as well as access to the Internet to send and receive email messages. If you are using an email account other than your Marshall email account, (i.e., hotmail, yahoo, aol, etc.) you must set your Marshall email account to forward to your other account. Also, all students are responsible for knowing the University Computing Services’ Acceptable Use Policy
In addition, because this is a hybrid course, students will be required to have access to WebCT in order to complete the necessary quizzes and assignments. Make certain that you use a computer that is compatible for completing any online course requirements (I recommend an Internet connection that is fast and secure).
Overall, the course content is divided into three parts. Each part is explained in more detail below.
Part I“The Big Picture” (65%)
The first part of the course is based largely on “The Big Picture.” In other words, this is where we will discuss theoretical and conceptual issues as they relate to research methods, the importance of why we engage research methods and scientific inquiry, as well as how to develop a research proposal.
Part II“The Tools of Research Methods” (30%)
This part of the course will provide each student with the information that is needed to develop his/her own research project. Each student will learn the nuts and bolts of the research process and existing research designs.
Part III“Statistics” (5%)
The final section of the class will be devoted to an overview of basic statistics. Students are typically frightened when they hear the word “statistics;” however, you will find that we use statistics daily and do not even realize it!
To evaluate your progress in reaching the aforementioned course objectives/goals, you will be assessed in the following ways:
Criteria / Points / ScaleMid-Term Exam / 100 / 660-591 points = A
Final Exam / 100 / 590-525 points = B
Research Proposal & Presentation / 150 / 524-459 points = C
Assignments / 112 / 458-393 points = D
Discussions / 30 / 392-below = F
Quizzes / 68
Active Participation & Attendance / 100
TOTAL / 660
There will be two exams-a mid-term and a final. Exams will be taken on-line and without the use of notes or the textbook. Exams may be comprised of multiple choice, true/false, listing, short answer, essay, matching, fill-in and/or any combination of the above listed formats. Examinations must be taken during the periods designated in the syllabus. Deviations from this policy can be made if the student makes provisions with the instructor before the test date. It is the student’s responsibility to notify me if he/she is unable to take an examination.
Each student will be expected to complete a 15 page research proposal (that is, fifteen pages of body) on a crime-related topic. Please keep in mind that all papers are subject to being submitted to Turnitin.com. Nonetheless, each student will be guided through the research process to develop this proposal in full. The specific requirements will be discussed at a later date. Additionally, each student will present their proposed project to the class at the end of the semester.
Assignments will be given periodically to strengthen your understanding of the topics covered in class. The assignments may be both in-class and out-of-class (there are no make-ups for in-class assignments). All out-of-class assignments must be typed and double-spaced unless I state otherwise. Standard margins and fonts should be used. There is no exception for using any font larger than size 12. Remember to number your pages, and staple the assignment if it exceeds more than 1 page! A 5 point deduction per day will be taken for each assignment that is turned in late. Furthermore, students are not permitted to send me assignments via email attachment unless you have a university excused absence and need to submit it to me as proof of completion. However, upon meeting for the subsequent class period, you will need to provide me with a physical copy of your paper.
Discussion questions will be posted for Weeks 11 and Week 13. You must respond to either the question directly and to a point or issue that has been raised by one of your peers. Your answer/response should be well thought out, articulated, and insightful. In formulating your posting: 1) make sure you read all prior posts so that you are not repeating what has already been said, 2) you contribute substantively to the discussion and are not merely agreeing with what other students are saying, and 3) your response indicates that you have completed the readings associated with a given topic. I expect the postings to be written in a professional manner with proper grammar, spelling, and syntax. You should write it as you would any formal writing assignment and not an email or instant message. Furthermore, please refrain from using expletives.
In grading the discussions, I will take into account the criteria identified above as well as whether you are reading the other students’ postings and making a high-quality contribution. The discussion sessions are a forum for learning from each other, not simply to make a comment and move on.
I reserve the right to administer in-class quizzes when necessary. There are no make-ups for quizzes unless a verified legitimate excuse has been obtained from the Dean of Student Affairs (see Attendance Policy). The points earned from the quizzes will be factored into your exam grade. All other quizzes will be administered on-line and without the use of notes or the textbook.
Active class participation involves, but is not limited to, asking and answering questions and attendance (you have to be present to participate!). In addition, students are expected to prepare for each class by reading the required assignments and participating in class or small group discussions. For each class day missed, 12.5 points will be deducted from your participation grade. If you miss a class, I recommend that you obtain the lecture notes/assignments from that day. Consistent tardiness (excessive) will result in a reduction of your participation score as well.
Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend class and participate regularly. I understand that there are circumstances that may arise throughout the semester that prevent a student from attending class. Documentation of an excused absence can be obtained from the Dean of Student Affairs, MSC 2W38. Excused absences include: death or illness of an immediate family member, pre-approved university sponsored activity, athletics, academic activities, short-term military obligation, jury duty/court appointment, and/or religious holiday (see MU Undergraduate Catalog). Nonetheless, if you miss class I recommend that you obtain the lecture notes/assignments from that day. In addition, students are expected to prepare for each class by reading the required assignments and participating in class or small group discussions.
Deadlines and Penalties for Online Assignments, Quizzes, and Exams:
You must adhere to the dates listed for completion of exams, quizzes, and assignments. Once a due date has expired, the item will no longer be accessible and you will receive a zero for that particular item. While there is some flexibility in completing some of the online activities, it is imperative that you complete everything by the due date. Most of the quizzes, exams, and assignments will become UNAVAILABLE after midnight on the due date. While you can take an assessment before the due date (as soon as it is made available), please make sure you are thoroughly prepared to complete it successfully, as you only have one attempt at each quiz/exam.At the same time, do not wait until the last available minute on the due date to complete an assessment because you never know when a technological glitch can occur (which I cannot be responsible for). You should plan to complete all activities at least one day prior to the scheduled due date to be on the safe side. This way, if there is a technical problem, you can contact me and I can try to remedy the situation. If you contact me on the day an activity is due, I cannot do anything about it!
Emails and Teacher-Student Correspondence:
If you have any questions about the course material, exams, or assignments you may email me, visit me during my office hours or schedule an appointment. If you email me, under most circumstances, I will get back to you within 24 hours. However, there may be times when I am out of the office (for meetings, class, or conferences), hence, delaying my response.
Feedback Loop:
Because some of the course material will be administered online, I will respond to any submitted materials that require me to do so within 24 hours after it was due. Please keep in mind that lengthier documents (i.e., papers) may not be returned to you as quickly. Nonetheless, as part of the feedback loop, many online assignments will provide you with an immediate response so that you can assess and gauge how well you are acquiring the course material.
Academic Dishonesty:
I assume that every student is familiar with MU’s Academic Dishonesty policy. Academic Dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication and falsification of data or information, plagiarism, bribes/favors/threats, and complicity. More specifically with regards to plagiarism, “It is the student’s responsibility to clearly distinguish their own work from that created by others. This includes the proper use of quotation marks, paraphrase and the citation of the original source. Students are responsible for both intentional and unintentional acts of plagiarism” (MU Undergraduate Catalog). If a student violates this policy, discretion will be used by the instructor; the possible sanction to be applied will be a failing grade for the assignment, exam, or paper. For those of you who need a reminder about the policy, please refer to the MU Undergraduate Catalog.
Extra Credit:
Students may receive extra credit in this course by presentingthis or another graduate-level research paper (which could have been written for another graduate level course) at the WVCriminal Justice Educators’ Association conference. The conference is Friday, November5 at WVU-Parkersburg. Please note that students who attend the conference are eligible to submit a graduate paper for the paper competition as well (but no extra credit will be given here). Abstracts for presentations and papers for the competition are due Friday, October 22, 2010. By presenting a paper or submitting a graduate paper for the competition, students may receive up to 10 additional points, which will be added to their overall course grade. Graduate students who attend the conference (and who do not present) will receive 5 points to be added to their mid-term grade.
Policy for Students with Disabilities:
Marshall University is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with physical, learning and psychological disabilities. University policy states that it is the responsibility of students with disabilities to contact the Office of Disabled Student Services (DSS) in Prichard Hall 117, phone 304-696-2271 to provide documentation of their disability. Following this, the DSS Coordinator will send a letter to each of the student’s instructors outlining the academic accommodation he/she will need to ensure equality in classroom experiences, outside assignment, testing and grading. The instructor and student will meet to discuss how the accommodation(s) requested will be provided. For more information, please visit or contact Disabled Student Services Office at Prichard Hall 11, phone 304-696-2271.
Affirmative Action Policy:
This course will follow Marshall University’s policy on Affirmative Action, which can be found in the MU Undergraduate Catalog and MU Graduate Catalog. Specifically, all students will be afforded equal opportunity without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Inclement Weather Policy:
Students can find information concerning Marshall’s policy regarding inclement weather on the university website and in the MU Undergraduate Catalog. Please note that a two-hour delay means that classes that begin at 10:00 a.m. begin on time. Classes that begin at 9:30 a.m. meet at 10:00 a.m. and continue for the remaining period of that class.
Classroom Civility:
As a student, you are expected to contribute to an environment that is conducive to learning by:
- Arriving to class on time (including exam days)
- Turning off all pagers, cell phones, electronic games, radios, tape or CD players, or otherelectronic devices such as IPods or MP3 players before you enter the classroom
2a. Refraining from text messaging and twittering during class or during exams
- Refraining from individual conversations with peers
- Asking all questions that pertain to the syllabus, assignments, or grades before or after the lecture/discussion begins
- Respecting different opinions and keeping an open mind
- Abiding by the academic dishonesty policy-this means no cheating or plagiarizing!
- Speaking one at a time. Do not be disruptive.
- Refraining from working on other materials during class time; it is considered disruptive not only to the instructor but to other classmates as well
- Not catching up on your sleep during class time
- Not bringing food or alcoholic beverages into the classroom (non-alcoholic beverages are acceptable)
- Remaining in your seat and not leaving the classroom once the lecture or discussion has started. Only in the case of an emergency can a student leave the room. If you need to leave class early for some reason, notify the instructor in advance.
- Being a Good Samaritan-that means supporting your fellow classmates and rewarding each other with positive remarks/comments.
The DeTardo-Bora Policy:
As students have a code of conduct to follow, I believe the instructor should follow one as well.
Throughout this course, I will see to it that the following responsibilities arecarried out
(adapted from McKeachie, 1999).
1. I will encourage the free pursuit of learning
2. I will demonstrate respect for students
3. I will respect confidentiality
4. I will model the best scholarly and ethical standards
5. I will foster honest academic conduct and ensure fair evaluation
6. I will avoid exploitation, harassment, or discrimination
8/25 / Week 1Introduction; Scientific Inquiry
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 1
9/1 / Week 2-Online
The Link Between Theory & Research
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 2
Read Research Article1 (available online)
9/8 / Week 3
Conceptualization, Operationalization, & Measurement; Indexes & Scales
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 4 & Appendix A
Review Research Proposal Assignment
9/15 / Week 4 -Online(ACJS Abstracts Due Sept. 15)
Research Ethics and Philosophies
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 3
Read Research Article2 (available online)
9/22 / Week 5
Data Collection and Sampling; Reading Social Research
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 5
9/29 / Week 6(SCJA Conference)
Causation and Research Design
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 6
10/6 / Week 7 –Online
Research Lab and Reviewing Key Concepts
Read Bachman and Schutt Ch. 13 and Appendix A and B
10/13 / Week 8 (Research Proposal Due)
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs
Read Bachman& Schutt Ch. 7
Read Research Article3 (available online)
10/20 / Week 9-Online
Online Mid-Term Exam [due by midnight](Bachman & Schutt, Chapters 1-6)
10/27 / Week 10 (WVCJEA Abstracts Due Oct. 23)
Survey Research
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 8
Read Research Article4 (available online)
11/3 / Week 11 –Online (WVCJEA Conference –Nov.56)
Qualitative Methods and Analysis
Read Bachman& Schutt Ch. 9
Read Research Article5 and Article6 (available online)
11/10 / Week 12
Historical, Secondary Data and Content Analysis
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 10
*Research Article7(available online)
11/17 / Week 13 –Online (Research Proposals Due)
Program Evaluation & Policy Analysis
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 11
*Research Article8 (available online)
11/24 / Week 14
Thanksgiving Break -No Class
12/1 / Week 15
Quantitative Data Analysis & Reporting Research Results
Read Bachman & Schutt Ch. 12
12/8 / Week 16-Online
Online Final Exam [due by 6:00 pm](Bachman & Schutt, Chapters 7-11)
1Courtright, K.E., & Mackey, D. A. (2004). Job desirability among criminal justice majors: