Unit IV – Executive Branch Name(s)

Federal Bureaucracy Webquest

The Federal Government is the nation’s largest employer, and also one of the world’s
largest bureaucratic structures. The executive branch makes up the largest share of the
federal bureaucracy; composing the Executive Office of the President,
the 15 Executive Departments, and all of the 150+ Independent Agencies.
Big Idea
Executive departments help make Americans’ lives better, and as a citizen you need to know about the government services available to you!

Research an Executive Department or Independent Agency

q  Research your chosen bureaucratic group; answering all of the questions listed on the reverse side.

a.  Use this link to find websites: http://www.loc.gov/rr/news/fedgov.html - DO NOT use Wikipedia.

q  Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation on this bureaucratic group for your classmates.

a.  If your presentation is less than 2 minutes, you will receive a 50% deduction on your final assignment grade.

b.  You may prepare your presentation using PowerPoint.

c.  Be creative – make your presentation interactive and engaging.

List of Bureaucratic Groups

1.  White House Office

2.  National Security Council (NSC)

3.  Department of State

4.  Department of the Treasury

5.  Department of Defense

6.  Department of Justice

7.  Department of the Interior

8.  Department of Agriculture

9.  Department of Commerce

10.  Department of Labor

11.  Department of Health and Human Services

12.  Department of Housing and Urban Development

13.  Department of Transportation

14.  Department of Energy

15.  Department of Education

16.  Department of Veterans Affairs

17.  Department of Homeland Security

18.  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

19.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

20.  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

21.  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

22.  Federal Reserve System

23.  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

24.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

25.  Peace Corps

26.  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

27.  Selective Service System

28.  Social Security Administration

29.  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

30.  U.S Postal Service (USPS)

Research Questions:

1.  Selected Bureaucratic Group:

2.  When established? (year)

3.  Name of the secretary / head of the group.

4.  Executive Office of the President, Executive Department, or Independent Agency? (See chart in Chapter 15, Section 1 for help)

5.  What is the mission statement?

6.  What does this bureaucracy do?

7.  Historical significance: Why was it established? In what way(s) has this group been important since its establishment?

8.  Describe its organizational structure

9.  Why is this bureaucratic group significant to the Executive Branch…and YOU?

10.  2 interesting or surprising facts you learned when research this group.