
This guide specification is intended to be used by a qualified construction specifier. It is not intended to be used verbatim as a project specification without appropriate modifications for the specific use intended.




A.  Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to Work of this Section.

B.  Section Includes:

1.  High Solar Reflective Index for integrally colored concrete.

2.  Curing of High Solar Reflective integrally colored concrete.

C.  Related Sections:

1.  Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete" for general applications of concrete and coordination of sample submittal [and color selection].

2.  Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for colored sealant for joints.



Other useful publications about integrally colored concrete include:

PCA PA124 - Finishing Concrete Slabs with Color and Texture.

PCA SP021 - Color and Texture in Architectural Concrete.


A.  American Concrete Institute (ACI):

1.  ACI301 "Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings."

2.  ACI302 IR "Recommended Practice for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction."

3.  ACI 303.1 "Standard Specification for Cast-In-Place Architectural Concrete."

4.  ACI304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing of Concrete."

5.  ACI305R "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting."

6.  ACI306R "Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting."

B.  American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

1.  ASTM C309 "Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete."

2.  ASTM C979 "Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete."

C.  American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO):

1.  AASHTO M194 "Chemical Admixtures."


A.  Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s complete technical data sheets for the following:

1.  Solar Reflective Integrally Colored High SRI Concrete Treatment.

2.  Curing compound for Solar Reflective concrete.

B.  Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's selection charts showing full range of selections available.

C.  Qualification Data: For firms indicated in "Quality Assurance" Article, including list of completed projects.


A.  Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer holding patents or patent pending technology for high-SRI concrete treatments with 5-years of experience in the production of integrally colored high SRI concrete products.

B.  Installer Qualifications: An installer with 5 years of experience with work of similar scope and quality.

C.  Comply with the requirements of ACI301.

D.  Obtain each specified material from same source and maintain high degree of consistency in workmanship throughout Project.

E.  Notification of manufacturer's authorized representative shall be given at least 1-week before start of Work.

F.  High Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Integrally Colored Concrete Mockups:

1.  Provide under provisions of Division 1 Section "Quality Control."

2.  Mockup must be completed 5 weeks prior to field production of High Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Integrally Colored Concrete at location on Project selected by Architect or Landscape Architect, mockup shall be a 10feetby10feet area.

3.  For accurate representation, the quantity of concrete mixed to produce the sample should not be less than 3cubic yards (or not less than 1/3the capacity of the mixing drum on the ready-mix truck) and should always be in full cubic yard increments. Excess material shall be discarded according to local regulations.

4.  Construct mock-up using materials, processes and techniques intended for use on permanent work, including curing procedures. Include samples of control, construction, and expansion joints in sample panels. Mock-up shall be produced by the individual workers who will perform the work for the Project.

5.  Retain samples of cements, sands, aggregates and color additives used in mock-up for comparison with materials used in remaining work.

6.  Accepted mock-up provides visual standard for work of Section.

7.  Mock-up shall remain through completion of work for use as a quality standard for finished work.

8.  Remove mock-up when directed.


A.  High Solar Reflective Index Integral Coloring Treatment: Comply with manufacturer's instructions. Deliver colored admixtures in original, unopened packaging. Store in dry conditions.


A.  Environmental Requirements:

1.  Schedule placement to minimize exposure to wind and hot sun before curing materials are applied.

2.  Avoid placing concrete if rain, snow, or frost is forecast within 24-hours. Protect fresh concrete from moisture and freezing.

3.  Comply with professional practices described in ACI305R and ACI306R.

B.  Schedule delivery of concrete to provide consistent mix times from batching until discharge. Mix times shall meet manufacturer’s written recommendations.


A.  One week prior to placement of Integral Coloring Treatment for High-SRI Concrete, a meeting will be held to discuss the Project and application materials.

B.  It is suggested that the Architect, Landscape Architect, Engineer, General Contractor, Construction Manager, Subcontractor, Ready-Mix Concrete Representative, testing agency, and a Manufacturer's Representative be present. Minutes taken and distributed to all attendees.


A.  L.M. Scofield Company, Douglasville, Georgia and Los Angeles, California (800) 800-9900 or the appropriate local contact: Eastern Division – 201-672-9050; Western Division – 323-720-3020; Central Division Office – 630-377-5959.

B.  No substitutions permitted. No known equal. Patents and patent pending technology are incorporated in this specification. All materials must be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: US 7,815,728; US 8,157,910; US 8,366,824; US 8,632,631 or patent-pending.


A.  High Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Colored Admixture for Integrally Treated Concrete: SOLACHROME® Integral Coloring Treatment for High-SRI Concrete, L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY.

1.  Treatment shall be a High Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Colored Admixture for Integrally Treated Concrete containing no calcium chloride with coloring agents that are limeproof and ultra-violet resistant.

2.  High Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Treatment shall conform to the requirements of ACI303.1, ASTMC979.

3.  Admixture shall conform to the following Solar Reflective Index (SRI) Laboratory Test Values. The minimum (SRI) value for any selection shall conform to the LEED Requirement of a minimum value of 29.

4.  Note: SC4286 Cold Front does not meet the LEED minimum SRI value when made with gray cement.

Solar Reflectance Values
Color Name and Number / SRI Value made with White Cement / SRI Value made with Gray Cement
Quicksilver SC4271 / 56 / 33
Cool Bimini SC4272 / 83 / 37
Sago Palm SC4273 / 54 / 33
Caribou SC4274 / 54 / 32
Moonstone SC4275 / 63 / 36
Cayman Dream SC4276 / 68 / 38
Laguna Beach SC4277 / 67 / 34
Amethyst Ice SC4278 / 64 / 34
Rose Quartz SC4279 / 60 / 32
Cool Brick SC4280 / 55 / 30
Coco Bay SC4281 / 57 / 30
Cool Canyon SC4282 / 56 / 31
Iced Tea SC4283 / 55 / 31
Cool Taupe SC4284 / 56 / 30
Sunstone SC4285 / 56 / 33
Cold Front SC4286 / 35 / 25*

B.  Curing for SOLACHROME® Integral Coloring Treatment for High-SRI Concrete: Curing shall be performed either with a membrane-forming curing compound to comply with ASTM C309 and be of same manufacturer as colored admixture, for use with integrally colored concrete; or non-staining kraft paper.

1.  Curing Membrane shall be SCOFIELD® Cureseal-W™ (Clear); L.M. Scofield company. Use to cure exterior flatwork.

2.  Kraft Paper shall conform to ASTM C171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.

C.  SUBSTITUTIONS: The use of products other than those specified will be considered providing that the Contractor requests its use in writing within 14-days prior to bid date. This request shall be accompanied by the following:

1.  A certificate of compliance from material manufacturer stating that proposed products meet or exceed requirements of this Section, including meeting the Laboratory Test Values for the Solar Reflective Index, (SRI).

1.10  Selections

A.  SOLACHROME® Integral Coloring Treatment for High-SRI Concrete shall be [ ] as noted in the plans and on the L. M. Scofield Selection Guides, SIC-CC, SICT-SBC, SICT-SWC, SICT-PNWC or SICT-UPC.

B.  The color of the cement and cementitious materials shall be: [Gray] or [White] as selected by architect or Landscape Architect


A.  Minimum Cement Content: [______] sacks per cubic yard of concrete.

B.  Slump of concrete shall be consistent throughout Project at 4-inches or less. At no time shall slump exceed 5-inches. [If super plasticizers or mid-range water reducers are allowed, slump shall not exceed 8-inches.]

C.  Do not add calcium chloride to mix as it causes mottling and surface discoloration.

D.  Supplemental admixtures shall not be used unless approved by manufacturer.

E.  Do not add water to the mix in the field.

F.  Add colored admixture to concrete mix according to manufacturer's written instructions.



A.  Install concrete according to requirements of Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete."

B.  Do not add water to concrete mix in the field.


Retain subparagraphs below for finishes applicable to Project. Delete finishes not used.


C.  Surfaces shall be finished uniformly with one of the following finishes:

1.  Broomed: Pull clean dry broom across freshly floated concrete to produce a broomed texture in lines perpendicular to main line of traffic. Do not dampen brooms.

2.  Swirl: Float concrete. Work float flat on surface using pressure in swirling manner to produce series of uniform arcs and twists. [Use aluminum or magnesium float to produce medium texture.] [Use wood float to provide coarse texture.]

3.  Rock Salt: Trowel concrete. Then sprinkle coarse rock salt on concrete and press into surface leaving only tops of salt grains exposed. After 24 hours, wash salt away with water and brush. Allow surface and impressions to dry before applying curing compound.


Curing shall be performed either with a membrane-forming curing compound to comply with ASTM C309 and be of same manufacturer as colored admixture, for use with integrally colored concrete; or non-staining kraft paper.

1.  Curing Membrane shall be SCOFIELD® Cureseal-W™ (Clear); L.M. Scofield company. Use to cure exterior flatwork.

2.  Kraft Paper shall conform to ASTM C171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.



As with any natural material, some variation in appearance is a normal design feature of concrete, whether integrally colored or not. It is normal for the color of integrally colored concrete to lighten as it cures; allow up to 28 days for process to occur.


A.  Minor variations in appearance of integrally colored concrete, which are similar to natural variations in color and appearance of uncolored concrete, are acceptable.


© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission from L.M. Scofield Company.