
SPDG Program Area Meeting

OSEP Project Directors’ Conference

August 1, 2016 – 4:00-6:00 PM

4:00 – 4:10 Welcome, Program and Department Information

Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D., Project Officer, SPDG Program Lead, OSEP

4:10 – 4:20 General Updates: SPDG Professional Learning Communities

John Lind, Ph.D., Coordinator, Signetwork

4:20 – 5:10 3-2-1 Discussions


·  Sustainability

o  Continued funding sources after grant has ended

o  Continued support of practices within existing structures

o  Administrative visibility and priority on core features of to reduce “drift” from implementation fidelity

o  Ensure use of data and feedback systems for continuous improvement

·  Alignment

o  Alignment of SPDG with other key initiatives (e.g., SWIFT, SISEP, PBIS, CEEDAR, SSIP, Equity Plans, alternate achievement standards, revisions to teacher evaluation, Race to the Top)

o  Alignment or braiding of District initiatives with SPDG work (e.g., fitting existing work in the district/schools with the broader SPDG)

·  Using your program measure data to change your SPDG processes (decision rules and continual improvement)

·  Regional discussions

o  Implementation in large urban settings

o  Implementation in rural settings

·  Communication and marketing of the SPDG

·  Promoting family engagement in SPDG initiatives

5:15 – 6:00 Communities of Practice Meetings

·  Coaching

o  Reflecting on our community

o  Problem solving discussions on Systems Coaching


o  Reflecting on our community

o  Future topics and directions

·  SIM

o  Developing a topics list/agenda for 2016-17 quarterly meetings.

§  Resources to be posted

§  Appoint an organizer

·  Evaluator ISC (Information Sharing Community)

o  Introductions

o  Review of administration and organization of the ISC

o  Planning for the SPDG Ntl Meeting in October

Non Community Member Topics

·  Project management for SPDG activities

·  Managing priorities

6:15 – 8:00 SPDG Night

·  SPDG projects, partners and friends join up to socialize at Bar Civita