JUNE 6, 2016

7:00 PM Village Room

President Vailliencourt called the regular meeting of the Manchester Village Council to order at 7:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Council members present: Andrews, Woods, Dresch, Way, Chartrand and Vailliencourt. Council members absent: DuRussel. Also present were Manager Wallace, Clerk Schaible and Kathy Schmidt (Manchester Young Guns).

The minutes of the May 16, 2016 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Dresch, seconded by Woods.

AGENDA – The agenda was approved as amended deleting: 10.Treasurer’s Report; Committee Reports 11A)Sheriff; 11B)Solid Waste Recycling; 11D) Planning; 11F) Healthy Communities; 11G) Joint Planning; 11H) Building; 11I) Personnel; 11J) Finance; and 12.Closed Session on a motion by Woods, seconded by Dresch.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION- Kathy Schmidt, representing Manchester Young Guns, presented a resolution for a charitable gaming license and a letter of determination from the Internal Revenue Service recognizing the group under IRS Code section 501(c) (3). A motion was made by Dresch, supported by Woods, to adopt the Local Governing Body Resolution for Charitable Gaming License with regards to the Manchester Young Guns. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.


SPRING STREET PROPERTY SALE- Wallace presented the ordinance required to authorize the sale of municipal real property. He explained it had been written by the Village attorney and that the legal description will be confirmed by Washtenaw County. A motion was made by Chartrand, seconded by Dresch, that Ordinance No. 295- Authorizing Sale of Public Lands and Grounds within the Village of Manchester be adopted. Roll call vote: ayes-Chartrand, Dresch, Andrews, Woods, Vailliencourt. Way abstained. Motion passed.

VILLAGE WEBSITE- Schaible presented the estimate from Moxie Graphics to design a new Village website. She reported that Sue Maher, of Moxie Grafix, had met with her and Jane Randolph to discuss the process and needs of a new website. The meeting was informative and Schaible is comfortable with either Moxie Grafix or IT Right working on the website. A motion was made with Andrews, seconded by Dresch, that the estimate from Moxie Grafix be accepted. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.

AECOM CONTRACT- Wallace noted that additional meetings will be scheduled to discuss added Main Street Bridge engineering costs. He and Vailliencourt reported having met with the Brighton TSC and AECOM regarding the Spartan claim of differing site conditions. Forced account estimates based on observation of the boring subcontract work will be developed for discussion at their next meeting.

Public Hearing

FY 2016/2017 Budget

At this time, 7:45 PM, President Vailliencourt called to order the public hearing to hear comments regarding the FY 2016/2017 Budget. Hearing none, she closed the public hearing at 7:46 PM.

Council continued to discuss the possibilities of additional costs and the agreement process with regards to the Main Street Bridge.


FRANK’S PLACE LLC LIQUOR LICENSE- Vailliencourt reported that the Downtown Development Authority had voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resolution to approve Frank’s Place LLC, application for an on-premise liquor license at 104 E. Main Street. Wallace reported that the owners are committed to fulfilling the requirements to obtain the license and feel it is critical to their business success. He noted that the license is valid only for Franks Place, LLC and only at that location. A motion was made by Andrews, supported by Chartrand, that Resolution No. 16-0606C -On-premise Liquor License, Franks Place, LLC, 104 E. Main St. be adopted. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.

LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ESTIMATES- Vailliencourt reported that a local volunteer had weeded the M-52 sitting area. Mulching is still needed at all beds and weeding at the other beds. Vailliencourt suggested that defined criteria be set up for bids for next year. A motion was made by Way, supported by Chartrand, that $2000 be authorized to weed and mulch the beds by June 30 at the latest. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion passed.

COUNTY DRAIN REPAIRS- Wallace presented Washtenaw County Drain Commission options to repair the Sharon Manchester Drain Extension through the Village. He reported that there are several failures of the 1916 drain and that 25% of the cost would fall to the Village. Property owner meetings will be scheduled as more information becomes available.

SESQUICENTENNIAL BUDGET- Dresch presented information from Ray Berg regarding possible events and budget amounts for next summer’s sesquicentennial celebration. Council agreed that a $10,000 contribution from the Village is unrealistic and that more information from the committee is needed to determine the financial need.

BUDGET ADOPTION- A motion was made by Way, seconded by Dresch, that the FY2016/2017 Budget be adopted as presented. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.

MILLAGE RATE RESOLUTION- A motion was made by Way, supported by Dresch, that Resolution No. 16-0606-Millage Rates be adopted setting the FYE 2017 total millage rate at 16.4896 mills to be allocated as follows: 10.6496-General; 2.2612-Streets; 0.6019-Parks; 1.9993-2010 Bond Refund; 0.9776-Main St. Bridge Bond. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion passed.

WATER & SEWER RATE RESOLUTION- A motion was made by Dresch, seconded by Chartrand, that Resolution No. 16-0606B setting FY 2016/2017 service rates as follows: water usage-$3.05 per thousand gallons; water ready to serve-$7.26 per month; sewer usage-$3.61 per thousand gallons; sewer ready to serve-$16.53 per month, be adopted. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.

CORRESPONDENCE- Council acknowledged the following correspondence: None

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – Council reviewed the payables list. A motion was made by
Dresch, seconded by Chartrand, to approve for payment the list dated 06/06/2016 totaling $112,830.04. Roll call vote: ayes-all. Motion carried.


PARKS- Chartrand reported that trash is being left on and around the fields, bleachers and play area of Kirk Park after ball games. She suggested that 2 or 3 more trash cans be located at Kirk and ChiBro Parks and that the issue be addressed with Manchester Area Youth Sports.

DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY- Vailliencourt reported that she had delivered a letter asking for volunteers to help with specific downtown events on Thursdays during the summer to 45 businesses. She reported that no downtown businesses responded to the request. She and Ruth VanBogelen will do what they can to make some of the events possible. The funding was granted through Washtenaw County’s Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper program.

DPW REPORT- Wallace presented the report.

MANAGER REPORT- Wallace presented his report. He added that the sidewalk at the Duncan Street Bridge and the steps at the Library had been repaired sooner than expected and that a mailer regarding the “Come Out & Play” and “Walk with Ease” programs would be forthcoming.

Way noted that the trash and recycling cans in front of the Flower Garden were not being put away after pick-up. Wallace will notify Deputy Wallen. Council discussed the gap in the Main Street Bridge railing noting that 6 inches is the State standard for bridges even though 4 inches is the building standard for residential deck railings.

There being no further business, President Vailliencourt adjourned the meeting at 9:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Schaible, Clerk