13th October 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,
Congratulations to Class 3 who have achieved the highest attendance this week. Well done to everyone!
Parents Consultations
The first parent consultation meetings of the year will take place next Tuesday and Thursday.
We would like to ask parents to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time, giving you a chance to look at your child’s school books which will be out on tables in the middle room of Class 1.
Because of parent consultations taking place next week, there will be no Choir or Gardening after school clubs. Apologies!
Harvest Festival
It was lovely seeing so many families joining us at our Harvest celebrations yesterday. Thank you to everyone for your kind donations of food which have been given to the Harrogate Homeless Charity.
Individual School Photographs
Individual School photographs will take place next Tuesday, if anyone would like photographs taken with younger siblings who have not yet started school, the photographer will be available from 3pm, please confirm with Mrs Giddings if you would like photographs taken.
Afterschool Clubs
The afterschool club forms for next half term have now been sent out on Parentmail, please ensure you complete these forms before Monday 16th October.
If you haven’t already registered with Parentmail, could I please ask you to do so as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any problems please speak to Mrs Giddings in the school office.
Outstanding money
Could you please ensure all outstanding monies owed to school are cleared before we finish school for the half term holidays. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Griffiths
Mr Paul Griffiths
Head teacher
Dates for your Diary (These dates are subject to change so please ensure you check the newsletter regularly).
Tuesday 17th October, Individual Photographs PM
Friday 20th October, last day of term. School closes at 3.30pm
Monday 30th October, School re-opens
Monday 6th November, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 6th - Friday 10th November, Years 5 & 6 Residential to East Barnby
Monday 20th November, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 20th November, Influenza vaccinations for years Reception to Year 4's.
Monday 4th December, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Wednesday 6th December, Pantomime trip AM
Monday 11th December, Community Carols at Rudding Gates, Follifoot at 3pm (village hall if wet)
Thursday 21st December, Crib Service at 9.30am at Follifoot Church
Friday 22nd December, last day of term. School closes at 2.30pm
Monday 8th January, School closed-Training Day
Tuesday 9th January, School re-opens
Monday 22nd January, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 5th February, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 26th February, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 12th March, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Thursday 29th March, Easter Service at 9.30am in Follifoot Church
Monday 30th April, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 21st May, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 11th June, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 25th June, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 9th July, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Friday 20th July, Year 6 Leavers Assembly, 9.45am in the village hall
Community News
Harrogate School Sports Partnership Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Cross Country Event. On Saturday 7th October at Harrogate High School. See separate letter sent home to pupils.
-Halloween Spooktacular
Friday 27th October 10am-4pm at Harrogate Squash & Fitness Centre £25.00 for the day for 4-16 year olds. Contact Miss Chloe (Street Dance coach) on 07712 280038 or
-Child Minding Service. From September, a resident in Follifoot, Sarah Diggle-Whitlock will be offering a child minding service who is fully registered. If you would like further details she can be contacted on 01423 579332 or 07754 781240. Email: .
-The Kids of the Castle youth club runs on Friday nights at Spofforth village hall. It is open to all local village children between the ages of 8 (KS2) and 16. It runs 7pm - 8.30pm and costs £3 per child per session, no membership fee. This includes all the activities and a drink and snack.
We also welcome any help from parents or other adults - please get in touch if interested. Email:
The All Saints Kids (TASK)
School lunch menu
16th – 20th October 2017
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayQuorn Tikka Masala & Brown Rice
Broccoli & Sweetcorn
Naan Bread
Sticky Toffee Pudding & Custard
Fresh Fruit & Yoghurt / Homemade Sausage Roll
Chipped Potatoes
Baked Beans & Peas
Sliced Wholemeal Bread
Strawberry Yoghurt & Abbey Biscuit
Fruit & Yoghurt / Minced Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
Roast Parsnips & Carrots
Creamed Potatoes
Crusty Bread
Fruit & Yoghurt / Chicken Fingers (Sage & Onion)
Mixed Salad
Baked Potatoes
Pitta Bread
Orange Shortcake
Fruit & yoghurt / Battered Fish
Tomato Sauce
Peas & Carrots Sticks
Potato Wedges
Sunflower Seed Bread
Chocolate Crispie & Orange Quarter
Fruit & Yoghurt
The weekly menu is subject to the availability of produce and deliveries and may vary slightly. All diets are catered for. If your child needs special dietary requirements, please contact school.