

Director of Energy Projects


Mr. Harpster specializes in the areas of regulatory accounting and ratemaking for electric and gas utilities. He is a certified public accountant and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in Accounting from Central Missouri State University.

Mr. Harpster has twenty-nine years of experience as a public utility regulatory consultant. He has presented expert testimony in more than thirty-five proceedings before the FERC, state commissions in Arizona, California, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio and Virginia, and courts in Arizona, Iowa and Louisiana.


•Technical manager for Overland’s management audit of Public Service Electric & Gas on behalf of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Power Supply) (2010).

•Technical advisor for Overland’s review of EDF’s potential acquisition of substantial influence over Constellation Energy Group on behalf of the Maryland Public Service Commission (2009).

•Technical manager for Overland’s management audit of the Atlantic City Electric Company on behalf of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Power Supply, Electric System Operations and Human Resources) (2008).

•Technical manager for Overland’s audit of the earning of Verizon on behalf of the California Public Utilities Commission (2007).

•Technical manager for Overland’s review of the proposed merger between Exelon and PSEG on behalf of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (2005).

•Technical manager for Overland’s valuation of power plants on behalf of the Virginia State Corporation Commission (2004).

•Technical manager for Overland’s audit of the earnings of Citizens Communications on behalf of the California Public Utilities Commission (2004).

•Project Manager for Overland’s audit of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s administrative and general expenses in two general rate cases (2003 and 1999).

•Technical manager for a multi-year regulatory audit of the Pacific Bell Telephone Company (2000-2003)

•Project manager for a review of power plant valuation methods on behalf of the Arizona Department of Revenue (2000-2001).

•Reviewed the impact of major FASB accounting pronouncements on the valuation of electric and gas utilities on behalf of the Iowa Department of Revenue (2001).

•One of two project managers for Overland’s audit of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s affiliate transactions (1997-1998).

•Technical manager for an audit of the Southern California Gas Company’s performance based management (PBR) incentive rate plan application (1996).

•Project manager for the development of a continuing property records system for a natural gas pipeline (1999-2000).

•Project manager for a review of four electric and gas utility property tax issues on behalf of the Arizona Department of Revenue (1999).

•Project manager for a review of Boson Edison’s transactions with its telecommunications affiliate RCN-Beco Com (1998-1999).

•Project manager for a review of the Tucson Electric Power Company’s proposal to form a holding company on behalf of the Arizona Corporation Commission Staff (1995).

•Project manager responsible for the determination of electric utility cost of service in three Tucson Electric Power Company rate cases on behalf of the Arizona Corporation Commission Staff (1996, 1993 and 1989).

•Project manager for a regulatory compliance audit of the construction and operating costs of Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Pipeline Expansion Project, an $800 million gas pipeline completed in November 1993 (1994 and 1995).

•Project manager for a study of the prudence of the decision of KPL/Gas Service to enter into a firm gas supply contract with the Kansas Pipeline Operating Company (1992 - 1995).

•Project Manager for a review of the Detroit Edison Company’s ten-year special manufacturing contracts with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler (1994).

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•Technical manager for a rate case audit of Transok, Inc., an intrastate gas pipeline (1994).

•Project manager for a focused management audit of the fuel procurement practices of the Big Rivers Electric Corporation (1993).

•Project manager responsible for quantifying damages in bid-rigging litigation concerning the construction of the Cajun Electric Cooperative Big Cajun No. 2 Unit 3 (540 MW coal-fixed generating unit) (1990 - 1993).

•Instructor in a training seminar for the Kentucky Public Service Commission concerning the use of projected test years (1992).

•Project manager for an audit on behalf of the Kansas Corporation Commission of a gas distribution base rate application filed by the Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company (1992).

•Project manager for an audit on behalf of the Kansas Corporation Commission of a gas distribution base rate application filed by the Kansas Power & Light Company (1991).

•Participated in a study of the reasonable original cost of the Zimmer Generating Station which had originally been designed, constructed and abandoned as a nuclear facility and was subsequently completed as a coal-fired facility (1991).

•Project manager responsible for a study of the impact of environmental regulations on the cost of constructing the Palo Verde Nuclear Station, a 3,750 MW nuclear generating station. This analysis was used in connection with a valuation determination for property tax purposes (1991).

•Project manager for several Fuel Adjustment Clause Compliance Audits of Consumers Power Company and Detroit Edison Company (1983 - 1991).

•Project manager responsible for evaluating a wholesale power sale agreement between Century Power Corporation and Tucson Electric Power Company (FERC 1990).

•Project manager for a management audit of the gas production, transmission and marketing functions of the Johnson County Industrial Airport (Kansas) (1990).

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•Project manager responsible for a prudence review of Consumers Power Corporation’s decision to spin-off the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant to a newly-formed affiliate and to buy-back the output of the plant under a power purchase agreement (1990).

•Project manager responsible for a focused management audit of the fuel procurement practices of the Tucson Electric Power Company (1988).

•Project manager of a comprehensive competitive strategy study for a large investor owned electric utility. The study focused on opportunities for cost reductions, including bulk power transactions and power plant operations (1987).

•Project manager for an independent review of the financial plans of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District on behalf of its Board of Directors. The study included a review of power supply options (1987).

•Project manager responsible for the quantification for damages in Southwest Gas Corporation versus Tucson Electric Power Company. The damages study focused on quantifying the impact of the improper construction practices on the cost of a large gas distribution system (1986 - 1987).

•Project manager for a comprehensive construction prudence audit of The South Texas Nuclear Project, a 2,500 MW two unit nuclear generating station (1985).

•Project manager responsible for preparing all accounting evidence filed by the Mississippi Power & Light Company in a series of rate cases (1980 - 1985).

•Participated in a series of Fuel Adjustment Clause Compliance Audits of the Ohio Power Company, the Ohio Edison Company, Dayton Power & Light Company and Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company (1980 - 1984).

Work History

1991 - Present:Overland Consulting

Director of Energy Projects. Responsible for management and regulatory consulting projects, principally in the energy industry. Provides expert witness services in energy utility projects involving decision analysis, damages assessment, ratemaking and accounting.

1983 - 1991:LMSL, Inc.

Vice President. Responsible for energy utility regulatory projects involving decision analysis, damages assessment, ratemaking and accounting.

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1979 - 1982:Drees Dunn Lubow & Company

Senior Regulatory Consultant. Participated in a variety of energy utility regulatory projects in the states of Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio.

1978 - 1979:Arthur Andersen & Company

Staff Accountant. Participated in financial statement audits of various companies, including electric utilities. Other responsibilities included preparation of exhibits for rate filings.


Education:Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, major in accounting, Central Missouri State University, 1978.


Certifications:Kansas CPA certificate # 3326

Presentations:"Regulatory and Accounting Implications of Phase-in Plans", with Howard Lubow, NARUC Biennial Regulatory Information Conference, September 1984.

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