October 26, 2011

Tom Mueller, Chairman, called the meeting of the Plan Commission to order at 7:14 p.m. Kevin Mataczynski called in for an excused absence. Members present included,James Hampton, Christine Nykiel, Tom Steele,Laura McGucken andLee Benes. Zoning Administrator Dan Dziadosz was also present.

MINUTES: Motion by Mr.Steele, seconded by Mr. Hampton, to approve the September 14th, 2011minutes. Motion carried.


NEW BUSINESS: American International Developers LLC, represented by CWE, requesting special use approval in accordance with RMMC Sec. 17.056(8) to fill and grade an area over 4,000 square feet and 500 cubic yards, on the vacant lot previously addressed as 2400 Rib Mountain Drive (corner of Goose Lane & Rib Mountain Dr.), aka Lot 1 CSM # 14259. PC Docket # 2011-19; parcel # 34.032807.014.025.00. Mr. Hooshang Zegami of Central Wisconsin engineers appeared representing the project, and described the changes in FEMA mapping that require the approval to fill some additional areas. Staff explained all of the approvals required, and that this was the first step of several to get approval. This project areas was previously approved for filling and preliminary UDD approval.

Motion by Mrs. McGucken, seconded by Mr. Steele, to approve the special use request of filling as requested, subject to getting all other necessary approvals. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARINGS: American Tower ( & A.T. & T., and Northway Communications), requesting conditional use approval for an outdoor generator installation in accordance with Rib Mountain Municipal Code, Section 17.056 (8)(x) – Detached energy systems. Legally described as a part of the SE SE Section 22, T28N, R7E; parcel # 34.222807.016.001.00; also known as 7700 Mosinee Tower Road. Plan commission docket # 2011-18. Mr. Christopher Flick of American Tower appeared to describe the request, which is essentially hundreds of feet away from any residences, and will be the second generator on this site. In addition, there will be sound attenuation measures taken.

Motion by Mr. Steele to recommend approval of the conditional use request, was seconded by Mr. Benes, and carried.

Lokre Property LLC, and RJG Empires, LLC., requesting conditional use approval for a change of use from indoor maintenance to indoor commercial entertainment in accordance with Rib Mountain Municipal Code, Section 17.056 (4)(h). Legally described as Lot 1 of CSM # 10738, Vol 44, Pg 188. Also known as 4605 Lilac Ave. Parcel # 34.142807.006.024.00; PC docket # 2011-17.

Mr. Bob Gajewski appeared representing RJG, and described in detail the request to create the “Mountain Garage Bar & Grill” operation that he is proposing. His contractor (Don Masoni) and the property owner, represented by Victor Anderson, were also present to support the request. The proposal is to substantially improve the existing truck maintenance garage and convert it to the bar and grill. New additions include cooler space and a band room as well. Mr. Gajewski stated that this will be a family owned and run business with attention paid to proper operations, especially using security personnel on a regular basis.

Three to four times per year special bands would entertain, as well as Halloween and New Years being special events. A substantial improvement to the facility is proposed over the next year, including landscaping and paving next year. A rendering was shown, describing the checkerboard racing pattern accents on a galvanized resided building, catering to the sports and racing fans. The building would look somewhat like the Red Eye Brewery in downtown Wausau.

The nearest residence is over 500 feet away, and landscaping buffers as well as an entry way buffer will be added. The building will be re-insulated for sound attenuation.

Chairman Muellner questioned the report by our Streets and Park superintendent. Parking, storm water, and sidewalk are being requested to be addressed. An off site parking arrangement is required for the special events, which will require getting people between the lots. An infiltration basin has been added to address storm water. The storm water plan was designed by REI.

Staff recommended going through the staff report to formulate the conditions of approval that would form a developers agreement. The commission then went through a lengthy discussion on the staff report items.

Motion to recommend approval of the Mountain Garage Bar and grill conditional use for an indoor entertainment use was made by Mrs. McGucken, seconded by Mr. Steele, and carried, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Confirmation by our engineer that the storm water and sidewalk issues are being properly addressed.
  2. Subject to a parking agreement in writing regarding any excess parking needs for special events or overflow parking, for seven annual events or less, with the number to be reviewed by plan commission in 12 months. ANY public nuisances created would be addressed as public nuisances by code enforcement.
  3. Staff report items 7, 8, & 9, regarding signage, lighting, and landscaping, shall be complied with.
  4. A written developer’ agreement describing the conditions as well as security measures being provided by the developer.

Next the Plan Commission discussed having agenda items under old business on the November 9th agenda.

Under correspondence staff advised of two e-mails that had come in regarding the new “Becca’s” restaurant and Cell-Com (at Kryschak’s) – which may become a variance request. The plan commission concurred that Becca’s sign did not meet the intent of the code as a wall sign.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Steele, seconded by Mrs. McGucken, and carried.

Meeting Adjourned 8:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Dziadosz, acting secretary.