Meeting Held: October 13, 2015

Directors & Staff (P= Present, A= Absent, L=Late, E=Early departure)

Forrest Benson / A / Mike Deck* / P / Mike Hartman* / P / Gene Zambarda* / P
Jim Burke* / P / Jim Golding / P / Andrzej Ogiba / A / Terry Collins / A
Pete Calinski* / P / Tom Halter / P / Mark Walsh / P / Rick Szudzik* / A

* Member of the Architectural Committee

Resident’s Forum:

·  Six residents attended the meeting:

o  One claimed that we did not have the authority to bring the lawsuit, according to her lawyer. She would not name the lawyer.

o  37 Bramhill complaints about the appearance of the property. Photos were emailed to the BoD prior to the meeting. The Architectural Committee will review the property. This is the property that requested to keep a shed because they said Terry P. gave them permission. Their presentation showed other properties that were worse then theirs. The condition of their property seems to have been temporary for the appeal.

o  The Town of Amherst does not have a restriction on how many people can live in a house if they are a family and are not living in the basement. How can one tell if someone is living in the basement?

o  A resident has been in contact with the bank that is foreclosing on 19 Moorgate. The property needs more then mowing. The Architectural Committee will pursue this. Perhaps we will pay our landscaper to correct the problems and bill the bank according to our Declaration.

o  If there are no swimmers at a pool and weather conditions are such that swimmers are unlikely to want to use a pool, the lifeguards can request permission to close the pool. They are paid only for the time they work.

o  Could we consider keeping one pool open after Labor Day? Yes.

The Meeting Was Called to Order at: 7:15 by Mark

·  September minutes approved

President, Mark Walsh:

·  There will be a public meeting October 19 to solicit for uses of various grant funds

·  40 People attended the Flood Control meeting

·  The Town of Amherst upgrade to the culvert at Smith Road and Glen Oak Drive is not complete. The contractor suspended work. The Town is trying to get the work restarted.

Vice President, Gene Zambarda:

·  We recognize that there are a number of properties that are looking pretty bad. We will be taking action as time permits.

·  There is a cluster box that has a deteriorating concrete pad. It was reported by Bill Klein. There is a question about who is responsible. The USPS is responsible for the box but what about the pad?

Treasurer, Jim Golding:

·  We are about $22,000 under budget but 11 of that is a bookkeeping issue. We expect to be right on budget at the end of the year. That will include an addition of about $22,000 to the Reserve Fund.

o  We are $7k under on capitol spending but bills are coming in

o  We are about $4k under spent on legal

·  Jim is pursuing the garnish wage method.

·  According to Section 5.02 (d), if

o  " the owner of the property upon which such Member resides or occupies, is in violation of the
Protective Covenants, Conditions or Restrictions herein or of any of the rules or regulations adopted and promulgated by the Community Corporation;"

o  then the BoD can

o  " suspend any Member's right to use the Ransom Oaks Facilities"

·  By unanimous vote we will add that phrase to the "level 2 and 3" Notice of Violation. [AI#1 Pete]

·  A draft evaluation form has been circulated for the Facilities Managers annual review. Responses should be made within a week. [AI#2 All].

Facilities, Tom Halter (T&K):

·  Liens have been placed on 20 properties

·  So far we have collected over $16k from liens

·  Quotes for remodeling the Ransom Oaks meeting room came at $32k and $43k. Greenwood cost us $16.5k. We will look for more quotes to do the work next year.

·  Perhaps we can get Marcite applied to both Greenwood and Ransom Oaks next fall.

·  Late payment notices will include the name and address of the guilty parties.

·  We will be subjected to an insurance audit for workman's compensation.

Unfinished Business:

·  Andrej has missed three straight meetings.

·  Craig met with the Judge today. He is family oriented and considers $10k or less as appropriate payment from 26 Shady Oaks. Craig will meet with us and then return to the Judge on the 27th.

The meeting closed at 7:50

Next meeting November 9.

Action Items
Action items will remain on the list as long as they are Open
If they become Closed or OBE they will remain one more month so the minutes reflect that
Then they will be eliminated from future month’s minutes
OBE=Overtaken By Events
Number / Assignee / Description / Status
June 2014
2 / Tom H. & Andrzej / Preventive maintenance program for the winter / Open
October 2014
4 / Andrzej / Shower Policy / Open
November 2014
3 / Gene / 23 Doral Court letter / Open
4 / Gene / 18 Woodmoor Letter / Open
7 / BoD + Tom / Welcoming Committee Letter / Open
December 2014
5 / Forrest, Mike / Plan for Improving the courts / Open
April 2015
1 / Mike D. / Town Maintain Courts / Open
September 2015
1 / T&K / Prepare Do/Don't list for guards / Open
October 2015
1 / Pete / Add sentence to Notice of Violation / Open
2 / All / Facilities Managers review form / Open