Workshops and Educational Product Training Sessions
Workshops and educational product training sessions are available only for registrants attending Thursday and/or Friday of the CVAA conference. There is a fee of $70 for the afternoonworkshop and no additional fee for the educational product training sessions in the morning. No refunds will be made after September 26, 2008. You must register with CVAA for all workshops and educational sessions. Space is allocated on a first come, first served basis. Once all spaces have been reserved, a waiting list will be established. If you have pre-booked a space and find that you are unable to attend, please ensure that you cancel your booking with CVAA in order that another registrant may take your place.
09:00 – 12:00
Challenges in Vascular Access
Presented by: TBA
Sponsored by: 3M
Fee for workshop: No additional fee
Ultrasound Tips
Presented by: Mamta Bhakta, RN,Clinical Specialist, Bard Canada Inc.
Sponsored by: Bard Canada Inc.
Fee for workshop: No additional fee
Dispelling the Myths – Vascular Access and Its Confounding Factors
Presented by: Sherri Keller, RN, CVAA (c), ENC (c)
Clinical Education Specialist, Vascular Access
Sponsored by: BD
Fee for workshop: No additional fee
13:00 - 16:00
CVAA Education Session
Collaborating on Early Assessment of Vascular Access: Pilot Project and Outcomes
Presented by:
Susanne Nelson, RN, BScN, MN, CVAA(c), UHN &
Sherri Keller, RN, CVAA (c), ENC (c), BD
Fee for workshop: $70 / 15:30 - 17:00
CVAA Certification Exam
CVAA offers a certification process to encourage professional growth and credential CVAA members working in vascular access. The certification exam is an objective test that covers the basic elements in intravenous therapy. Check CVAA’s website ( for further details.
18:30 - 20:30
ExhibitsWelcome Reception
Early Conference Registration
07:30 - 08:00
Conference Registration (Coffee, juice, pastries served)
08:00 - 08:30
Conference Welcome
Opening Remarks/CVAA Board Presentations/Awards
08:30 - 09:30
Plenary Speaker
Title TBA
Kathy Kokotis, RN, BS, MBA, Bard
Sponsored by: Bard
09:45 - 10:45 Concurrent Sessions(3 selections)
You must pre-register with CVAA for the following sessions:
1.Hypodermoclysis in Long-Term Care
Linda Dacres, LTC Rapid Response Team
2. Adult Parenteral Nutrition:InHospital andAtHome
Olivia Saqui, RN, UHN
3.Safer Health Care Intervention
Debra McAuslan, RN, London Health Sciences Centre
11:00 - 12:00
Annual General Meeting (for CVAA members only)
11:00 - 13:00
Exhibits(walkaround lunch 12:00-13:00)
Poster Presentations
13:15 – 14:15
Plenary Speaker
More than Divine Vision: Improving Vascular Access Outcomes with Ultrasound
Janice D. Scharf, MRT, RDMS, BSc, Sonosite Canada
Sponsored by: SonositeCanada / THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2008 (continued)
14:30 - 15:30
Concurrent Sessions (3 selections repeated)
You must pre-register with CVAA for the following sessions:
1. Vascular Access by the RPN: An Untapped Resource
Dianne Martin, RPN, RN, BScN, Executive Director, RPNAO &
Brenda Mundy, RPN, RN, Professional Practice Facilitator,
Southlake Regional Health Centre
- “Eyes” on Your Fingertips: Ultrasound and the Vascular Access
Janice D. Scharf, MRT, RDMS, BSc, Sonosite Canada
Sponsored by: SonositeCanada
3. The At Home Experience: Vascular Access in 2008
Sarah Burns, RN, BHScN, CCHN(C), CarePartners &
Sue Wideman RN, CHPCN(C), Clinical Nurse Educator,
15:45 - 16:45
Concurrent sessions above repeated
Calea Tour (15:45 to 17:30 including travel time)
(Attendance is limited - Sponsored by Calea)
See How Patient Specific Home Intravenous Medications are Produced
You are invited to tour Calea’s Mississauga facility. As the exclusive home infusion service provider for many CCACs in the Toronto and surrounding area, Calea is the largest provider of patient specific home IV meds in Canada. You are welcome to observe the processing of orders through our Customer Service Centre; view our state of the art pharmacy compounding facility as well as tour our warehouse and shipping areas. Light refreshments will be served.
18:30 – 20:00
Buffet Dinner
20:00– 21:30
Entertainment – Meg Soper, Nurse Comedian / FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2008
08:00 - 08:15
Conference Registration(Coffee, juice, pastries served)
08:30 – 9:30
Plenary Speaker
Intravenous Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine
Maureen Horne-Paul, ND
9:45– 10:45
Concurrent Sessions (3 selections repeated)
You must pre-register with CVAA for the following sessions:
1. We Are Talking the Talk But Are We Walking the Walk?
Sharon Armes, RN, CVAA(C), Senior Clinical Education
Coordinator, Bard Canada Inc.
Sponsored by: Bard Canada Inc.
2. Patient-Centred Approach to Vascular Access
Cailin Skelly, Patient-Centred Care Facilitator, UHN
3. Intravenous Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine
Maureen Horne-Paul, ND
11:00 – 12:00
Concurrent sessions above repeated
12:15 – 13:45
Plenary Speaker (lunch provided)
Avoiding Storms With Patient-Centred Care: Assisting Patients, Families and Health Care Professionals in Difficult Decision-Making
Maryse Bouvette, RN, BScN, MEd, CON(C), CHPCN(C)
Coordinator, Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultation Service, Palliative Care Program, SCO Health Service
Poster Presentation Award
14:00 – 15:00
Concurrent Sessions (3selections)
You must pre-register with CVAA for the following sessions:
- Swell and Swirl: The Assessment and Management of
Maryse Bouvette, RN, BScN, MEd, CON(C), CHPCN(C)
2. Oncology Infusion
Pauline Hamilton, RN, CVAA(C), Juravinski Cancer Centre
Sponsored by: Sanofi Aventis
3. Patient Education: I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know!
Teresa Harper, RN, BSN, MN
Patient Education Specialist, Hamilton Health Sciences
Corporate Memberships
Hoffman LaRoche
3M Health Care
Calea, Covidien & Marchese Health Care
Sponsors (at time of printing)
3M Health Care
Bard Canada Inc.
Hoffman LaRoche
Exhibitors (at time of printing)
3M Health Care
Angus Medical
Bard Canada Inc.
Baxter Corporation
BD Medical
Canadian Blood Services
CardioMed Supplies
Cook Medical
McArthur Medical Sales Inc.
Medex Canada Inc.
Omega Medical
Smiths Medical Canada Ltd.
Sonosite Canada
This conference is intended for all nurses and allied health care workers wanting to learn more about
dealing with the challenges associated with IV therapy. / Notes to Registrants
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel for the conference. The conference rate is $149 for a single or double room. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the Doubletree International PlazaHotel no later than September 21, 2008. In order to obtain the $149 room rate please ensure that you book under the Canadian Vascular Access Association (CVAA) conference. After September 21, 2008, the hotel may not be able to guarantee room availability. A first night deposit is required and is refundable if reservation is cancelled 48 hours prior to arrival. Any questions concerning our reservation should be directed to the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel at 416-244-1711 or 1-800-668-3656. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Should you require late check-out, please request this at check-in time. To upgrade your room please contact the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel.
Receipts for conference registration fee will be issued at the conference.
Registration includes: Wednesday evening early registration reception, continental breakfast, lunch and buffet dinner on Thursday, continental breakfast, lunch on Friday, and refreshments.
For further information about the conference please see our website at Applications received after September 26, 2008 will have a surcharge. The Doubletree International Plaza Hotel is conveniently located just five minutes from Toronto’s InternationalAirport, is one of Toronto’s largest convention facilities. The InternationalPlaza offers a number of quality restaurants: Harry’s Bar, Alfredo’s (Italian cuisine), Grand Chinese Cuisine and Ginko’s; health and fitness facilities with two indoor water slides, a pool, and three hot tubs. / Tax Deduction
The Ministry of Employment and Immigration has certified CVAA as an educational institution under Section 118.5 and 118.6 of the Income Tax Act. Deductions may be applied if fees exceed $100.
CVAA Board of Directors 2008
President Chair, Constitution & Policy Committee: Angele Caporicci, RN, CVAA(C)
Susan Watson, RN, NCA, CVAA(C)
Treasurer and Chair, Finance Committee:
Marie McDonnell, RN, BScN, CVAA(C)
Chair, Marketing and Communications Committee: Diane Sharp, RN, CVAA(C)
Chair, Professional Practice Committee:
Susanne Nelson, RN, BScN, MN, CVAA(C)
Martha St. Pierre, RN, BScN, CVAA(C)
Bonnie Van Veen, RN, CVAA(C)
Industry Representatives:
Eva Nemeth, RN, Calea
Elaine Tardiff, RN, 3M Health Care
Canadian Vascular Access Association
685 McCowan Road
PO Box 66572
Toronto, Ontario M1J 3N8
Telephone: 416-696-7761
Fax: 416-696-8437
2008 CVAA Conference
O c t o b e r 15-17, 2008
Come to CVAA’s 33rd Annual Conference
with more exciting features than ever!
extended conference time with 2 full conference days and a pre-conference day
over 20 speakers
over 20 plenary and concurrent presentations
over 20 exhibitors
fully sponsored lunches and dinner
an opportunity to write the CVAA certification exam
internet café
great evening entertainment
lots of opportunity to network
Doubletree International Plaza Hotel
655 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1J4
Telephone: 416-244-1711 or