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In The Beginning PreSchool "ITBS"

What will the church do to help the existing community members and families who are displaced by the TC4 decision? IE the hardship of finding a new school because the Faith UMC preschool isn’t a good choice anymore.

We believe ITBP remains an excellent choice among all preschools.

If parents pull children out of preschool for the rest of the year and or next year, will ITBP be able to survive. Is there a possibility that our beloved teachers would lose their jobs?
How is this helping a community when this could possibly shut down a preschool and people could lose their jobs?

Faith UMC has guaranteed that the current teacher contracts will be paid through the end of this school year. ITBP will open in September for SY14-15.

Youth Ministry

Student Ministries

Student ministries seeks to create a safe and fun environment where students grades 6th-12th can find common ground, be accepted for who they are, and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus in their world.

When We Meet:


Middle School (6th-8th grade) Sunday School: 9am, Talbert Living Room


Youth Group (6th-12th grade): 6:30pm, Talbert Living Room

Upcoming Events:

Youth Band Kick-off: Sunday, February 14, following the 10:30am service in the sanctuary.

Contact Information:

Leslie Moreno, Youth Director


Phone: 425-392-0123

To sign up for the weekly parent/student email please go to:

Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Come share fun, fellowship, and faith with your brothers from the church and our community. Each year we have several events that are a combination of social time and meaningful discussions on all kinds of topics about life, family, friends, love an about being a man of faith in the 21st century.

It is a great way to get to really know the Men of Faith Church.

Music Ministry

Welcome to the Music Ministry at Faith Church! Here at Faith Church we worship through many different styles of music. With everything from the classic works of Bach to the contemporary works of Michael W. Smith and everything in between, we aim to deliver a meaningful worship experience for all ages and backgrounds.

We would like to invite everyone to participate in the music program here at Faith Church, so come SING or PLAY with us!

Faith Church Music Ministry Ensembles:

Sanctuary Choir

Sings a variety of anthems, including traditional, gospel and contemporary.

Rehearsals Tuesdays, 7- 8:15pm.

Age 14 and up welcome.

Faith Walk

Praise band that primarily leads the congregation in song every Sunday as well as sharing anthems.

RehearsalsTuesday after Choir practice.

Mercy Blues

Our Mercy Blues Men periodically share a song or two with their distinct blues/country sound.

Rehearsal times vary.

For questions about any of the above ensembles or any other matter regarding the Music Ministry please contact : Pam Sloane at or Emily Cowgill at .

Worship Support

Faith Church desires to promote the spiritual development of the Faith community by providing a spiritually focused and aesthetically nourishing environment for worship through:

·  Altar Care

·  Altar Flowers

·  Communion Service

·  Sanctuary Banners

·  Scripture Readings

·  Seasonal Decorating

·  Ushers

We welcome volunteers and hope that you will consider joining us in one of our many ministries.

For more information, please contact:

Karen Gladhill: