Name ______English 1A

All Quiet on the Western Front: WWI Powerpoint Assignment

Directions: Using the online databases on the Media Center’s website and/or credible online websites (NOT WIKEPEDIA or a personal blog site), research your WWI/All Quiet on The Western Front topic. Such resources include: American History Online, History Study Center, Encyclopedia Britannica Online, etc. You may print any articles you intend on using for your Powerpoint project in the computer lab during class time. You must use a minimum of 1-2 online articles or websites for your project and cite them properly in a Works Cited page to be included in your Powerpoint. You will then present your project to the class on the assigned date.

*Avoid using WIKIPEDIA or other websites unless they come from a scholarly site *

Powerpoint Research Task:

1.  Create a Powerpoint Presentation that includes:

·  1 cover page that includes: your name, English 1 Academic, my name, our block/day, and the title of your topic with a graphic of your choice

·  5 slides of bulleted information (avoid using large graphics on these slides). Keep your bulleted points brief and concise- you do not need to use full sentences or paragraphs. If you need to elaborate during your oral presentation, you may use note cards to help you, but keep your Powerpoint clear and concise so it is easy to follow for the readers in class! J

·  (*Hint- use 32 pt. font for each slide)

Each of the 5 informational slides mentioned above must include:

o  A heading that pertains to the topic on each particular slide

o  32 pt. font or larger

o  Clear, concise, bulleted points (no paragraphs or long sentences!)

o  A dark colored font with a light background or light font with a dark background, (Use of transitions and other effects is optional)

*Hint- do not use a photo as a background! Make sure your colored background doesn’t make it difficult to read the content on each slide.

·  1 slide with a quotation from All Quiet on the Western Front that goes along with your topic. Explain the significance of the quote briefly in 1-2 sentences. Your quote must be cited properly and use TIQA format! Ex: (Remarque 100)

·  1-2 slides of pictures pertaining to your topic with a heading at the top of the slide (Ex: Bayonets and Knives)

·  Optional: You may choose to show the class a BRIEF Youtube video that goes along with your topic if it is relevant. (2-3 minutes at most)

·  Works Cited slide (bibliography in alphabetical order) that includes a proper MLA citation of all articles/sources used for your research + All Quiet on the Western Front (Remember, the novel is the source of your quotation).

(Refer to handout on MLA Works Cited pages that we will discuss in class)

*Hint: You may use to help you create your works cited page!

Powerpoint Presentation:

Present your Powerpoint orally to the class using the computer in our classroom. You will only be given 5-7 min. to present your topic, so you do not need to read every bullet on your slide. Only read what is most important. As you present, the class will take notes on your topic and hand in notes for a participation grade.

Evaluation Rubric:

___/100 pts.: Powerpoint Presentation components

-  Completion of all specified slides including graphics, cover page, and informational slides

-  Content/Clarity/Organization is thorough and precise

-  Visuals/Graphics enhance the content of the project and are relevant and interesting

-  Works Cited List follows MLA citation rules and uses at least 1-2 sources + All Quiet on the Western Front

___/ 25 pts.: Oral Presentation

- Speaker is knowledgeable about topic

- Presentation has been rehearsed

- Speaker makes eye contact and doesn’t rely too heavily on notes

___/ 10 pts.: Notes taken during Presentations

- Notes are to be taken during each presentation (to be collected after each person has presented)

- Notes include at least 3-4 bulleted facts per project presented

Name ______

WWI Research Topics

1.  Weapons used in WWI

2.  Trench-Warfare

3.  Causes that led to WWI

4.  The Western Front during WWI

5.  Soldier’s equipment, gear, uniforms, etc. during WWI

6.  Germany’s role during WWI

7.  How is gas used as a biological weapon in WWI? (What types of gas are used, and what are their effects?)

8.  Women’s roles during WWI (in the war and/or at home while men were at war)

9.  Nurses’ roles during the war

10.  What is the Lost Generation? What brought about this name and who does it refer to? What was life like for this so-called “Lost Generation” after the war?

11.  The US’s involvement in the war

12.  The writer, Ernest Hemingway, and his literary impact on society post-WWI

13.  Research Helen Burrey’s diary of 1917. Summarize the information that you find.

14.  Erich Maria Remarque- the author of the novel. What was his experience in the war and how did it relate to the novel?

15.  The role of doctors on the battlefield during WWI

16.  Military Positions for German officers/soldiers during WWI (ranks, responsibilities, etc.)

17.  German Propaganda during WWI (including posters and advertisements)

18.  Key Battles on the Western Front (describe at least 3 battles in detail)

19.  Other (ask teacher for approval of topic) ______

List your TOP THREE choices out of the topics listed for this assignment:



3.  *List the topic you least prefer: ______