Sara Says No!
Norman Whitney
Word / Page / Phonetic Spelling / Part Of Speech / Med Star Rating / Definition / Sample Sentence / Translation / Exercisesafternoon / 9 / /ˌɑːftəˈnuːn/ / noun [count] / 3 / the time between the middle of the day and the evening / She usually has a sleep in the afternoon. / 1–5) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
afternoon / angry / bad / business / busy
1) At Christmas, the shops are always ______.
2) When the dog is ______, it bites.
3) She sometimes has a sleep in the ______.
4) The apple was brown and ______.
5) Some men think women don’t understand ______.
angry / 6 / /ˈæŋgri/ / adjective / 3 / very annoyed / Why are you so angry?
bad / 9 / /bæd/ / adjective / 3 / no longer fresh or good to eat / Some of the apples are bad.
business / 7 / /ˈbɪznəs/ / noun [uncount] / 3 / the work of buying and selling products / How is business?
busy / 2 / /ˈbɪzi/ / adjective / 3 / full of people / The restaurant is busy at lunchtime.
cheap / 3 / /ʧiːp/ / adjective / 3 / not expensive / You can buy cheap fruit here. / 6–10) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
cheap / cheat / clean / correct / counting
1) We sell ______clothes.
2) Yes, that is ______.
3) Please ______the tables.
4) It’s wrong to ______.
5) The children are ______the apples
cheat / 7 / /ʧiːt/ / verb / 1 / to treat someone dishonestly / I don’t like people who cheat.
clean / 11 / /kliːn/ / verb / 3 / to remove the dirt and dust in a house / I clean the house every morning.
correct / 7 / /kəˈrekt/ / adjective / 3 / right or accurate / Your answer is correct.
to count / 6 / /ˈkaʊntɪŋ/ / verb / 3 / to calculate how many things there are in a group / He sits at his desk, counting all the coins.
customers / 7 / /ˈkʌstəməz/ / noun [count] / 3 / someone who buys goods or products / Do you have a lot of customers? / 11–15) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
customers / daughter / dishonest / fresh / friendly
1) These tomatoes are lovely and ______.
2) Mister Fruit shouts at his ______.
3) She’s a pleasant, ______girl.
4) It’s important to be nice to ______.
5) I don’t like ______people.
daughter / 3 / /ˈdɔːtə/ / noun [count] / 3 / someone’s female child / Sara is Mister Fruit’s daughter.
dishonest / 10 / /dɪsˈɒnɪst/ / adjective / not honest / You must not be dishonest and cheat customers.
fresh / 3 / /freʃ/ / adjective / 3 / good to eat / Look at that lovely, fresh fruit!
friendly / 3 / /ˈfrendli/ / adjective / 2 / pleasant and helpful towards other people / What a friendly girl!
fruit / 3 / /fruːt/ / noun [uncount] / 3 / a type of food that grows on trees or plants, for example apples and oranges / Look at that lovely, fresh fruit! / 16–20) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
fruit / honest / kilos and grammes / laughing / leave home
1) We weigh all our fruit in ______.
2) Why do you want to ______?
3) They grow ______in the garden.
4) The children start ______when they see him.
5) It’s important to be ______.
honest / 8 / /ˈɒnɪst/ / adjective / 1 / someone who is honest does not tell lies or cheat people / It’s better to be honest than dishonest.
kilo and grammes / 4 / /ˌkiːləʊ ən ˈgræmz/ / phrase / units for measuring weight in the metric system (1000 grams = 1 kilo) / We measure the fruit in kilos and grammes.
to laugh / 14 / /ˈlɑːfɪŋ/ / verb / 3 / to make a noise that shows you think that something is funny / Why are you laughing?
leave home / 11 / /ˌliːv ˈhəʊm/ / phrase / 3 / to no longer live with your parents or family because you are unhappy / Sara is unhappy and wants to leave home.
listen / 9 / /ˈlɪsn/ / verb / 3 / to pay attention to what someone tells you / Please listen to me! / 21–25) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
listen / lonely / market / miracle / parents
1) Only a ______can save us.
2) I buy fruit and vegetables at the ______.
3) Are you ______without brothers and sisters?
4) ______carefully!
5) He is angry with his ______.
lonely / 12 / /ˈləʊnli/ / adjective / 1 / unhappy because you are alone / He has no friends and is lonely.
market / 2 / /ˈmɑːkɪt/ / noun [count] / 2 / a place, especially outside, where people sell food / Do you sometimes go to the market?
miracle / 13 / /ˈmɪrək(ə)l/ / noun [count] / something that is extremely lucky and would not normally be possible / We need a miracle to help us.
parents / 10 / /ˈpeərənts/ / noun [count] / 3 / your mother and father / What are your parents’ names?
picks up
to pick up / 14 / /ˌpɪks ˈʌp/ / phrasal verb / to lift something up from a surface / She picks up a coin from the pavement. / 26–30) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
picks up / polite / proud (of) / say a prayer / scales
1) He’s a nice, ______boy.
2) She ______an orange and looks at it.
3) Weigh them on the ______.
4) She’s really ______him.
5) They sit in the church and ______.
polite / 3 / /pəˈlaɪt/ / adjective / 1 / behaving towards other people in a pleasant way / Be polite to the customers.
proud (of) / 8 / /ˈpraʊd (ˌəv)/ / adjective / 1 / feeling happy about the achievements of someone who is connected to you / Congratulations! I’m proud of you!
say a prayer / 12 / /ˌseɪ ə ˈpreə/ / phrase / to speak to God using special words / I say a prayer before I go to bed.
scales / 4 / /skeɪlz/ / noun [plural] / 3 / a piece of equipment used for weighing things / Put the oranges on the scales.
sell / 7 / /sel/ / verb / 3 / to let someone have something in exchange for money / What sort of things do you sell? / 31–35) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
sell / shouts / strange / touches / understand
1) ______things are happening.
2) He ______the oranges and lemons.
3) Sorry, I don’t ______.
4) Do you ______a lot of fruit and vegetables?
5) He is angry and ______at Sara.
to shout / 11 / /ʃaʊts/ / verb / 3 / to say something in a loud or angry voice / ‘I want to leave home,’ she shouts.
strange / 14 / /streɪnʤ/ / adjective / 3 / unusual or unexpected / What a strange boy!
to touch / 14 / /ˈtʌʧəz/ / verb / 3 / to put your hand on something / She touches the cat gently.
understand / 7 / /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ / verb / 3 / to know how to do something or how something works / I don’t really understand maths!
to watch / 4 / /ˈwɒʧɪŋ/ / verb / 3 / to look at someone or something for a period of time / Why are you watching me like that? / 36–39) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.
watching / weight / work / worms
1) They sit on the sofa ______TV.
2) Ugh! I hate ______!
3) The ______of the pears is two kilos.
4) Where do you ______?
weight / 7 / /weɪt/ / noun [uncount] / 3 / a measurement of how heavy something is / Scales measure the weight of the fruit and vegetables.
work / 7 / /wɜːk/ / verb / 3 / to have a job / He doesn’t want to work in an office.
worm / 9 / /wɜːm/ / noun [count] / a small creature with a long, soft body and no legs / The bird is eating a worm.
Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003
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