Teaching with Technology: Best Practices from Classroom Teachers
Workshops 110:30 – 11:30 / Workshops 2
11:45-12:45 / Workshops 3
1:45 – 2:45 / Workshops 4
3:00 – 4:00
1. Beyond Reader Rabbit: Technology in the Pre-K and K Classroom
The Town School
Odette Muskin, Head of the Nursery-Kindergarten Division,
Suzanne Perreault, Head Kindergarten Teacher,
Yuko Abe, Head Pre-Kindergarten Teacher,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Other: Gross/Sensory Motor
Early Childhood (PK-K) / 10. Digital Art
Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School (LREI)
Carin Cohen, 7th and 8th grade Art teacher,
Title/topic of your session
Middle (5-8) / 19. Giving Your Elementary Students Their Blogs
The Dalton School
Monica Edinger, 4th Grade Chair,
Ellen Nickles, technology teacher, Jennifer Kirsch, associate
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8) / 28. Site-Specific Sculpture: creating the sculpture and a visual presentation for a commission
Bank Street School for Children
Roberta Berman, Shop/Sculpture teacher,
History/Social Studies
Other: public service
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)
2. Claymation with IMovie
Churchill School and Center
Wendy Semsel, ES Computer Teacher,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8) / 11. Strategies for Teaching with the Smartboard
The Browning School
Giurissa A. Félix, Spanish Teacher,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 20. "Can we write about this?" Edublogs as a Classroom Communication Tool
The Churchill School
Lisa Fischler, Learning Specialist,
English/Language Arts
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 29. Make the best of what's around: implementing low-cost solutions to deliver a first-class student experience
Saint Ann's School
John Connolly, Science Faculty / Science Technology Coordinator,
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)
3. Technology in Science
Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School (LREI)
Sherezada Acosta, Middle School Science Teacher,
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 12. Online Oceanography Labs and Investigations
Canisius High School
Gregory, Garzon, Science Teacher,
Upper (9-12) / 21. Lights, Camera, Take Action: Documentaries in the Classroom
King Low-Heywood Thomas
Jeri Hurd, Library Media and Technology Specialist,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 30. Moodling to the Max - Teaching with Interactive Activities using Moodle
Friends Seminary
Tim Cooper, 7-12 Technology Integrator,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)
4. Leveling the Playing Field: Using Assistive Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Albany Academies
Alex Brosowsky, Director Center for Teaching and Learning / Learning Specialist,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 13. PowerPoint Virtual School Tour with 6/7 year olds
Corlears School
Janet Gross, School Librarian/Educational Technologist,
English/Language Arts
Lower (1-4) / 22. A Social Network of the Gods: learning history through social interaction
City & Country
Rebecca, Kaye, XIIs Group Teacher (7th Grade),
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8) / 31. Weaving Technology into Your Morning Meeting
The Dalton School
Camille Ehrenberg and Deborah Bingham, First Grade Head Teacher,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4)
5. Integrating Podcasts into Your Lessons
The Browning School
Giurissa A. Félix, Spanish Teacher,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 14. Integrating Computer Techology into Teaching Chinese As A Second Language
Spence School
Cynthia Chiu-Hua Ho-Donaldson, Chinese Teacher,
Foreign (World) Language
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 23. Explorando Nueva York: Modern Language & Tech Classes Team Up to Explore Identity
The Calhoun School
Josephine Salvador, Director, School & Society Initiative,
Andres Richner-Maldonado, Technology Teacher and Middle School Technology Coordinator
Foreign (World) Language
Other: interdisciplinary study
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 32. The Hamlet Project
Marymount School of New York
Marie O'Brien, English Department, Marie_O'
Tanya Priber, Technology Integrator
English/Language Arts
Upper (9-12)
6. From Pixel to Paper -Creating “Day of the Dead” Banners In Adobe Illustrator
City & Country School
Ian Klapper, Technology Teacher,
History/Social Studies
Middle (5-8) / 15. SmartBoard Use in Judaic Studies and Hebrew Language
Ramaz Middle School
Miri Rubon, Technology Coordinator,
Foreign (World) Language
Other: Judaic
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8) / 24. Technology Integration with Google Earth
Ethical Culture Fieldston, Lower School
Charles Vergara, Technology Integrator,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4) / 33. ScreenCasting - Alternative Assessment in Middle School
The Town School
Reshan Richards, Technology Coordinator - 6th and 8th Grade Math Teacher,
English/Language Arts
Foreign (World) Language
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4)
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)
7. Sixth-grade Newspaper
Albany Academies
Mary Ellen McQueen, Grade 5 and 6 English Teacher,
English/Language Arts
Middle (5-8) / 16. Blurring Boundaries: Using the internet to build bridges across geographical, economic, and cultural spaces
Poughkeepsie Day School
Trace Schillinger, English Teacher/ English Department Chair, p[f
English/Language Arts
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 25. Using TinkerPlots to Model Data
Ethical Culture Fieldston School - Fieldston Lower
Michael Wilkinson, Math-Science Teacher,
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 34. Beyond a Whiteboard: What is available for math classes equipped with a Smartboard?
Brooklyn Friends School
Fanny Sosenke, K-12 Math Coordinator,
Middle (5-8)
8. The livescribe(tm) Pen: Accommodation or Teaching Tool
Darrow School
Linda Taylor, Director of Tutorial,
Other: learning skills
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 17. Integrating Technology into the Teaching of Poetry: My Favorite Poem Video Project
The Chapin School
Mara Taylor, Chair, Upper School English Department,
English/Language Arts
Upper (9-12) / 26. Teachable Moments in Popular Media
Canisius High School
John Zachritz, Science Teacher,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Upper (9-12) / 35. Using the smartboard for middle school math
The Hewitt School
Sara Mallett, Middle School Math Teacher,
Middle (5-8)
9. Using the Smart Board to create Lessons that take into account different learning styles
The Calhoun School
Erika Zamfirescu, Mathematics/Computer Science Teacher,
Upper (9-12) / 18. Using computer based probes and sensors to collect and analyze data
Ethical Culture Fieldston School - Fieldston Lower
Michael Wilkinson, Math-Science Teacher,
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12) / 27. Releasing Your Inner Artist- Integrating Art and Technology into the Classroom Curriculum
The Dalton School
Karen Bass, Technology, Scotia Daugherty, 3Rd grade teacher, Laura Zanes, Art Teacher,
English/Language Arts
History/Social Studies
Lower (1-4) / 36. Introduction to Photoshop
The Hewitt School
Stephen Rose Upper School Studio Art Teacher,
Digital imagery
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)
37. Using Video and Podcasting in the World Language Class
Hewitt School
Rafael Velez-Medina, Teacher of Spanish, Middle School,
Foreign (World) Language
Middle (5-8)
Upper (9-12)