American Revolution Assignment Menu-AC
Directions: You must choose tasks that will add up to 80 points from the American Revolution Unit (History Standard 3). For example: 2 tasks from level 3 + 1 task from level 2 = 80 points or 1 from level + 2 two from level 2 + 1 from level 3 = 80 points. You will earn up to 20 points for presenting at least 1 of your completed tasks.
Only one task can be from level 1.Point Value
(10 pts.
each) / Make a Timeline of the American Revolution, paying close attention to Georgia.
Make a map of the 13 colonies that shows important battles and events that occurred during the Revolution. Label places clearly with name and significance. / Name 3 causes of the Revolution and describe the significance and the effect of each cause of the Revolution.
I Spy: Illustrate the battles of the American Revolutionary War. See teacher for templates. / Draw a picture of one event during the Revolution.
Two Viewpoints Visual: Loyalist vs. Patriot. see teacher for specific details and template. / Would you have joined the Continental Army? Why? (minimum 3 paragraphs)
(20 pts.
Each) / Create a one page petition persuading people to sign. If you are for creating a new constitutional government, includeweaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and why it should change. If you are against,explain the parts of the AOC andwhy it’s better than creating a new form of government
Create a Cartoon timeline describing the events of the American Revolution. / Persuasive Speech: Create a persuasive to convince Georgia colonist to either remain loyal to Great Britain or join the Revolution (pick one). (You will present your speech to the class. Must be a full page.)
Create a propaganda poster to persuade your fellow colonials to join the Continental Army or stay loyal to the crown. / Write a patriotic song/poem to reflect one of the battles of the Revolution.
(at least 3 stanzas, at least 6 lines per stanza). You can rewrite an already existing song to fit the concepts in this unit. Make sure to give credit to the original song.
Assemble a collage that represents the different events, concepts/themes, and people during the Revolutionary time period. Include captions separately to explain the relevance of the picture used / You are one of the important Revolutionary patriots, write in your journal with at least 3 entries from different days detailing your thoughts and feelings on 3 specific events during the Revolutionary time period.
(30 pts.
each) / Create a Sway, Prezi, or Power-point biography on two of the important people during the Revolution time period. One of these people must be from Georgia. Include events that they participated in or influenced. / Create a newspaper front page. Include:
Newspaper Title, front page headline, and
4 articles for the following topics 1-Act, 1-event, 1-battle, and 1-aftermath of war. Make to include the date for each article. / Read “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry. Create a speech concerning an issue that our country is currently facing. Incorporate 2-3 quotes from Patrick Henry’s speech that would support the current issue.
Read “These are the times that try men’s soul’s” by Thomas Paine. Create an electronic Sway, Prezi, or Power-point to Compare/contrast Paine’s time period of the Revolution and our time with the fighting the war on terror and how the event is ‘trying our soul’s’. / Create 3-5 minute documentary explaining the Revolutionary time period. Make sure to include the concepts, events, people learned in this unit.
- All tasks are need to be submitted to One-note by Monday, November 6th. Presentations will also start on this day.